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Adventure Australia Life in Paradise: Barbarossa Principessa
Adventure Australia Life in Paradise: Barbarossa Principessa
Adventure Australia Life in Paradise: Barbarossa Principessa
eBook160 Seiten51 Minuten

Adventure Australia Life in Paradise: Barbarossa Principessa

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Principessa, the Berlin Author and Filmmaker, "I don't think much about Violence but with violence you can achieve a lot", Barbarossa, the Munich Natural Health Professional, Engineer and Film Director, half a century later back on track, with the greatest love story of the century. Where Romeo and Juliet stops, Adventure Australia starts and Barbarossa and Principessa achieve a lot with the greatest love. With Golden snow, they wake up in Sydney and struggle with the Grosstadt jungle. You get rid of the old world, explore the new world and live in a world beyond the world. Adventure life in the rain forest, Mega Party in Asiana, Pirates of Queensland, big fish. Venice, infinite love, together forever. Free body and mind, lost everything? Principessa rescues Barbarossa from hell. They float in the sky with BornWild, Frantic and Coccinele as hippies in Aussie and they live their dreams.
Erscheinungsdatum28. Sept. 2014
Adventure Australia Life in Paradise: Barbarossa Principessa

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    Adventure Australia Life in Paradise - Gabriele Martha Mauch


    Principessa, the Berlin Author and Filmmaker, I don’t think much about Violence but with violence you can achieve a lot, Barbarossa, the Munich Natural Health Professional, Engineer and Film Director, half a century later back on track, with the greatest love story of the century. Where Romeo and Juliet stops, Adventure Australia starts and Barbarossa and Principessa achieve a lot with the greatest love. With Golden snow, they wake up in Sydney and struggle with the Grosstadt jungle. They get rid of the old world, explore the new world and live in a world beyond the world.

    Adventure life in the rain forest, Mega Party in Asiana, Pirates of Queensland, big fish. Venice, infinite love, together forever. 

    Free body and mind, everything lost?

    Principessa rescues Barbarossa from hell. They float in the sky with BornWild, Frantic and Coccinele as hippies in Aussie and they live their dreams.

    Chapter 1 Play Immigration Australia

    1988 Principessa  wants to experience the world and enjoy freedom

     New Zealand magical, Australia wow. Greyhound bus from Sydney to Cairns, hop on and off, one highlight chases the next, Byron  Bay, Fraser Island. Build a Christmas snowman with white sand on the beach and jump at night naked into Lake MC Kenzie. Rush through the sanddunes into Lake Wobby. Whales and dolphins goggle. Sailing the Whitsundays.Celebrate new year's Eve  at  Cape Tribulation.  Rain forest and the Great Barrier Reef, diving in Cairns, coral and fish. Jump at midnight  in the pool with champagne, feels great. Island hopping, Lady Elliot, Dunk Island and Hinchinbrook Island. Island hiking with Backpack, no parachute. It is a pure natural spectacle. Darwin, jumping crocodile country, tropical nights, thunderous waterfalls, Billabong water holes. Swim with the crocodiles. Ur-feeling in the infinite Arnhem Land. Perth, fascinating isolation, right, left, up, down, almost no one there. Dolphins to stroke, white beaches, tall trees, and wines. Down through the middle to the Red Centre, no roads, Uluru and Kata Tjuta, red desert racing. Great Ocean Road, Melbourne, Wilsons Prom, Tasmania, Cradle Mountain, Wineglass Bay, Australian Icons. Mt. Field, Lake St. Claire, there was no one there. The country, empty, many snakes around, only nature and animals and you and almost too much freedom. Timeless, life in paradise, live a dream world, in the dream time. Back in Berlin, the dream bubble bursts, a nightmare, not long, not forever.

    Fast forward...

    one way ticket  Munich Bangkok Phuket Sydney

    Barbarossa and Principessa start a new life. Should it be called immigration or step into a new world or break out or should it be disembarking elsewhere and be boarding. Time is ready for a new world, the old world is left behind. Two people put away their things in the new millennium and take a little bit with them. It is snowing outside and snow is inside them. The last 10 DeMark bill is burned. A final cold shower can do no harm. We float on clouds to the airport. The face is numb from the cold and from snowflakes in the nose. At the check in it is getting colder, everyone wants to find snow, the blood freezes in the veins. We defrost on board with champagne and take off to heaven, up and up. Summer, down under we are coming and we take a little bit of snow in us.

    Skydive Phuket and the New Year's Eve party in the new life can begin

    We arrive in Sydney with 2 suitcases, a permanent resident visa in the pocket and with quite a lot of nothing. What’s up, what to do? First things first. Let's start  with the simplest task. Let's check in at Kings Cross and drop off the cases. What comes next? We are looking for an apartment, should be located in Sydney city centre. We look up the newspaper, flats seem to be seemingly cheap, deceptive, rental price is per week not per month. What to do? You must write your fingers sore for hours and fill out papers, reveal your life. Pass a rental exam, 100 points must be reached, references from all around the world, with all telephone numbers required, ID check and double check and personality scan. What is the current address?  Well, none at the moment, that's why we are looking. Later, we find out, that a call to our friend Ray, who confirmes the truth and confirms that you're really you and good, makes your day in the new flat. We unpack the suitcases at the 24th floor of the Victoria tower, overlooking Queen Victoria Building.

    What a great feeling...

    You fight yourself through the city and win a great new life, you fulfil your dream. Are we complete? We look up the newspaper and choose a job. Can't hurt, what should it be? Just nothing complicated, nothing qualified, something anyone can do. Kitchen hand, Dishwasher, Sandwich hand or Coffeemaker. Doesn't work out, no experience, no work experience in small bake buns to show off. We have some new ideas. How would a modelling career or a career as a security guard work out?  Strange things happen. Security training, they rather not employ  you as a bouncer, they kick you out of training due to lack of language skills, even though you already paid for it. The French model photographer who takes photos of you will never pay you.

    What a strange feeling...

    We wanted to do something, that everybody can do and not the same as before, take it easy, just for a change. Infighting, turf wars, in the small area, it is getting tight, we lose the war. In the simplest small world we cannot land and not prove ourselves and we cannot tear anything apart. Take a look at the horizon and go back to television and they wave Barbarossa and Principessa in.

    You must sit down, prove yourself and familiarise. Although of old iron and a lot of experience, you can reach nothing with paper, curriculum vitae and references in this country. You have to prove yourself.

    What should you do? 

    Get on the nerves of all TV Stations and prove yourself, how long does it take to belong to the inventory and know where the toilet is. Sweating fingers are pre-programmed. We are really tough. Tough times to survive in the new life. Work at night, transmit TV, cut and direct and tag the Aussie language, sleep on the run. Flawless work of course expected and it is in your own interest, no pleasure to fill out a mistake novel, fault report in Aussie English terminology. Who under stands the Australian slang. It requires a fare duration. The Aussies are so proud of their accent and ask you when you get rid off your German accent…. Request declined. There are more beautiful sounds in the world. We are proud of our German accent and sound, we have that in common with the French, those are obvious accents, not easily immitated.

    A German French adventure

    Let’s talk about understanding, in 12 hours at the TV station a lot of Aussie slang comes along, it is to be understood and is not understood. This is a tough country from the beginning, no weakness, always smile, until you get over and done with it. Nice smile, nice face, put on the cloak of invisibility, be nice and say thank you for everything, even if you're not to blame for anything. You quickly learn from the Aussies, they understand everything, but they do not get along with each other and they never admit an error. They always blame the others, they never admit anything, they rather lie till the bars break. The country has many impostors and pretenders, the country needs new people.

    A big misunderstanding, your supervisor invites you for a cuppa coffee. You feel honoured and you look forward to the fun. However, the boss planned everything from the ambush, pulls the knife out, stabs you in the back and asks you about your expertise. The coffee gets cold and you've learned a new Aussie lesson, backstabbing.  Exam passed, he pulls his knife out.

    Well done, welcome to the television station, Barbarossa broadcasts and directs, Principessa cuts and is editing and produces films. The new chain, the you are valid passport around the neck. The TV station is pleased, pays for the best made in Germany qualification half the price, we are pleased too and we all laugh out loud, a typical win-win situation.

    What a proud, high, fantastic feeling...

    Mission accomplished, a new life with high feelings. Twenty thousand kilometres away from the old life. Same same but different. Munich, Sydney, you walk in Munich into the TV Station, transmit yourself to Sydney and you step out in Sydney as a Sydneysider. What about understanding and die Verstänigung and the privilege in this country? Lost in translation or cruising along? Two people two ways. Have it both ways. The one learns earlier, the other later, easy rider or hard rider. Principessa has done her homework already in 1996, with the IELTS test for the permanent resident visa. Barbarossa must suffer right now and operate heavily handed and catch-up.

    Are we now complete?

    Language learned and understood what the Aussies say, just not what they mean. We continue with mentality and cultural language.

    What a misunderstood feeling...

    In Australia they love the Point System, regardless of what, how, when and why... rent, mortgage, opening an account, Visa, performance review, the job and the complaint sheet. The more points the better. Points are to collect, maximum points are to be reached and you can achieve a lot. No chance to achieve anything otherwise. You go up with the points and you move up the food chain.

    What a pointless feeling...

    The right points are needed to stay  permanently in the country. Easier said than done. Principessa checked out the country 25 years ago...would be nice to stay here. There are ways and means. Why not ask for a permanent residence visa, to open the gate to down under. Language check, age check, qualification check, work experience check, health check, police check. Each achieved point costs money too. The required number of points to the gateway down under is traded at the stock exchange and changes daily. Buy and sell at the right time is required. Principessa almost succeeded, but on the day of the trade, the points  go up and points are missing. Luck runs out. She discovers the error. The points for her master studies were evaluated incorrectly in Australia. It can't be right, injustice must be balanced and aligned and the Australian error must be pointed out. Principessa, a picture of creative persistence. She demonstrates patience and understanding. They're far away from the rest of the world and time delayed, out of touch. That’s not fair, unfair. Correction, permission, the Government in Canberra has to set it straight and do the right thing for Australia to get them right  in the international comparison and competition.

    Points awarded:

    25 point for age, 20 English, 70 qualification, should produce 115. Unfairly demoted and she gets only 100 points.

    Uli and Gunther help and say they know one in Parliament. The battle of Justice and for the rest of the world begins. Principessa brings the matter before Parliament. The worry can take time until they may reflect and do the right thing and seal the point trade and give Principessa her right. Win as a winner and defeat the rest of the world. 115 points achieved, got it right.

    What a glorious feeling...

    Principessa has opened the Aussie world to many people with a lot of perseverance. She conquered not only herself but also provides others with access to the country. Schwaben Frank who lives in Tassi, got his visa points, he does not know why.

    What an ironic feeling...

    Barbarossa takes it easy, he is simply entitled to come along with Principessa to the other end of the world. Ends good, all is good, one does the homework beforehand, the other does it in the country. Welcome to the new millennium.

    What an exciting feeling...

    Lived Sydney from many perspectives, many beds in the city. Victoria tower  24th floor, opposite Victoria Building, six months, flat nice, manageably empty, we buy the bare necessities. A mattress, a table and two chairs. At some point our landlord Minki comes along and has the idea, we could polish old furniture from his warehouse and put it in the flat for free. Why not? We clean and scrub, and wax, excited and happy, proud of the results and we invite him. We get hooked, the rent goes up,  the apartment is now furnished. Who would have thought that furniture restoration has a hook. The Chinese are smart, nice and torn. We didn’t put up with it. We pulled out. We carry our own stuff from A to B. Next residence in the Chelsea, on the 12th floor, excellent view towards Darling Harbour, you can still walk to work and see the daily grind from the window. The traffic under us is a little bit too loud, the story is over after six months. 

    The top cracker is right, Barbarossa and Principessa climb to the peak in China town, on the 38th floor with famous views of Darling harbour, tennis court, gym, swimming pool, hot tub, barbeque on the roof. Madness, gigantic penthouse, sunset from the deck, gourmet cuisine, elegant lobby with fountains of wealth, Sydney fish market next by, Haymarket down under us, Asiamarkt and cinema, boutiques and souvenirs. We're happy in the middle of the city. Reside on the 38th floor, so high above. Planes close to touch, within your reach. We don’t fly back.

    What a high feeling...

    Impression Sydney

    New Language learned, bite yourself through, job search,  other culture, understand Australians and their kind, conceive the land and atmosphere,  experience, understand everything, compare a lot. Fascination live abroad, be entitled in Sydney, good climate, great city, beautiful beaches, be valid, have big jobs, promotion Moulin Rouge produced, Bondi  Beach, Sydney, Darling Harbour and Sydney Opera enjoyed, skyscrapers, new smells, a other language, feel alien and conquer a

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