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Adventure Havana
Adventure Havana
Adventure Havana
eBook43 Seiten23 Minuten

Adventure Havana

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Principessa, the Berlin Author and Filmmaker, "Adventure Australia Life in Paradise", Barbarossa, the Munich Natural Health Professional, Engineer and Film Director, half a century later back on track, with the greatest Amigo story of the century. Where Romeo and Juliet stops, the Amigo soul starts in Havana and Barbarossa and Principessa achieve a lot with the greatest soul.
Erscheinungsdatum17. Juni 2015
Adventure Havana

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    Adventure Havana - Gabriele Martha Mauch

    Wednesday 14/5/2014

    8 am, train to Frankfurt airport, sparkling wine, salmon gourmet, duty free, whisky tasting, Russian from Siberia, has lived in Colombia and Paris. A lot of fun together and we entertain ourselves. She has studied environmental engineering, speaks many languages, German, English, Spanish, we mix together through all the languages and have lots of fun. Condor flight, Bombay Gin and vodka for free and for nothing, and we brought our mouth water along. Celebrations, life enjoyed. 50 percent professionals and 50 percent posers on the plane. Principessa has cardiovascular problems at the airport in Habana, after the flight. First contact with Cuba, all help out and take care of her. Entry into the country worked well. Habana, here we are, we get a taxi with taxi driver Andi to Bellevue Hotel, Deauville.

    Most important question

    Que es lo mas importante en la vida para ti?


    Super atmosphere in the taxi, Spanish, music, photos together, very cordiale encounter. Hotel Deauville, at the check in very funny at the bar, great room

    sea view, huge, noble, room 1307, 13 floor, and at the famous waterfront promenade Malecon underneath and the best view over the city. Centrally located all within walking distance. Hover above. The night enjoyed, the first one in. La Habana with the best view of Habana. Sip whisky on the balcony in best mood.

    Thursday 15/5/2014

    Bad sleep, loud at night, breakfast, super fruits, eggs, vegetables, toast, omelet, and so on, very positively surprised from the surrounding and what surrounds you, good enough for the whole day. Views from the room over Habana enjoyed, best weather, smooth sea, blue water. Cuban rum bought at Hotel, Cuba, aged 7 years in barrels and a city map too, to do so. Good mood. On the waterfront first Cuban rum enjoyed and the city. Move on, people are friendly and cordial and the city is quiet impressive. Linger on benches

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