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Celtic Celts: Barbarossa Principessa
Celtic Celts: Barbarossa Principessa
Celtic Celts: Barbarossa Principessa
eBook38 Seiten13 Minuten

Celtic Celts: Barbarossa Principessa

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

Principessa, the Berlin Author and Filmmaker, "Adventure Australia Life in Paradise", Barbarossa, the Munich Natural Health Professional, Engineer and Film Director, half a century later back on track, with the greatest Celtic story of the century. Where Romeo and Juliet stops, the Celtic soul starts in France and Barbarossa and Principessa achieve a lot with the greatest Celtic soul.
Erscheinungsdatum2. Nov. 2020
Celtic Celts: Barbarossa Principessa

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    Celtic Celts - Gabriele Martha Mauch

    October 31 Celtic Celts

    Celtic magical life all inclusive

    Back to the roots

    Sitting on the Celtic throne

    Magical and holy nature spirit


    Artistic styles

    Celtic castle on top of a hill

    Magical forest animal trees

    Dominant culture

    Excellent warriors

    Live of the land

    Physically bigger

    Double-edged iron sword no mercy

    Skilled craftsmen and superb artisans gold gold gold

    Equality woman and men

    Philosophy wisdom traditions

    Tune with the rhythms of nature

    Honor based warrior society

    Straightforward and not of evil character

    Grand gourmet feast

    Champagne wine beer

    Clever and brave

    Real Europeans


    8000 years History

    Superior sophisticated

    Nature balance

    Hell of a good life

    Gourmet life style

    Deep Celtic roots where we life

    Celtic ideas that’s us that’s it

    Belong to a proud Celtic tribe

    Our inherited Celtic crown keeps living for ever

    Woe to the vanquished!

    October 28 Dynasty

    Dedicated designed distinct definitely royal history and name

    Seek out the family tree blood line

    Deepest roots

    Big bold and gutsy

    Ancestry famous name glory

    Oldest longest history in a special place

    Strongest fundamental

    Greatest heritage living pleasure

    Biggest good

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