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Human Being Horny
Human Being Horny
Human Being Horny
eBook46 Seiten17 Minuten

Human Being Horny

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Über dieses E-Book

Written in Fürth between 2012 and 2015, "Human Being Horny" is the ninth in the series of ten books featuring what is sometimes referred to as Western Haiku.
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Erscheinungsdatum6. Feb. 2019
Human Being Horny

Joseph B. Raimond

Born in 1962 in Omaha Nebraska in the United States, Joseph B. Raimond was the son of a US Air Force officer. After living in such diverse places as Laon France, three different places in Virginia, Denver Colorado, Dayton Ohio, Darmstadt Germany, and finally Los Angeles California, Joseph B. Raimond moved to San Francisco California where he studied art, with an emphasis on ceramics. After completing his Bachelors degree in 1985, he moved to the Fuerth Germany area, where he has lived ever since, refusing to ever move again! He completed his Masters degree in the spring of 2009 in Humanities, focusing on the interaction between various forms of art and expression. He built a house in the year 2000, complete with a painting atelier and recording studio, where he is able to work on his painting, writing and recording projects. Besides many exhibitions óf his paintings in Paris, San Francisco, Munich, Koeln, Berlin and his hometown area of Fuerth, Germany, he has under the collective name Doc Woer Mirran published almost two hundred recordings of his audio art and music. He has also written more than thirty books, most of which feature his punk-rock inspired form of writing. Pulling no punches, everyone and anyone can become a target of his politically inspired poetry, his favorite victims often including republican and other right-wing politicians, television evangelists, reality shows, lame pop icons and arrogant jazz guitarists.

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    Human Being Horny - Joseph B. Raimond



    Spitzwiesenstr. 50

    90765 Fürth





    READ TWENTY (MT-619)

    Printed by BOD

    In de Tarpen 42

    D-22848 Norderstedt



    First printing 2019

    MIRRAN THOUGHT is the publishing arm of Mirran Threat, a company devoted to releasing the music and writings of the various members of Doc Wör Mirran. Mirran Thought and Mirran Threat are both divisions of MT Undertainment.

    These pieces were written in Fürth,

    Germany between 2012 to 2015.

    As always, in loving memory of Frank

    Abendroth and Tom Murphy.

    Dedicated to Holger Czukay

    For my beautiful Conny

    Cover art Human Being Hornyby

    Joseph B. Raimond, oil on canvas and wood, 2010.

    This is DWM release Nr. 166


    A soft summer rain

    Ruining my dry laundry

    But I’m not mad

    Has routine taken root?

    Like all the weeds I battle

    In my perpetual garden war

    Give me a sign of life

    Give me a sign of your love

    My most powerful battle weapon

    Butterfly, landing on a flower

    Do you share my sorrows?

    Do you understand my problems?

    A poet sitting in the sun

    Risking a sunburn

    For a bit of inspiration

    It just doesn’t matter

    It just doesn’t matter!

    In the end, it just doesn’t matter

    Never really woke up

    From my afternoon nap

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