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Dude Time: Barbarossa Principessa
Dude Time: Barbarossa Principessa
Dude Time: Barbarossa Principessa
eBook97 Seiten40 Minuten

Dude Time: Barbarossa Principessa

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Principessa, the Berlin Author and Filmmaker, "Adventure Australia Life in Paradise", Barbarossa, the Munich Natural Health Professional, Engineer and Film Director, half a century later back on track, with the greatest Dude story of the century. Where Romeo and Juliet stops, the Dude soul starts in Portugal and Barbarossa and Principessa achieve a lot with the greatest soul.
Erscheinungsdatum23. Juni 2020
Dude Time: Barbarossa Principessa

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    Dude Time - Gabriele Martha Mauch

    June 22 Home and away

    The grass is always greener on the other side...

    new exciting experiences.

    Move on come on dwell on.

    Get on get up get ahead.

    Explore your unlimited possibilities.

    Come home go away come home again and feel home everywhere in the world. Take off same same but different.

    Dudes spontaneously hammock around, ridicule themselves and the world.

    Dream Time call

    June 21 German green grass is greener

    Coming back to Germany how does it feel like?

    Like a big surprise!

    Germany is amazingly relaxed and does the right thing.

    The feeling is fucking free and peaceful and best mood. Best weather green and fruity.

    A walk in a park. Easy easy ...

    Astonishing accurate arrogance.

    Why not?

    After all !!!

    June 20 What ever it takes what difference it makes

    How long does it take?

    Hang on hold on let it go keep going no hold in sight.

    Fricktion Fraction Action fast forward ?!

    Something is supposed to be happening.

    Get up get out get along...

    Slaughter save as good as it gets !!!

    June 19 Exciting tunnel times

    Tunnel through tunnel times, get through the tunnel and don't die.

    Tunnel from A to B you never knew when and where the the tunnel ends.

    Control and conquer difficult tunnels and tunnel out.

    Imagine the tunnel...how does it feel and what does it mean to you?

    At the end happy easy lucky tunneled, from one tunnel to the next tunnel.

    Fuck and survive the tunnel !!!

    June 16 Dudes

    Dude geniality dude dudes fly around and around at dude times as long as flights are dude. No dudes pay big bugs for not much.

    Don't be a stupid dudeless.

    Dudes do it dude along dudes do the world. Stay save stay dude. Dude duration unlimited.

    Timeless dudes, dudes don't work, dudes enjoy themselves, dudes live, stay dude, cheers to all dudes.

    Dudes have a dude plan, extremely dude, know what they are doing, lucky dip dudes.

    Dudes reach out for the sky and reach the Stars. Dudes live dangerously, surf dudes surf unlimited. Dudes have plenty and too many ideas what to do, that's what dudes do.

    Dudes love being in between worlds inside and outside. Dudes enrich worlds and are enriched by the world. Dudes blend into all different worlds with real dudes and have a dude plan.

    Let's stick together dudes.

    Dudes don't think twice, dudes have no worries and sing along.

    Durable dudes dudes are ruthless and rude, dudes piss on ordinary bores with boring life and no mojo.

    Get rid of all non dudes.

    Real dudes stay real to each other.

    Duded up !

    Dudes are famous for doing nothing and for doing everything what they want.

    June 16 Bye bye Portugal

    8 fantastic amazing months, we gonna miss you and Madeira.

    Pack up unpack step in step out keep going coming back and come back.

    Does it exist or doesn't it exist.

    Discard everything be against everything have the right wicked way.


    Free vagabonds endlessly free in the new freedom. Voluntarily hidden freely outdoors freely hidden. Voluntarily happy and free a celebration a fiery free celebration.

    June 10 Life in Transit

    Alles ist gut sowieso

    We live a free life and move around freely, free on forever free endless routs and roads wild and free

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