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Musclebuilding Counselor: straight to gainz
Musclebuilding Counselor: straight to gainz
Musclebuilding Counselor: straight to gainz
eBook65 Seiten31 Minuten

Musclebuilding Counselor: straight to gainz

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Über dieses E-Book

Want to be successful? Power sports are part of your life? You want to shape your body and build muscles? Do you want that as soon as possible? No problem!
This book will help you.

You will learn:

how muscle building works in the first place

What muscles need to grow

What you should consider

How your workout is best

What your training workload should look like

Which supplements really help

What role protein really plays

What you should eat after training

And much more

This book collects all important information for an athlete from personal experience, science and studies. It shortens your path to a muscular body.
Let it! And then get to the iron!

I wish you every success in sport.

Erscheinungsdatum22. Aug. 2019
Musclebuilding Counselor: straight to gainz

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    Musclebuilding Counselor - PLG Glasner


    Muscle building counselor

    This is how you build muscle - physiology, training and nutrition


    Muscle building, or the increase in muscle mass, also referred to as the muscle cross-sectional enlargement, in science also called muscular hypertrophy, is probably the dream of every man. We all want to sustainably build musculature to a certain extent. Show me one of the likes is perceived as a dash.

    Whether you've purchased this book because you're starting out and want to learn the basics of building muscle, if you're an athlete with years of experience who has simply been interested in this topic for years, or a person who is currently in college the training routine has not made any progress. Even if you are still undecided whether you want to start building muscle, or for your girlfriend want to steel your body. This book has been written for all friends of muscle sports:

    In addition, it contains both recipes for mass monsters and for people who want to be more defined or their goal is to lose fat.

    History of muscle building

    In the 80's the topic of muscle building was a priority for bodybuilders. Building muscle mass is one of the most common training goals in the gym today. The reasons to build muscle vary from person to person.

    Many of those who practice weight training do so for aesthetic reasons. So, with the aim to give the body a sporty, dynamic or wiry structure. Others want to increase physical performance through greater muscle mass. Health aspects can also be the main reason for muscle building training.

    In the following article, the physiological basics of muscle growth as well as the influencing factors are discussed. Afterwards, the most important training parameters for optimal muscle building training will be explained and types of exemplary training plans will be presented. In the end, a glimpse of the element is arena basics of nutrition for a successful muscle building given

    Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy

    To understand how muscle building works, first of all, knowledge about muscle anatomy is fundamental. The following diagram shows the anatomical structure of a human skeletal muscle.


    Muscle consists of several muscle fiber bundles. These are made up of several muscle fibers. A muscle fiber in turn consists of several sarcomeres. This is the smallest functional unit of skeletal muscle. Sarcomeres include the contractile elements actin and myosin (see above). Contractile means that these elements allow contracting (contracting) of the muscle.

    The muscular cross-sectional enlargement is achieved by two mechanisms: by so-called

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