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Zerbrochenes Glas
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Zerbrochenes Glas
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Zerbrochenes Glas
eBook307 Seiten4 Stunden

Zerbrochenes Glas

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Über dieses E-Book

Im Alter von sechsundzwanzig Jahren geht Gordon Stafford davon aus, dass seine Tage gezählt sind. Zumindest hofft er das. Vor zwei Jahren kam durch seine Schuld bei einem Autounfall ein Mann ums Leben. Seither plagen ihn Schuldgefühle und Selbstmordgedanken. 

Dann bewahrt ihn Squirt – ein Obdachloser, der sein eigenes Päckchen zu tragen hat – vor einem schrecklichen Schicksal. Über Nacht findet Gordon nicht nur ein neues Licht, dem er folgen kann und vielleicht sogar den Mut, zu leben, sondern er begreift auch, dass vielleicht am Ende des Tunnels die Liebe auf ihn wartet.

Gordon hätte nie gedacht, dass er einen Weg finden würde, sich selbst zu vergeben. Doch indem er das tut, öffnet er sein Herz – für die Liebe eines Mannes, den er am meisten verletzt hat.

Erscheinungsdatum23. Jan. 2018
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Zerbrochenes Glas


Dr. Inman has been blessed with both gifted and deficit exceptionalities. He grew up believing he was broken and in need of fixing, a frame of mind that has haunted him his whole life. He did not realize he had gifts until conducting research for his doctorate in education. Rather than just experience the impact of being 2e, Dr. Inman decided to do something about the experience other children have growing up feeling broken and in need of fixing. This work is the outcome of that mission. With a deep understanding of how humans organize into communities, how humans communicate through dialogue to create meaningful and lasting change, and how humans of all ages learn, grow and contribute to the world, he helps educators of all types come together to craft their unique paths forward to transform how children and adults learn. Dr. Inman grew up unable to read the way his school system taught, methods unchanged in 55 years, and understands how so many children wither in the predominant education systems. His work is founded on the concept of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and any strategy that helps move a school system toward teaching the way children learn vs. forcing children to learn how the teacher teaches is of interest. Dr. Inman embraces learning strategies that include traditional Indigenous learning, andragogy, flipped classrooms, cognitive processes design, green inspired classrooms (SEED), multiple pathways, systems thinking, cluster-grouped classrooms, technology-assisted learning, situated learning, and scenario-based learning. He helps education communities design their transformation approach based on these and any number of other strategies. Dr. Inman earned his doctorate in educational leadership for change from Fielding Graduate University in 2015 and currently is the founding faculty for the applied management bachelors' program at Tacoma Community College in Tacoma Washington. Contact Dr. Inman at john@learningexceptionalities.com to explore how he might support your transformation of your educational community or visit him on his web site at www.learningexceptionalities.com

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