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The Polizeit Detective: A Time Travel Crime Story
The Polizeit Detective: A Time Travel Crime Story
The Polizeit Detective: A Time Travel Crime Story
eBook79 Seiten35 Minuten

The Polizeit Detective: A Time Travel Crime Story

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Über dieses E-Book

A man. With a knife in his back. A few suspects, probably. And time travel. Sounds complicated – but get's more confusing by the minute. A Time Travel Murder Mystery that not even cracked the time continuum, but also the brain of the man who wrote it. Kinda.
Erscheinungsdatum1. Okt. 2018
The Polizeit Detective: A Time Travel Crime Story

Martin Cordemann

Tillmann Courth stand jahrelang als Conférencier auf der Bühne des Ersten Kölner Wohnzimmertheaters. Er schrieb und bestritt fünf Kabarett-Soloprogramme und geht heute einigen Kolleg?innen u.a. als Regisseur zur Hand, ist Comicexperte und betreibt die Webseite FIFTIES HORROR. Martin Cordemann ist Autor der Comics „Die DomSpitzen“ und „Bruder Thadeus: Das Münchner Kindl“ (Zeichner: Ralf Paul) sowie des Buches „Dada op Kölsch“. Als E-Book gibt es von ihm jede Menge Krimis und Science Fiction.

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    The Polizeit Detective - Martin Cordemann


    We have a problem.

    Ethan raised an eyebrow.

    "Okay, you have," corrected Elisabeth Fect, a beautiful woman in her early 30s, a brilliant chess player, and his superior officer.

    That sounds more like it, Ethan agreed. „Would you like to specify?"

    Would you like me to? she grinned.


    Too clever?

    Too boring!

    I beg your pardon!

    No, you don't.

    Fect nodded in agreement.

    So you want to find out for yourself?

    Like I always do.

    May I give you a hint?

    You mean... like it could be a murder? the Detective speculated ironically.

    Yeah, something like that.

    Sure, what have you got?

    Captain Elisabeth Fect put on a serious face and said with a touch of drama: Detective Cause, it could be a murder!

    It could be... or it is?

    Well, it is, she admitted.

    A murder you say, he said in played astonishment.

    Yes, Detective. Someone has been murdered.








    Fect shrugged her shoulders.

    Ethan smiled.

    Well then... let's find out!


    Is that what happened?

    More or less. Ethan gave it short thought. More less.

    Why don't you tell us the truth?

    Maybe I did.

    You don't seem sure.

    But I am. Very so, to be clear.


    Oh, there's no but. Ethan grinned that grin that made people angry at him, sometimes hate him, sometimes try to kill him, but without success so far. Well, the day is young, he muttered.

    I beg your pardon.

    Oh, that was... something I thought about. And, to make that clear, I doubt it.

    You doubt... The man caught up. Oh, you doubt, that I beg your pardon.

    I'm impressed, confirmed the same grin. You don't seem to be that dumb after all,


    "Seem I said, so the jury is still out on that one."

    The man sighed, something the Detective was used to.

    Ethan smiled.

    Where were we?

    You wanted to tell us the truth,

    "I did tell you the truth, corrected Ethan, I didn't want to. It just came out. Now it was his term to sigh. I don't have to lie anyway, so what is all of this about? And who the hell are you, by the way?"

    Why don't you consider this a story and me the reader?

    Why don't I consider this a case and you an asshole? proposed Ethan.


    Would you like me to go on?


    With the insults?

    Again the deadly grin.

    What about me? now the other man said.

    What about you?

    Am I an asshole, too?

    I don't know, you haven't said that much, yet. I can let you know if I come to a decision?

    I'd rather skip that.

    Probably a good idea, concurred Ethan.

    So you are Detective Ethan Cause and your superior officer is Captain Elisabeth Fect?!

    Absolutely correct, as if I told you... which I did.

    That aside, the still nameless man looked up from his notes, your names are Cause and...

    "Cause and E. Fect,

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