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Marques The Branded: my fight for survival
Marques The Branded: my fight for survival
Marques The Branded: my fight for survival
eBook132 Seiten1 Stunde

Marques The Branded: my fight for survival

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Über dieses E-Book

The Verding children, after a true survival story, the Swiss history!

Marques of the brands in this book, based on numerous experiences with himself.
Written by Alfred Neuenweger, with the help of editors and co. very deep insights into his childhood scholarship as a Verding boy.
Often on the verge of mental resilience, which put him to a hard test.
All actions and experiences are based on Marques of the brand, sometimes not quite pleasant or even frightening, but what do you want to do about it, what do you want?

Numerous newly organized documents also prove the authenticity of the narratives as well as a factual report.
A story so unadulterated and direct, brutally written through life!

Swiss history, true, destructive and sometimes even nerve-racking

So happened 80 years ago ...

The real companions through this whole book are always present:
Fear, flight, aggression, violence, court, suicide and much more.
The true story behind the Verding children is told from a completely different perspective.
Erscheinungsdatum29. Dez. 2019
Marques The Branded: my fight for survival

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    Marques The Branded - Alfred Neuenweger

    Marques The Branded

    my fight for survival

    Alfred Neuenweger


    Texts:             © Copyright by Alfred Neuenweger

    Cover:            © Copyright by Alfred Neuenweger

    Publisher:      Neuenweger

    Buchenweg 12

    5113 Holderbank AG


    Print:            epubli, ein Service der

    neopubli GmbH, Berlin

    Printed in Germany

    ©Copyright by Alfred Illumina/Neuenweger 2019

    What we are dealing with here in this book has already been described in more detail in the blurb, so here not again the same in the Repeat!

    But you can be prepared for some mental hard to digest chunks!

    The Verdingchilds, one has often heard of it, but never so directly from self-experienced a person who this whole ordeal forced to take part !

    Available both as e-book and in book form.

    Now have fun reading!

    namely Alfred Neuenweger

    Works already published by Alfred Neuenweger:

    - Correctly Applied Rhetoric E-Book (DE)

    - Properly applied Rhetoric E-Book (EN)

    - My Personal Time Line e-book (DE/EN)

    - Stay calm E-Book (DE)

    - Remain calmly e-book (EN)

    - Meislis small book marathon book form (DE)

    - Little Bookmarathon of Anti (EN)

    Words to you personally from Alfred Neuenweger:

    Welcome, dear bookworms

    My name has only recently changed to Alfred Neuenweger.

    Old name already existed since 2006, since my old memories work up on indigo level

    ( What The Fuck is This? )

    It was a long time before I finally got to

    that new branding.

    Since to my new book divisions alignment my

    old branding definitely doesn't fit any more, and I'm not

    also a very close friend said that

    he couldn't quite get to grips with it, and I

    and to top it all off.

    I had to separate my two book publishers.

    However, I wouldn't be me if I had to go through

    have such trifles thrown off course


    And thus an absolute new beginning is pending!

    Even then, about five years ago.

    Vescoli had cooked in a lounge, or with Steve

    Lee had dinner at a table, I never would've

    that I'd ever get to the point,

    which I'm at now!

    Neuenweger Goes digital!

    Since we are currently in a kind of conflict between printing and digital, however, he would like to offer you as an author all the advantages of both worlds, which you always want to use for yourselves!

    It has been proven that 80% of you still consume books in the traditional way.

    But here are the interface codes from analog to digital, from his side!

    With the QR-Tag Page you get to the page which a very good colleague has created for all books.

    With the QR-Tag Mail to Writer you can contact him personally by mail.

    The QR-Tag Publishing puts you on the page,

    which solve all the merchandising like ISBN number, place in the shops and much more than selfpublishing

    Publisher takes over and directs.

    As some of you may have noticed, all these codes only lead you to another page designed for you.

    Another page on which he wants to guide you consciously, or would like to make the work of it a lot easier for you!

    Only those who use all the tags and other specials of this book, which are deliberately hidden in the sentences, will profit in the end!

    My time as a Verdingchild Part I

    My file inspection

    Niederlenz, den 26.09.2016

    To the Argovia State Archives

    Concerning inspection of files

    Dear Mrs. Rauschert

    I, the scribe, after a phone call to the office, would like all my files about me, which were created by Jugendanwalt Dr. Kaufmann, if still available, a full copy.

    To my person: I was born on May 13, 1947 in Muri, living with my parents in Wohlen AG.

    Since I would like to roll up my life, I need still many documents, partly I got them already from the youth home Aarburg and observation station Rüfenach AG.

    I still miss these from the farmers, where I was placed, but this is difficult, because they are deceased.

    Now I hope to receive more from you, as you surely know, I am entitled to it. I hope for your understanding.

    Sincerely yours Marques Brand

    Documents about my person

    October 5th 2016

    Documents about my person

    Dear Mr Brand

    Thank you very much for your inquiry. We will be happy to help you with your file search.

    You will find copies of our files in the attachment. It is a card of the public prosecutor's office as well as two judgments of the youth court Bremgarten and three judgments of the youth court Muri.

    Unfortunately, we were unable to produce copies of better quality. We hope that the documents will still be legible.

    We hope to be of assistance to you and wish you all the best.

    Friendly greetings

    Dr. Jeanette Rauschert

    Head of Collections and Holdings

    side dishes

    . Copies

    Fig. no. 1 (original illustration only names hidden)

    Theoretically, I could have just put all the document scans together, but the author had a much better idea!

    Since each of these documents contained here in the book tells its own story, each should also appear as a new chapter for itself ...

    So then also promptly converted.

    I Marques how everything began

    I Marques and my love at that time, which it still is today, had to be, so that we at that time

    had enough food to go to a sugar beet field to steal it and eat it.

    Sugar is known to give enough energy to survive, butchers' sausages or bread thrown away by the baker were also very welcome ...

    I also often thought of suicide during this

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