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Dear Mother: A true story about child abuse
Dear Mother: A true story about child abuse
Dear Mother: A true story about child abuse
eBook48 Seiten43 Minuten

Dear Mother: A true story about child abuse

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

DEAR MOTHER is the true story of Felix. Born into a world of abusive expectations, he soon became a victim of hate and violence, but it was the person he trusted the most who destroyed him the worst ...

Part of the sale price is donated to children in need.
This short story isn't based on fiction, but on sadly true events. Felix was and is real, as all the abused and mistreated children are, whose stories also found their way into this book - a letter Felix began to write to a woman he later only called 'his producer' ...

In this short story you find the fates of more than 24 victims and their friends and families. The author worked together with them and tells not only 24 different fates combined as one, but even more since out there live so many victims who are unseen yet.
Erscheinungsdatum14. Aug. 2018
Dear Mother: A true story about child abuse

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    Dear Mother - Nick Finkler

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