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The lonely wife 2
The lonely wife 2
The lonely wife 2
eBook82 Seiten1 Stunde

The lonely wife 2

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Über dieses E-Book

It takes a few days before we can at least talk on the phone again. It's hard for me not hearing from you for so long, but we both had a lot on our plate at the beginning of the week. It's Wednesday night. After a long and stressful day I am slowly coming to rest. I've had a fresh shower and some food. I feel a little exhausted, but I still sit down at the PC to at least write you an e-mail.

In my Buddie - list I see that you are also online and write you a telegram. But we write to each other only very briefly, because we both agree that we would rather talk on the phone. If we cannot see each other, then we want to hear at least our voices.

We talk about everyday life and about the things we have experienced in the last few days. We also review our weekend together and revel in longing memories. The conversation is generally very lively, but I can tell from your voice that you must be pretty exhausted. When I also hear that you suddenly can't hold back a yawn, I start to tease you a little bit.

"Well, am I boring you that much?" you hear me ask with a slightly impish smile. "Idiot!" it just snaps back at you from the receiver. But I can still hear the undertone, which is exactly what I meant. But still I won't refrain from teasing you a little more. "Well, if I can only elicit a tired smile from you when we talk about our time together".

Boom! That was a good one. All I hear is a wild hissing, like a wildcat. I had irritated you, but that was exactly what I had wanted to achieve. To bring the little leopardess back to life and that's exactly what I had achieved.
Erscheinungsdatum9. Mai 2020
The lonely wife 2

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    The lonely wife 2 - Laetitia Guivarché

    The lonely wife 2

    All rights reserved.

    Unauthorized use such as duplication, distribution, storage and transmission may be prosecuted under civil or criminal law.

    All rights reserved.

    Original Copyright © 2020, by Laetitia Guivarché


    Laetitia Guivarché, PO Box 42, 97634 Mellrichstadt



    Dear readers,

    thank you for purchasing my book.

    The Lonely Wife is an erotic short novel.

    But now to my real person. My name is Laetitia Guivarché. I was born in 1988, the daughter of a Frenchman and a German mother. Since my childhood I have written stories of all kinds. The older I got, the stronger my desire to write erotic stories became. And that's what I do now.

    I do not adhere to any fixed conventions. No rigid ideas or general views. Sometimes I write from a woman's point of view, sometimes from a man's. Because my stories are made for both sexes.

    I hope to make my readers happy with my works. And inspire them to erotic acts. The following story is partly made up. But a large part is based on my own life.

    Your Laetitia

    The lonely wife 2

    It takes a few days before we can at least talk on the phone again. It's hard for me not hearing from you for so long, but we both had a lot on our plate at the beginning of the week. It's Wednesday night. After a long and stressful day I am slowly coming to rest. I've had a fresh shower and some food. I feel a little exhausted, but I still sit down at the PC to at least write you an e-mail.

    In my Buddie - list I see that you are also online and write you a telegram. But we write to each other only very briefly, because we both agree that we would rather talk on the phone. If we cannot see each other, then we want to hear at least our voices.

    We talk about everyday life and about the things we have experienced in the last few days. We also review our weekend together and revel in longing memories. The conversation is generally very lively, but I can tell from your voice that you must be pretty exhausted. When I also hear that you suddenly can't hold back a yawn, I start to tease you a little bit.

    Well, am I boring you that much? you hear me ask with a slightly impish smile. Idiot! it just snaps back at you from the receiver. But I can still hear the undertone, which is exactly what I meant. But still I won't refrain from teasing you a little more. Well, if I can only elicit a tired smile from you when we talk about our time together.

    Boom! That was a good one. All I hear is a wild hissing, like a wildcat. I had irritated you, but that was exactly what I had wanted to achieve. To bring the little leopardess back to life and that's exactly what I had achieved.

    But to top it all, I said to your hissing: Well, you tell me here on the phone how wonderful you found our weekend together and that you're really looking forward to meeting again. The truth is that I have to listen to you yawning all over the place. Then it seems to have not been so great for you after all.

    You can hear in my voice that I only want to spur you on a little bit but you play this game. Even wilder than before you hiss through the listener. If I would sit now in grasping distance, then I would have surely already felt your claws. You can also hear that you regret having to fight this conversation verbally and threaten me with revenge at our next meeting.

    We tease a little bit more, but after a short time the conversation calms down again and you assure me again how wonderful, fantastic and exciting you found our meeting. You would think back on these events almost every minute you could think of and would long for our next meeting. You even tell me that you would catch yourself caressing yourself at night while thinking of us. You would imagine that it is my hands that caress you so tenderly and with such relish.

    Our conversation continues in this way and becomes more and more unbearable by the tension. There is already no small crackling noise, but pure eroticism is in the air. We confirm to each other how hot we would be for each other and how nice it would be to be together now and to be able to live out our desire with each other.

    Then suddenly an idea comes to me and I ask you where you are right now. You say to me that you just turned off your PC and are on your way to the bedroom. You want to lie down on the bed and continue talking to me.

    Bedroom's fine. I know there's a dressing chair in your bedroom. It's actually not a real chair, it's more of a very comfortable armchair. I ask you to take your armchair and put it in front of your big mirror. I hear on the phone that you are a little truncated, so I repeat my request once again.

    At first you do not understand what I want from you and what the whole thing is about, but you still comply with my request. You clamp your cordless telephone between your ear and shoulder, grab the armchair, which is not quite as light, and set off.

    After you have confirmed that you would now be sitting in front of your big mirror, I ask you what you are wearing right now. You describe it to me, with a smile on your lips. But then your breath stops for a moment.

    It takes a few seconds until you realize what I have just said to you. I said to you that I want you now. I want you to begin to caress yourself slowly and to undress.

    I sense your hesitation. You are probably asking yourself if you should really do this and you seem to be struggling with yourself. But since I haven't heard a fundamental No, I won't do that from you yet, I'll follow up once more. Now that I know exactly what I want from you, you can hear me say to you even more energetically what you should do now.

    In a slight commanding tone I now ask you to caress yourself and to undress slowly. I want you to do it now and let me share in your lust by describing everything you do in detail. I want you to look at yourself in the mirror and tell me in all imaginable details what you see. I want you to tell me exactly how you feel. I want you to describe everything to me in such a way that I can also look at you here on the other end of the line. As if I were the mirror now and could see everything you do.

    Somehow the thought suddenly seems to appeal to you. You

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