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Fail better!: A guide to successful failure
Fail better!: A guide to successful failure
Fail better!: A guide to successful failure
eBook30 Seiten21 Minuten

Fail better!: A guide to successful failure

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Über dieses E-Book

We all fail, every day. Sometimes it's small defeats we have to take, sometimes big ones. This guidebook describes how best to deal with failures and turn defeats into victories. The author can certainly talk out of the box, because he himself has already gone down several times - but always got up again.
Erscheinungsdatum7. Feb. 2020
Fail better!: A guide to successful failure

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    Fail better! - Markus Seidel

    After failure, the real fun begins!

    Failure is no fun. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying or his failure is a little bit longer ago and he has long since basked in new success. Because then it's a little easier to romanticize the former defeat.

    But it's also a fact: Victory is even more fun if you've suffered a failure before. But until then you have to take a lot of punishment. Those who fail are often stigmatized as the one who didn't make it. And to live with such a stigma and not to let it get you down is often difficult (see the chapter The thick skin). A culture of failure and second chances is not yet too strongly developed in this country, unlike in the USA, for example. To consider failure as a productive part of learning, this apparently only applies to children, for example when they learn to swim or walk - they simply practice it until they can. For adults, however, the principle of trial and error is hardly accepted. This is wrong.

    A rethink is necessary, and perhaps something is gradually happening in this respect: At the moment, the so-called FuckUp Nights, which take place everywhere and where people get on a stage and talk about their failure, are very popular. You can think what you want about it, but I'm sure that these events take away the fear of failure at least a little bit. And in the best case they learn from the mistakes of those who stand there on stage. That is quite a lot, I mean.

    That's why I now also put myself on the (literary) stage and tell you about my very own pile of failures, which ultimately served me as a basis for something new.

    My own failure (and

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