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Sexy neighbourhood
Sexy neighbourhood
Sexy neighbourhood
eBook37 Seiten37 Minuten

Sexy neighbourhood

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Über dieses E-Book

My name is Lisa. I've been married to Paul for six years. We have a very happy marriage. He was already my big crush at school! Oh, God, that was almost 20 years ago. Because I'm 32. But he's 36. The four-year difference made it impossible for me to get his attention in school. It was just silent admiration!

So for years I was content with other boys. Sometimes I threw myself into short affairs or one-night stands. Twice I also had longer relationships. But more than 8 months with the same guy I had never managed to have. HE was always haunting my mind somehow, so that all others seemed like second choice men.

Paul graduated from high school four years before me and joined the Navy right after that. After one year of military service he started studying mechanical engineering. I only learned all this through my girlfriend Linda, whose brother was a friend of Paul. I haven't seen him for years and only had him in my memory. After my high school graduation I did an apprenticeship as an office clerk and later I continued my studies to become a business economist. I am still working in my training company today, now as an office manager.

I had to work hard for this advancement. But I have to admit that a lot of things have certainly flown to me because of my appearance: I have curly brown hair and blue-green eyes. In addition, I have a rather dark skin type and a body that must impress many men, especially because of my height of 1.80m and long, slender legs.
Erscheinungsdatum6. Mai 2020
Sexy neighbourhood

Dunja Romanova

Meine Name ist Dunja Romanova. Ich wurde 1982 in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion geboren. Seit 1993 lebe ich in Deutschland. Mein Lebensmittelpunkt ist mittlerweile Leipzig. Seit meiner Jugend schreibe ich Geschichten aller Art. Je älter ich wurde, umso stärker fokussierte ich mich auf den Bereich der Erotik.

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    Sexy neighbourhood - Dunja Romanova

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