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Sexy Suzi 1
Sexy Suzi 1
Sexy Suzi 1
eBook59 Seiten1 Stunde

Sexy Suzi 1

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Über dieses E-Book

I have always had a preference for women's clothing, ever since I was a little boy. Most of my life I had it under control, but as I got older, the fascination only increased. After I got married, I discovered that I had a whole wardrobe of women's clothes that I could try on whenever my wife was away. Eventually, the fear that I might dirty or tear something of hers and get caught urged me to invest in my own women's clothes, which I could keep hidden in the attic.

Over time I built up a nice collection of skirts, panties, garters, stockings and even high heels and a wig. A flesh-colored body stocking covered my hairy legs and arms, so I didn't have to explain shaving to my wife. When I added some artificial breasts and a dildo to play with, my collection was complete. Whenever Kathy was away for a few hours, I took off my clothes and turned into my female alter ego Suzy. Of course, in my games Suzy was a total bitch who only wore miniskirts and teased the men to the extreme before she finally sucked their dicks.

When my wife was called out of town to look after her sick mother for a week, my imagination ran away with me. On Monday, the first day she was gone, I hurried home from work and quickly turned into Suzy. I spent almost an hour applying make-up, then I put on my garter belt, stockings, bra, panties and my shortest miniskirt and blouse combination. When I got into my 5-inch heels, I thought I was going to cum right away! I managed to stop the orgasm as I strutted around the house, reveling in the fact that I had a whole week to play.
Erscheinungsdatum25. Mai 2020
Sexy Suzi 1

Aiden Kelly

Mein Name ist Aiden Kelly. Ich wurde 1982 in Dublin, Ireland geboren und wuchs dort auch auf. Die meiste Zeit lebe ich in Greystones, südlich von Dublin. Zeitweise aber auch in Hamburg. Seit meiner Kindheit schreib ich Geschichten aller Art. In den letzten Jahren faszinierte mich die Erotik immer mehr. Da ich ein Grenzgänger und unkonventioneller Mensch bin, fühlte ich mich schnell zur Transerotik hingezogen, über die ich bisher die meisten meiner Bücher geschrieben habe.

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    Sexy Suzi 1 - Aiden Kelly

    Sexy Suzi 1

    All rights reserved.

    Unauthorized use such as duplication, distribution, storage and transmission may be prosecuted under civil or criminal law.

    All rights reserved.

    Original Copyright © 2020, by Aiden Kelly.

    Legal notice

    Aiden Kelly, PO Box 42, 97634 Mellrichstadt



    Dear readers,

    thank you for purchasing my book.

    Sexy Suzi, is an erotic short novel.

    But now for my actual person. My name is Aiden Kelly. I was born in 1982 in Dublin, Ireland. Since my childhood I have written stories of all kinds. The older I got, the stronger my desire to write erotic stories. And that's what I do now.

    I don't adhere to any set conventions. No rigid ideas or general views. Sometimes I write from a woman's point of view, sometimes from a man's. Because my stories are made for both sexes.

    I hope to make my readers happy with my works. And inspire them to erotic acts. The following story is partly fictitious. But a large part is based on my own life.

    Your Aiden

    Sexy Suzi 1

    I have always had a preference for women's clothing, ever since I was a little boy. Most of my life I had it under control, but as I got older, the fascination only increased. After I got married, I discovered that I had a whole wardrobe of women's clothes that I could try on whenever my wife was away. Eventually, the fear that I might dirty or tear something of hers and get caught urged me to invest in my own women's clothes, which I could keep hidden in the attic.

    Over time I built up a nice collection of skirts, panties, garters, stockings and even high heels and a wig. A flesh-colored body stocking covered my hairy legs and arms, so I didn't have to explain shaving to my wife. When I added some artificial breasts and a dildo to play with, my collection was complete. Whenever Kathy was away for a few hours, I took off my clothes and turned into my female alter ego Suzy. Of course, in my games Suzy was a total bitch who only wore miniskirts and teased the men to the extreme before she finally sucked their dicks.

    When my wife was called out of town to look after her sick mother for a week, my imagination ran away with me. On Monday, the first day she was gone, I hurried home from work and quickly turned into Suzy. I spent almost an hour applying make-up, then I put on my garter belt, stockings, bra, panties and my shortest miniskirt and blouse combination. When I got into my 5-inch heels, I thought I was going to cum right away! I managed to stop the orgasm as I strutted around the house, reveling in the fact that I had a whole week to play.

    After half an hour or so, however, I couldn't resist it anymore and let myself experience a tremendous orgasm. After the glow began to fade, I lay there and wondered what I could do that was really special. The idea that followed almost overwhelmed me: what if I went into public dressed as Suzy? The thought was completely outrageous and frightening, but the more I thought about it, the more tempting it became. Although one orgasm a day was usually my limit, I jerked off to a second orgasm that night as I thought about walking in public in my miniskirt.

    The next day at work I could only think of finding a safe way to do it. Slowly a plan was forming and I actually started to believe that it could be possible. After work I dressed up again and made sure my make-up was perfect, then I had dinner and waited for nightfall. When it was dark I took a deep breath, grabbed a handbag and got into my car. I drove to a highway exit about 20 miles from my home.

    The exit was miles away from everything, but there was a combination of fast food and truck stop nearby, open 24 hours a day. I came to the conclusion that it was not a place where the residents went; the only traffic was from truck drivers or other travelers who left the highway for a quick burger to eat or refuel. This meant that there was almost no chance of meeting anyone who would recognize me, which gave me courage. Following my plan I went through the drive-thru and ordered just a small coke.

    As I approached the window, my heart beat harder and faster than ever before. I handed the clerk my money and took the Coke, my fingers were shaking. Even in the relative darkness, as his eyes widened, I knew he could see how short my skirt was. My fear grew even greater until he said the only thing that made my night possible: Thank you, ma'am, have a good night.

    As I pulled back, I almost screamed, He called me ma'am! He thought I was a woman! Although I thought I had done a good job with my make-up and looked passable, I was afraid in

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