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Dickgirl Queen
Dickgirl Queen
Dickgirl Queen
eBook31 Seiten32 Minuten

Dickgirl Queen

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Über dieses E-Book

It was Halloween weekend. A group of friends from back home is in town for a Halloween party. In our group of friends were three couples and two singles, I was one of the singles. I was dressed like a prisoner, nothing fancy, but there was a sale at the Halloween store.

Everyone met at my house so the girls could get ready and the boys could drink a few beers. My name is Bo, twenty-seven years old, about six feet tall and the ideal weight for my height. Dark shaggy hair with only a little bit of facial hair. In decent physical condition with a thin to average build and some muscle definition.

I currently live in a university town and have had it for several years. There are many bars and clubs in the city center and it is an exciting and fun city. I moved here from a small town on the other side of the state, where there is only agriculture and cattle breeding, and the drive to a big city takes hours.

I was always good at getting girls, but sometimes I was told I was too nice. But since I come from a small town, I didn't have to meet them. I had a few somewhat serious relationships, but nothing long-term, especially there were many casual connections. Now life here was a completely different story. I'm not the best at getting into conversation with new girls, because I can be a bit shy. But once I get to know them a bit or they approach me, I'm good, and a little alcohol can help.
Erscheinungsdatum27. Aug. 2020
Dickgirl Queen

Dunja Romanova

Meine Name ist Dunja Romanova. Ich wurde 1982 in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion geboren. Seit 1993 lebe ich in Deutschland. Mein Lebensmittelpunkt ist mittlerweile Leipzig. Seit meiner Jugend schreibe ich Geschichten aller Art. Je älter ich wurde, umso stärker fokussierte ich mich auf den Bereich der Erotik.

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    Dickgirl Queen - Dunja Romanova

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