Bücher Magazin


fter a long absence, finally came back home and so did , two very different titles that have spent a long time on rotation among friends. by Waguih Ghali by Sun-mi Hwang, on the other hand, was a particular recommendation to a specific friend who I knew would love this illustrated allegory. A short novel with captivating animal characters that became an instant classic since the publication of its English translation in 2013. Once returned it will rest in my library till the next perfect fit comes along. As I placed the duo back in their prospective place in the densely packed library shelves, I couldn’t help but contemplate the merits of owning books, of keeping books after they have been read. For me, a book is a holder of both knowledge and memories. Both knowledge and memories should be shared and re-evaluated. I thought about the conversations with friends after they read those books and about my own experience of reading them and I became curious. I decided to reread more, to see what time has changed in my perception of old favorites, and what new perspectives friends have brought.

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