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The Ghostgang and the mysterious Force
The Ghostgang and the mysterious Force
The Ghostgang and the mysterious Force
eBook134 Seiten2 Stunden

The Ghostgang and the mysterious Force

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

Tjalf is a typical eight-year-old who has to move to a castle in Brachenfeld with his parents. This castle is haunted. One night he hears noises that lead him to Peter, a ghost boy who is held captive in a mirror. What Tjalf does not suspect is that he is to blame for the liberation of a poltergeist, who then goes about mischief ...
Erscheinungsdatum28. Mai 2021
The Ghostgang and the mysterious Force

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Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen
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    The Ghostgang and the mysterious Force - Dennis Weiß

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