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Bluthunger: Die dunklen Fälle des Harry Dresden 6
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Bluthunger: Die dunklen Fälle des Harry Dresden 6
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Bluthunger: Die dunklen Fälle des Harry Dresden 6
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Bluthunger: Die dunklen Fälle des Harry Dresden 6

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Harry Dresden, Chicagos einzigen Berufsmagier, hatte schon schlimmere Aufgaben, als verdeckt am Set eines Erotikfilms zu ermitteln - etwa die Flucht aus einem brennenden Gebäude voller erzürnter Affendämonen oder die Konfrontation mit einem Pflanzenmonster. Dennoch hat sein aktueller Fall etwas Beunruhigendes an sich. Der Produzent des Films hält sich für das Opfer eines finsteren Entropiefluchs, tatsächlich aber sind es die Frauen in seinem Umfeld, die sterben, und zwar auf zunehmend spektakuläre Weise.

Harry ist doppelt frustriert, weil er sich auf diesen Fall nur eingelassen hat, um Thomas, seinem selbstsüchtigen, ständig flirtenden Vampirbekannten, dessen Integrität nicht gerade über jeden Zweifel erhaben ist, einen Gefallen zu tun. Dieser hat ein persönliches Interesse an dem Fall, das Harry nicht nachvollziehen kann, bis ihn seine Ermittlungen direkt zu Thomas' sexbesessener Vampir-Familie führen. Harry muss feststellen, dass Thomas' Stammbaum ein schockierendes Geheimnis birgt, eine Entdeckung, die sein Leben für immer verändern wird.
HerausgeberFeder & Schwert
Erscheinungsdatum25. Sept. 2012
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Bluthunger: Die dunklen Fälle des Harry Dresden 6

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Bewertung: 4.096385542168675 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Whilst not my favourite in the series so far, Blood Rites was still a page turner, and definitely fleshed out more toward the end. We see a lot more of Thomas in this book, along with the White Court vampires. We are also let into a Dresden family secret, which was quite a surprise.Looking forward as ever to reading the next book.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Like the other 5 books previous I thought Jim Butcher did a great job presenting Harry in his best light. Butcher also has a nack for developing the best lines ever. Lines said by characters that make you laugh out loud.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    "The building was on fire, but for once it wasn't my fault". The opening line of this novel and, in my opinion, one of the best opening lines anywhere. Harry Dresden is once again kicking undead butt and fighting the good fight as a wizard/private investigator in an alternative Chicago. The author gets better with each book, each new story becoming more multi-layered and complex.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Jim Butcher wrote another great novel, though I will admit that the ending disappointed me. With the build up of the novel, I expected more out of the ending. Each book, I keep thinking that Butcher is going to kill off the golden goose that is Harry Dresden, but fortunate seems to shine on the wizard, I can see this as a good set up piece for more pieces of the coming books in the series, and while no author can produce OMG books every time, this seems to be the dip for the time being.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    One of his better stories - really fun, lots of vampires and some Dresden drama!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    What? A Wizard working on the set of a porno movie? Harry, what have you got yourself into? Relax, he’s only a bodyguard. Oh, poor choice of words, there . . .I love this book. It opens strong, with Harry in the middle of a pitched battle with a bunch of demonic monkey demons, and only pauses long enough for Harry, and us, to get a breather before entering the next battle. And, oh yeah, Harry’s wisecracks never stop either. In short, all the hallmarks of a Dresden Files story.On a personal level, this book introduces of one of my favorite characters in the series, his dog, Mouse. This also established Harry’s relationship to his brother, Thomas, and explains why Thomas and Justine can’t . . . well, never mind, let’s just say that while Thomas and Justine love each other they can’t even hold hands much less . . . you get the idea.I’m pushing my rating a little by going out to four and a half stars. I’ve always wondered about where Mouse came into the story and about Thomas and Justine’s relationship, and now I know. Blood Rites is an essential volume for fans of the series and a great place to jump in if you can’t do the series in order.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I continue to be fond of this series; it's zippy, funny, and keeps my interest long past my bedtime. However: Harry, honestly, quit this "I'm just a chivalrous fool" schtick; it's wearing thin. Violence is uglier when women are the targets? I dunno, Harry, it's kinda ugly when it's directed at men, too. I'm not sure how you keep your illusions, considering how many of the supernaturally sexy women you meet are out to kill people. With this kind of context, I'm always trying to persuade myself that tough-girl cop Karrin Murphy isn't just an apology for Harry's unreconstructed views. She gets to be the one who isn't defined by her huge knockers - and of course, it seems to me that she's destined to be Dresden's partner. This book saw more of her backstory, which I enjoyed, and introduced a new element into Harry's monklike existence, which promises some interesting character developent for him. I'm looking forward to the next book - but Harry, get a clue.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Every one of these Dresden books is the same. They all blur together. I have no way to tell them apart. I've read about 6 of these books, and they really are pretty good. But, they are all in the average category. None of them stand out as really that awesome.

    After reading this particular book, I was like, well, that was kind of boring. Why the hell did I even finish it? Oh yea. For some reason, I just love Dresden crying like a little girl.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Great continuation of the story and you learn a lot more about Harry Dresden and the many other characters in this series. This book is a bit calmer then the previous ones, but major things still happen in this one. I'm really enjoying this series and can't wait to read the rest of them. I like how each book is almost a stand alone, but has an overarching story that keeps them all connected. I always feel satisfied at the end of the books.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Wow, this was a great one, and not just because Jim Butcher dropped a great many bombshells in this book. I have a feeling that this is the point where the series takes another serious turn for the better. So much more of Harry's character is developed, which in my opinion is the best part. By now he has established himself as a solid protagonist, and really, when I think of the first three Dresden Files books they just pale in comparison to this one. No contest.I really enjoyed the first half of this book, because I love seeing Harry do investigative work. I've always felt that the mystery was lacking in this series. The beginning of "Blood Rites", however, saw him going back to his detective roots, investigating a mysterious string of deaths on an adult film set. I mean, how could this not turn out to be a great story? I admire Jim Butcher a lot for his ability to throw together something that promises much action and humor.Everything went well until the second half where he and Murphy and Kincaid go vampire hunting. The plot line strays and leaves the mystery behind at that point, easing back to embrace more of the action/thriller elements. I still had a good time up to the very last page; the difference is, I know I'll remember the first half of the book for a very long time. On the other hand, the ending didn't make much of an impression. Still, a good read overall.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Blood Rites by Jim ButcherHarry Dresden is up to his hips in naked women. Asked to be security on an adult film set, Harry discovers it just isn’t that sexy. Harry makes a discovery that changes both his life and the way he looks at life in this story. Once again, I enjoy the self depreciating humor that Butcher imbues in his protagonist. Harry is an eminently likeable person with an admitted rough around the edge skill set. His choice of friends and foes provide the basis for entertainment. Murphy is beginning to be seen as more than just a friend and Harry’s discovery of family colors his entire outlook. I highly recommend the entire series. You will be seeing more as I have finally purchased all the ones that have currently been printed.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Butcher's "Blood Rites" is better on the feminism front for both Murphy and the macho chivanism (ha, I'm keeping that one, chivalric chauvinism in a nutshell) aspects. Some resoundingly disappointing points on feminism in general. All in all, that the character is developing and dealing better with women is a good thing. I wonder whether tapping into gender expectations is intentional on the author's part.

    The novel kicks off with Butcher's trade mark exciting scenes combining unlikely elements into trouble for the lead character. Harry Dresden barely keeps up with the book's pace himself, and even the reader is left a little breathless by the speed of the scenes. This gets somewhat discordant, but that is par for the course with this series.

    There are big familial changes in store with this novel, and hard truths revealed. Dresden will never be the same, and perhaps that is for the better. I look forward to seeing how he copes with family members, and in dealing with his ally, Karin Murphy, on a more equal basis.

    If I were to give Butcher the benefit of the doubt, I'd say that it was the use of traditional gender models in the beginning of the series that helped him get published. Now that he is picking up momentum perhaps he is able to step outside the realm of mainstream thinking to explore something more than the powerful-women-are-at-least-scary-and-usually-evil and non-powerful-women-are-good-and-helpless-and-must-be-protected-as-they-are-chips-on-the-patriarchal-poker-table-of-power stereotypes.

    I am not, at this point, seeing scads of self awareness in the gendered power dynamics. And there is nothing dealing with LGBT yet either. Not necessarily surprising, but disappointing.

    That being said, Butcher really milks the humor factor for all it is worth in combining the supernatural with up to date urban elements. I'm just so used to this genre producing valuable social and political commentary.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    he on-going Dresden Files series continues to get better and richer with each novel. In "Blood Rites" Dresden is hired to look into a mysterious series of deaths on the set of an adult film. Meanwhile, Dresden tries to take out an ancient vampire leader that threatens Chicago. Throw into this, some revelations about Dresden's past and you've got all a good combination to keep the pages turning. The best part is that revelations that could easily be soap-opera-ish are deftly handled by Butcher. The family secrets and the way all the storylines dovetail in the end is masterfully done.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I enjoyed the family moments in this book - the chapter where Harry and Thomas soulgaze and find out about their family was intense, and I even choked up a little. I love stories about family, and Harry is so alone in the world that the impact of finding a brother was especially deep for him. The emotional warmth in this book definitely puts it head and shoulders above the rest of the series so far for me.So why didn't I give it four stars? Well, there's always chauvinism and rampant objectification in Harry's POV, and I'm willing to accept that, but in this book it got to a point that it threw me out of the story at times. The constant drooling descriptions of porn starlet after porn starlet got irritating, and the whole thing with Karrin having to strip to her panties to disarm the bomb was just plain gratuitous. I agree with Harry - women are hot - but that doesn't mean you have to describe them like you're thinking with your hormones instead of your brain all the time. Harry's chauvinism makes him unlikeable - I much prefer the characters of Karrin Murphy and Thomas Raith to the POV character.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    4.5 starsI received this book in a random giveaway by GoodReads first reads. I do not know the author. All opinions expressed are completely my own. Despite the fact that I have not read the first five books before this one, may have had a greater impact on me than I realize, but it felt like a good stand alone book to me. The characters are extremely well developed and I found myself liking the main cast quite a bit. Butcher makes sure you know everything about each one. The women in this book are definitely not the "damsel in distress" type. They're strong, independent and very believable. Even the adorable puppy that got left behind with Dresden is strong willed, overly independent as most puppies try to be. This book was difficult for me to put down to take breaks. I thought that maybe at the end of a chapter I could just put it down for a little while to do other things, but NO, Butcher pulled me in so that I had to find out what happened next - as he did with the ending too. It's fast paced, funny and loaded with twists! I like the fact that Dresden has so many varied, interesting friends. His life was in jeopardy way more than one time and his faithful friends were always there to help him out in a pinch (which in his case were a heck of a pinch). I have now found a new series that I love and will start at the beginning even though I have read about mystery #6.I recommend this book to anyone who loves paranormal! It's not just paranormal romance either! It has everything you could want packed into one!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Butcher's "Blood Rites" is better on the feminism front for both Murphy and the macho chivanism (ha, I'm keeping that one, chivalric chauvinism in a nutshell) aspects. Some resoundingly disappointing points on feminism in general. All in all, that the character is developing and dealing better with women is a good thing. I wonder whether tapping into gender expectations is intentional on the author's part.

    The novel kicks off with Butcher's trade mark exciting scenes combining unlikely elements into trouble for the lead character. Harry Dresden barely keeps up with the book's pace himself, and even the reader is left a little breathless by the speed of the scenes. This gets somewhat discordant, but that is par for the course with this series.

    There are big familial changes in store with this novel, and hard truths revealed. Dresden will never be the same, and perhaps that is for the better. I look forward to seeing how he copes with family members, and in dealing with his ally, Karin Murphy, on a more equal basis.

    If I were to give Butcher the benefit of the doubt, I'd say that it was the use of traditional gender models in the beginning of the series that helped him get published. Now that he is picking up momentum perhaps he is able to step outside the realm of mainstream thinking to explore something more than the powerful-women-are-at-least-scary-and-usually-evil and non-powerful-women-are-good-and-helpless-and-must-be-protected-as-they-are-chips-on-the-patriarchal-poker-table-of-power stereotypes.

    I am not, at this point, seeing scads of self awareness in the gendered power dynamics. And there is nothing dealing with LGBT yet either. Not necessarily surprising, but disappointing.

    That being said, Butcher really milks the humor factor for all it is worth in combining the supernatural with up to date urban elements. I'm just so used to this genre producing valuable social and political commentary.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The series is getting better.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    By book 6 here, you're either enjoying the Dresden Files books or you're not, and I doubt anything I say would sway you one way or another. In this book, Harry Dresden rescues some puppies (and gains a new follower), we finally learn more about why Thomas keeps hanging around, and Murphy meets Kincaid. Lots of threads winding their way through the whole series in this one.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Dresden files continues to hold my attention, I love the way the characters keep evolving with each new book. The 6th installment has the least wimpy version of Dresden so far!3/5
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Substance: Some interesting revelations about Dresden's family. Style: The action and plot are sound, but one Dresden a year is enough. My book-Z-rating comes from the way Butcher handles sexual material: not graphic, but calculated to arouse adolescent lust.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Gee, I have actually read six of these books now and I really don't know why. I guess it is because the setting is at least different from what I generally get from most fantasy novels, and that there is at least a half decent story arch that sort of makes me want to find out what happens (though the fact that these books tend to end up sitting on my 'I may get around to reading it' shelf suggests otherwise). Anway, what did I learn from this book? Well, maybe that Jim Butcher used to, and probably still does, play roleplaying games.Basically Harry is hired by an independent film maker (and while I could be a little more subtle about the type of films that he makes, I won't, and will simply say that he makes porn) who is having his cast die of mysterious deaths while trying to produce some films to make a name for himself in the industry. Fortunately Butcher is not so crass as to make the bad guys a bunch of fundamentalist Christians who have decided that the best way to deal with a licentious society is to enact their own version of God's vengeance, and simply resorts to the old corporate monopoly trick.Once again we delve into the world of the vampires, but this time we mingle with the vampires of the Black Court (who are just plain evil) and the vampires of the White Court (who feed off human emotion). We initially, in the earlier books, received the suggestion that the White Court vampires were good, but when we come to this book, we suddenly discover that they really aren't (though in the world of Harry Dresden, there isn't really a sharp line between good and evil). We also learn a few more things about Harry Dresden, however, for some reason, I found that the peeling away of the mystery that is this wizard who advertises in the phone book was not all that revealing anymore.Now, this book was written in 2004, and I sort of wonder these days if the porn industry is on its way to obsolescence. The reason I say that is because computing power has reached such a point that any old person could simply make their own home made porn movie and upload it too the internet. Look, people basically watched porn because, well, they got off on it, and we didn't have broadband internet, or an adult only version of You-tube. These days we have it, so I wonder what is the point of actually going out and making a full length pornographic feature when, in reality, nobody is going to buy it (simply because they have either subscribed to some adult only website, or, if they are smart, have realised that you don't actually need to pay for it).I guess back in 2004 the porn industry, at least when it came to movies, still had a customer base. Mind you, as is suggested in this book, they are hardly Hollywood movies, and were churned out at an alarming rate. The ones that did actually have a following tend to have some form of plot tied into them (such as Flesh Gordon). I do remember people joking about such films, but they did exist. In fact, I remember when Flesh Gordon was showed at one of the cinemas in my home town, and I went with (surprise, surprise) a woman. We both thought it was hilarious, and I think that was the point of the movie. While it was porn, in another sense, it wasn because it was pretty much a really bad take off of a popular story. Hey, proper porn doesn't actually have a plot. It's like some house wife is at home and the pool cleaner (electrician, computer repair man, vacuum cleaner salesman, or any other random guy that just happens to be really well endowed) turns up and they have a bit of a chat, and then start performing acts that some of us still believe children shouldn't be exposed to. In reality there is no plot, and films that I have seen (and yes, I've seen porn) would normally have us fast forward all of the boring bits (which involves really bad and pointless small talk) until we got to the gratuitous sex. The funny thing is that with those movies I never actually watched one alone, but with a group of us, and we would simply all sit around the television and laugh.Mind you, we were all pretty young at the time.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Despite the fact that this book needed an editor to point out places where the character gets up from a chair twice in the same paragraph without ever sitting down again or when he eats 3 breakfasts at three different places while seeing a doctor at the last minute between the last two (er, what time is breakfast at the last place?) without ever even mentioning he was full... Okay I'm going to pause there and add a period because even though that isn't a complete sentence, it's too dang long.

    Anyway, despite that, Blood Rites is another great tale from Butcher. It's fast paced adventure, starting with page one and leaving with not a cliffhanger exactly but a desire to read the next book RIGHT NOW. He's great at doing that with his chapters, too. I'd promise myself I'd stop reading at the end of the chapter but almost always it ends with something that made me want to keep reading.

    The characters are likable, with strong interesting women (no more wilting flower girlfriend), and believable actions and emotions. I love his concept and development of the emotion vampire. Although at times certain plot devices seemed rather convenient, the book had two equally strong narratives through out that co-mingled nicely, twists and turns and loads of surprises and revelations about series characters.

    At times funny, at times tragic, in all, Blood Rites is a good, solid read for those looking for a fun urban fantasy. Oh, and a puppy! Dresden puppy = Kelly happy place.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I really enjoyed this book! This was a re-read for me and I liked it just as much the second time around. I did remember some parts of the book from the first time I read the story but I had forgotten most of the details. It has been about a year and half since I listened to the last book in this series and I really enjoyed spending a little bit of time with Harry Dresden once again. This is the fifth book in the series and I do recommend that this series be read in order. This was a book that entertained me from beginning to end.Harry has a lot going on in this book. I don't even know how he is able to keep everything straight. He has a vampire from the Red Court that wants to duel him. A priest wants his help in finding the Shroud and a few other people would like to get their hands on it as well. An old girlfriend is in town to keep things interesting. Plus there are all the other situations that Harry seems to regularly find himself in. If you are looking for a book with a lot of action, look no further because this book really never slows down.The characters in this book almost feel real to me. One thing that I love about reading a series like this is how well you get to know each of the characters. It is almost like they are old friends and you can somewhat anticipate how they might react in certain situations. I do think it is also a lot of fun to re-read a longer series like this because the groundwork for future events is being laid. Having already read the later books, I know that some scenes will become more important later on. There are a lot of characters featured in this story that have been very important to the series. I liked seeing Michael and his family as well as the other Knights of the Cross. Thomas, John Marconi, Susan, and Karin also play important roles.James Marsters takes this book to a whole new level. I originally read this book on my kindle but if I had known how good the audiobook was, I might have went that route the first time around. I think he does a fantastic job in bringing Harry to life. I know what Harry is feeling at times because I can hear it in his voice. I think that he does a great job with all of the characters and the dialogue in the story flows very nicely. He has a very pleasant voice that was easy to listen to for hours at a time.I do recommend this series to others. I like that it is a fairly complex story with some humor worked in at just the right moments. Harry is a character that is easy to cheer for because in the end he really is a good guy. I am looking forward to continuing with my re-read of the series very soon.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This series continues to be one that I turn to when I need to be distracted or need a little uplift in life. Nothing better to turn my mood around then Harry Dresden battling all the demons of Hell. If you haven't experienced this series in audio, give it a shot.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I don't know what it is about the Dresden files books but I really enjoy them despite not really liking the main character and some real clangers in Butcher's writing.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I love Harry's friends! Seriously shit goes down here and they are handling it. Another one I couldn't put down. AND OMG MARCONE JUST APPEARS OUT OF NOWHERE WTF?
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This series has definitely gotten better with Death Masks. While I enjoyed the previous entries, this one is definitely my favorite. Looking forward to the rest of them.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Harry Dresden is having one hell of a day. A high ranking member of the Red Court of Vampires has challenged Harry to a duel to the death. Several of Marcone's thugs are gunning for him. A horribly mutilated corpse has turned up that the Chicago PD need assistance identifying. The Shroud of Turn has been stolen. Plus Susan is back in town and slowly losing control over her new vampiric nature. Never has there been a better recipe for disaster.Death Masks is the fifth in Jim Butcher's Dresden Files. Harry is back and he has a lot on his plate. Too much I'd say. There were so many plot lines that none of them were given the time they deserved. The two main plots could have easily filled out its own book and still been great. I almost forgot about the vampire duel I was so caught up with the Denarians and the Shroud. I will say that Butcher really knows his myths and legends, giving us a nice taste of the Fallen. Can't wait to see what theses guys have in store for Harry in the future.This was another action filled entry to the series. And Butcher really knows how to write action! I'm glad to see Harry placing his trust in Murphy and the two of them working more as a team. Just wish she'd been in the story more.Unfortunately I'm not jiving with Harry's sense of humor. It was more eye roll than funny for me this time around. It almost makes me root for the bad guys. Almost.The ending is both wrapped up and open ended, a tough trick to pull. Harry has his work cut out for him in the books to come.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    They are getting a lot better, this one is one of my favorites. Such awesome characters.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Borrowed this from the library as part of my re-read. In this one Harry is engaged to find out who stole the shroud of Turin while also trying to stay alive while the Vampire Red Court try to kill him, and he's also being chased by demons. His life is busy and his ex-girlfriend is back in town, just to complicate matters.It's a bit of a romp, I enjoy it, though there are moments I wish it was a little better, still I found it a good read and I'm now looking forward to reading the rest of the series. This re-read was encouraged by seeing the series on TV again. There are pretty major differences between the TV series and the books but overall the feel is the same and Harry is a good solid character who is trying to live a good life. His choices at the end are going to bite him later...