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Sorgenfrei durchs Leben: 10 Schritte zur mentalen Freiheit
Sorgenfrei durchs Leben: 10 Schritte zur mentalen Freiheit
Sorgenfrei durchs Leben: 10 Schritte zur mentalen Freiheit
eBook83 Seiten52 Minuten

Sorgenfrei durchs Leben: 10 Schritte zur mentalen Freiheit

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

"In 'Sorgenfrei durchs Leben: 10 Schritte zur mentalen Freiheit,' discover your personal roadmap to a life free from burdensome worries and fears. In a world often filled with stress and uncertainty, this book offers you a clear and proven path to inner peace and serenity.
Join the author, Ranjot, on a transformative journey, where you will learn step by step how to rethink your thought patterns, cultivate mindfulness, and practice self-compassion. By refreshing negative thoughts and implementing effective decision-making techniques, you'll gain the tools to take control of your worries and consciously shape your life.
'Ranjot's 10 Schritte zur mentalen Freiheit' will guide you in setting clear boundaries, recognizing priorities, and embracing imperfection, all essential elements for leading a fulfilled life. You will also learn techniques for relaxation and stress reduction, enabling you to handle life's daily challenges with ease.
Additionally, the book will show you how to seek support and connection so that you don't have to face your worries alone. Finally, it will teach you how to incorporate gratitude and positive thinking into your life, allowing you to experience daily joy and contentment.
More than just a book, 'Sorgenfrei durchs Leben' is a practical guide that equips you with the tools to leave your worries behind and lead a fulfilling, happy life. If you seek inner freedom and peace, Ranjot's book is your key."
HerausgeberRana Books UK
Erscheinungsdatum10. Okt. 2023

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    Sorgenfrei durchs Leben - Ranjot Singh Chahal

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