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Lust auf Abwegen
Lust auf Abwegen
Lust auf Abwegen
eBook87 Seiten56 Minuten

Lust auf Abwegen

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

Als Dr. Simon Schmidt beim Spaziergang mit seinem Hund im Wald das bewusstlose Opfer eines gewalttätigen sexuellen Übergriffs entdeckt, tut er genau das Richtige und ruft einen Krankenwagen.

Aber der geschiedene Arzt ist besorgt. Er kennt diese Frau: Er hatte vor einiger Zeit eine BDSM-Affäre mit ihr. Das bedeutet, dass sie nur allzu gut über seine Neigungen Bescheid weiß - ein gefährliches Geheimnis, das unter keinen Umständen entdeckt werden soll. Aber die Polizei stellt Fragen. Fragen, die er lieber nicht beantworten würde.

Kann Simon dem Netz aus Lügen entkommen, in das er sich immer weiter verstrickt?

HerausgeberJames Grey
Erscheinungsdatum22. Juli 2022
Lust auf Abwegen

James Grey

James Grey is one of a small handful of genuine male authors writing erotica. His work is known both for its honesty and for its mix of female and male perspectives. His most successful books thus far, notably his best-selling Emma series, are written from a woman's point of view. Not only do these popular novels strike a chord with female readers looking to explore their fantasies, but they reveal much about the sexually liberated and powerful women in whom this author so fervently believes. Grey also lays his own innermost lusts, hottest experiences and darkest disappointments on the line for all to see: passion, ecstasy, angst and unsugared failure. If you want to know what a man thinks, feels and desires when it comes to women and sex, look no further than some of his short stories. He may write his erotica under a nom-de-plume, but Grey has been widely published by magazines and newspapers around the world for over two decades. He still spends much of his working life writing about topics other than hardcore sex. This includes travel books under a different author name. Grey began writing erotica in the run-up to Christmas 2013, inspired by a recent visit to a sauna in Germany and prompted by a subsequent period of ennui at his aunt’s house in France. His self-published author ego was then born on a grim, hung-over New Year’s Day in England, when he uploaded the Hot Wet Touches ebook. Connect with him online - you'll find details at the back of his books - and you might even find a picture of the well-travelled Grey at a book signing event. Grey is in his late thirties and lives in a European capital city. And yes, he likes to keep you guessing. But if you want to know something, why not simply ask him? ;)

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    Lust auf Abwegen - James Grey

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