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Vitamin D (English translation): From the office chair out to the sun
Vitamin D (English translation): From the office chair out to the sun
Vitamin D (English translation): From the office chair out to the sun
eBook41 Seiten19 Minuten

Vitamin D (English translation): From the office chair out to the sun

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Are you exhausted, tired, tense or unable to sleep through? Then it is likely that you have too little vitamin D. In this book, we consciously focus on vitamin D, how it is formed and needed, and what you can do if it is deficient. If you have little vitamin D, it is obvious to go to the sun from time to time after taking a short break from the office. Instead of a power nap, you can also take a walk in the sunshine to get vitamin D. Other or additional possibilities are, to go to the solarium with the newest quality standard, nutritional change or in our latitudes, the intake of a supplement with vitamin D can also be useful. Do you want more quality of life? Then you are at right way...
Erscheinungsdatum8. Dez. 2019
Vitamin D (English translation): From the office chair out to the sun

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    Vitamin D (English translation) - Andrea Bühlmann

    1. Vitamin D - short sunbathing or vitamin D tablet?

    Vitamin D - From the office chair out to the sun

    Are you exhausted, tired, tense or unable to sleep through? Then it is likely that you have too little vitamin D. In this book, we consciously focus on vitamin D, how it is formed and needed, and what you can do if it is deficient. With a few tips, you can prevent discomfort and even treat certain ailments. It is important that you also think about other vitamins and minerals, as well as you are willing to adjust your lifestyle if you want to improve your well-being. For most of the time, it is an interaction of factors that influence our health.

    If you have little vitamin D, it is obvious to go to the sun from time to time after taking a short break from the office. Instead of a power nap, you can also take a walk in the sunshine to get vitamin D. Other or additional possibilities are, to go to the solarium with the newest quality standard, nutritional change or in our latitudes, the intake of a supplement with vitamin D can also be useful. Do you want more quality of life? Then you are at right way...

    Since in the northern hemisphere, about 90% of the population in Germany, suffer from a vitamin D deficiency, probably you too are. Vitamin D supplementation is therefore generally recommended. Since it is a fat-soluble vitamin, it is excreted in an overdose, not as water-soluble vitamins, via the urine, but stored in the fat or a high concentration remains relatively long. An

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