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True or False? The most, exciting 666 myths of our life
True or False? The most, exciting 666 myths of our life
True or False? The most, exciting 666 myths of our life
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True or False? The most, exciting 666 myths of our life

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If you want to expand your knowledge and be ahead of your fellow human beings, you should read the book. It clears up old folk wisdom and brings light into the darkness of advice that is over 100 years old. Science brings new knowledge every day and exposes old sayings and advice as half-truths or even lies. With the knowledge from the book you are definitely ahead of your fellow human beings.sen wants to expand and be ahead of your fellow human beings, the book should read It clears up old folk wisdom and brings light into the darkness of advice that is over 100 years old. Science brings new insights every day and exposes old sayings and advice as half-truths or even lies. With the knowledge from the book you are definitely ahead of your fellow men.
Erscheinungsdatum1. Nov. 2020
True or False? The most, exciting 666 myths of our life

Wilfried Bauer

Karl Wilfried Bauer, 1955 in Köln geboren, lebt in Brühl/Rheinland. Neben Anekdoten aus dem rheinischen Milieu schreibt er Kurzgeschichten und Romane. Nicht die großen Superhelden spielen die Hauptrolle in seinen Geschichten, sondern Lück, wie ich und Du.

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    True or False? The most, exciting 666 myths of our life - Wilfried Bauer

    Copyright notice

    All rights by the author of this work. Reprinting in any form and reproduction through private and public media such as radio, television, image and sound carriers, storage and distribution in electronic media or use for lectures, even in extracts, only with the author's permission. Violations will be prosecuted under criminal and civil law. Likewise, the distribution of this e-book, whether free of charge or for a fee, is prohibited and will be prosecuted under criminal and civil law upon discovery.

    This guide may not be converted into an audio book without the author's permission.

    Copyright © 2020 by the author: Wilfried Bauer, 99867 Gotha (Germany)

    Reachable under the e-mail address: info@hypnose-gotha.de or the

    Phone number: +49 0152 299 19 437


    The word myth comes from the Greek and is linked to the gods in ancient mythology as the existence of man. Myth originally means speech, word, sound, narrative, legendary story or fairy tale. In the colloquial language today, mythical means rather legendary, fabulous or even fairy-tale like to vague. A harder way would be to exchange the word for error. Some of our everyday myths are also errors. If today we speak of the myths (errors) of everyday life, then they are traditions that have been passed on from generation to generation, sometimes for centuries. Many everyday myths have only been created in modern times - since the last one hundred years. Like for example the myths (misconceptions) about the microwave or chewing gum etc.

    Despite scientific clarification, some of these vague statements are very persistent. Maybe some people just want to believe. It is remarkable that even highly intelligent people pass on such half-truths and believe in them themselves. In our writing we have questioned the most common ones that circulate among the population. Many of these former truths are now disproved and no longer tenable. Science has done a great job here as a detective. What is curious is that despite this, these errors are still very persistent in people's minds as dogmas. We sometimes have the impression that these curiosities are engraved in people's minds forever.

    It is interesting to see how many such errors are circulating among the people of today. Let's take a closer look at the most common of these modern fairy tales.

    In this reading, the speaker not only emphasizes the correction of facts, but also wants to convey knowledge. That is why the book has a lexical part, like a red thread. The following example clearly demonstrates: Myths about Coca-Cola does not only contain the myths and misconceptions. The lexical part contains, for example, since when has the brown soda been around, who invented it, since when does it exist in Europe, how much is consumed in Germany, etc.

    Or the myths about chewing gum: who invented it, since when did it exist, since when in Europe, who brought it to Europe etc.

    The speaker wants to impart lexical knowledge besides the myths (errors). This has the advantage that the reader receives really valuable information on the basic topics (Coca-Cola, water, coffee, etc.) and can expand his knowledge.

    Myths about drinks

    Myths about drinking

    We know that our body needs to absorb enough fluids to stay healthy. In the 1920s there were scientists who devoted themselves to this topic. At that time, nutritional science and medicine were at a backward stage compared to today's state of the art. The healthy body signals the feeling of thirst. This feeling is controlled by the brain (hypothalamus). It depends on the electrolyte balance and the amount of blood.

    Man needs two liters of fluid per day to stay healthy

    Wrong! There are light and heavy people. So a person weighing 50 kilograms would have to drink two litres and a person weighing 100 kilograms would have to drink two litres as well. The latest findings of scientists say that per kilogram of body weight, 30 millilitres of fluid is the healthy measure. A person with a body weight of 50 kilograms should drink 1.5 litres of fluid. A person weighing 100 kilograms should therefore drink 3 litres of fluid. This is not just about drinking fluid. But if you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, you will also take in fluid here. Those who in summer put in a leap day per week and on this day eat a watermelon of 2 kilograms portioned and drink one litre of water, absorb enough water. Because the melon consists of 80 percent water.

    Too little liquid is just as harmful as too much liquid

    Right! Especially older people often drink too little. Sometimes not a litre a day. Here there is a risk of dehydration. The cells dry out. If the water content of our cells falls below 60 percent, it becomes dangerous for life. The whole organism gets confused. It is the same when a person ingests more than 6 litres of fluid. Then the blood is diluted so much that life is in danger.

    Too little liquid can lead to heart attacks and strokes in older people

    Right! The blood becomes thicker when there is too little fluid. There is a risk of smaller or larger thrombi forming, which in particular block small, thin or even larger vessels. This can then lead to the above-mentioned clinical pictures.


    Myths about milk

    Milk has been one of the most controversial food issues for some years now. Most people think milk is healthy and good for our bones. Scientists divide into proponents and opponents of today's cow's milk as we can buy it in stores. That is what quality means. Today's milk is pasteurised (it is heated between 72 and 75 degrees Celsius for 15 to 30 seconds to make it last longer) before it is sold in shops. Supporters warn against drinking more than one glass (200 millilitres) a day. Several scientific studies from some industrialised countries have put milk drinkers under the microscope in studies. The opponents of the white gold therefore do not leave much good in this drink and food. The cow's milk 100 years ago, which was fetched from the farmer, has nothing to do with the cow's milk available in supermarkets today.

    Milk is healthy

    Right! But only if no more than one glass is drunk a day. Milk is rich in protein and vitamin E and calcium.


    H - milk is not as healthy as fresh whole milk

    Right! This drink has only five percent less vitamins than other whole milk.

    The best milk foam can be made from H - milk

    Right! Why is that? Unfortunately, there is no explanation for this yet. But that's the way it is!

    Whole milk makes you fat

    Wrong! If you don't eat only milk, but a balanced diet, milk will not do you any harm in terms of weight.

    Organic milk is healthier than conventional

    Right! Scientists from the USA have found out that organic milk is actually healthier. It contains considerably more omega-3 fatty acids than conventional milk.

    Milk is good for the bones and prevents osteoporosis

    Wrong! The calcium contained in milk is said to be good for bone stability. Swedish scientists have come up with different results. When calcium is dissolved from the bones, osteoporosis develops. Drinking a lot of cow's milk does not help with getting older either. Calcium is found in many other foods, such as vegetables and fish. Taking calcium from food alone does not help. Because a helper is needed to integrate the calcium into the bones. This built-in helper is called vitamin D. The body produces the vitamin itself. The sunlight on the skin stimulates the organism to produce vitamin D.

    Dogs cannot tolerate cow's milk

    Right! Because dogs are lactose intolerant. Meanwhile, dogs are great with yogurt and cheese.


    Raw milk contains many dangerous bacteria

    Wrong! Milk bacteria are freely tapped from the cow's udder. Bacteria can then settle outside the udder. Poor hygiene can result in the milk being contaminated with bacteria.

    Lactose - Intolerance is a serious disease

    Wrong! Thousands of years ago, all humans were lactose intolerant. When people settled down and kept farm animals, they genetically trained this flaw in their metabolism.

    Milk is carcinogenic

    Yes! Anyone who consumes more than half a litre of the white drink per day and a lot of dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt etc. has a more than 20 percent higher risk of developing cancer. Here the prostate cancer is significant. This is because the cell division rate is increased by the milk and dairy products.

    Milk mucus the respiratory tract

    Wrong! Milk has a creamy property, when mixed with saliva it creates a slimy emulsion. Unfortunately this has nothing in common with mucus in the conventional sense. It is more a sense of taste. Therefore milk does not stimulate the production of mucus.

    Milk promotes acne

    Right! Milk contains growth-promoting messenger substances which are intended for the offspring of the breed. For those who are susceptible to acne, the messenger substances ensure that the fat production of the sebaceous glands in the skin is properly stimulated. Who suffers from acne should better avoid milk.

    Milk from cows in the pasture is much higher quality than milk from cows in the barn

    Right! The Danish Institute of Agricultural Research has found that milk from cows grazing in the pasture contains much more vitamin E, healthy fatty acids and beta-carotene.

    Milk baths are a beauty elixir for the skin

    Right! Cleopatra already knew this at a time when science could not prove it. The skin becomes smooth and soft, as today's scientists confirm. The secret why milk can compete with today's beauty treatments (or is the easier competition) is that the milk contains milk fat and lactic acid. How do I prepare a milk bath at home: put two litres of milk or whey from the health food shop or five tablespoons of whey powder into a tub bath and mix well. Get into the bath water and do not exceed the recommended bath duration of 15 minutes. There are different variants for the milk bath. These can be found on the Internet. In any case, it is a good variant for people who want to avoid expensive beauty treatments.

    Milk makes tired men feel better

    Wrong! Where does the myth come from? From the 1950s. Because back then milk was intensively promoted by the dairy industry. Suddenly milk bars opened everywhere. Milk was a symbol of the economic miracle of the Federal Republic of Germany. The slogan promoted consumption and the image of the agricultural product. In the years that followed, the slogan was modified again and again. In the 1980s, the slogan came up: Milk does it! But, what does milk do? Today's slogan is Milk is my strength. The question is: what other slogans will follow in the future? The truth is: milk contains the active ingredient tryptophane, which has a tiring and sleep-promoting effect on the human organism. The substance is also contained in cocoa. Milk makes tired men feel better because they have been persuaded to do so by the advertising industry. Imagination is everything, for some people imagination is the only education they have. Hello, the placebo effect sends its regards!

    Myths about distilled water

    Distilled water is produced from tap or spring water by distillation. By this process the water is freed from ions, trace elements and impurities. It is used as a solvent and cleaning agent in medicine, pharmacy, biology and chemistry. In the trade there is simply distilled water for car batteries or steam irons. However, this water is not really pure distilled water. Therefore it is not used in medicine. This is demineralized water, which is demineralized in an ion exchanger. This water is available for little money. Really pure distilled water is expensive and uneconomical due to the complex production process.

    Distilled water is not drinking water

    Wrong! Who does not know the saying of the pharmacist or the chemistry teacher: Never drink distilled water. You can get water poisoning. Because water deprives the body of vital minerals!

    Unfortunately such sayings are from grandma's time and do not correspond to the truth. Why? If you drink distilled water, your stomach is enriched with trace elements. This happens through the food we eat. Many people swear by the aroma of tea brewed with distilled water. Nor can minerals or nutrients be flushed out of the cells. This is because our cell membranes are permeable (semi-permeable). Only water molecules pass through them. Sugar molecules or salts are too large and do not enter the cell through the cell membrane.

    Drinking distilled water is even good and can even be a health food. Because it does not contain any harmful substances such as nitrates, lead, herbicides or pesticides. From time to time such cures should be taken, but not permanently. Whoever eats an unbalanced diet and drinks this water constantly must expect to deprive his body of potassium and sodium ions and thus upset the electrolyte balance. In warm summer times, where there is a lot of sweating, the distillate should be left out.


    Never make cures with distilled water

    Wrong! The most important function of water is purification. This means that poisonous metabolic residues should be removed from the body. This works best when the water is empty and unsaturated. This means: the less minerals and other substances the water has, the better it can absorb dissolved pollutants in the body and flush them out. It can be compared to a magnetic effect. The toxins are attracted, retained and transported away. In contrast, hard mineral water interferes with the purification of the blood. Anyone who drinks water that cannot be transported must expect the blood to thicken. If the flow rate of the blood decreases, many harmful substances remain in the body and can be the cause of many illnesses in the long run.

    Never make cures with distilled water

    Wrong! The most important function of water is purification. This means that poisonous metabolic residues should be removed from the body. This works best when the water is empty and unsaturated. This means: the less minerals and other substances the water has, the better it can absorb dissolved pollutants in the body and flush them out. It can be compared to a magnetic effect. The toxins are attracted, retained and transported away. In contrast, hard mineral water interferes with the purification of the blood. Anyone who drinks water that cannot be transported must expect the blood to thicken. If the flow rate of the blood decreases, many harmful substances remain in the body and can be the cause of many illnesses in the long run.

    Distilled water is distilled water

    Wrong! Not every bottle of distilled water has distillate on it. You can buy 5 litre canisters of distilled water for a par cent. Unfortunately this is usually demineralized water. This is produced in an ion exchanger. In the trade it is available under ironing water or battery water. Here you can find organic substances or other impurities.

    Genuine distilled water is really expensive to produce and can be obtained from pharmacies. Also here you can get single and double distilled water, which is suitable for a cure.

    spring: IPN Research Vienna

    Myths about Coca-Cola

    John Stith Pemperson invented this brown lemonade in 1886. The pharmacy wholesaler Asa Griggs Candler acquired the rights to Coca-Cola for 2,300 dollars shortly before the death of the inventor. He founded the Coca-Cola Company in 1892. In 1893 Candler had Coca-Cola protected as a trademark and marketed it in the USA. From 1896 he marketed it in neighboring countries. The drink was sold in Germany for the first time in 1929.

    Today, every German is supposed to drink over 40 litres of cola a year. The drink Coca-Cola, also called Coke, is the absolute market leader in Germany. We know that the brown lemonade is not exactly beneficial to health. Because one litre of Coca-Cola contains almost 40 pieces of sugar cubes. The secrecy surrounding the recipe for the brown lemonade is fuelling the rumour mill even more.

    Cola eats through teeth

    Wrong! The phosphoric acid contained in cola damages the tooth enamel. This is the breeding ground for caries. Condition: drink at least one litre of the brown lemonade per day. Anyone who consumes other phosphorus-containing drinks will experience the same effect.

    Cola dissolves the stomach and decomposes meat

    Wrong! The rumor is said to have been started by the National Socialists to damage the reputation of Coca-Cola. The stomach acid is much more concentrated than the acid in cola. The stomach walls are protected by a protective layer. I myself have heard that an employee fell into a large container of Coca-Cola concentrate at the beverage manufacturer and the meat would have been immediately detached from the skeleton. Surely a fictional story.

    Cola is an ingenious rust remover

    Right! Put rusty nails into the cola for 15 to 20 hours and the rust will say goodbye. Wrap a pair of rusty pliers in a linen cloth soaked in cola and seal them airtight in a plastic bag. Leave it for several hours and the rust will say goodbye.


    Cola dissolves urine stone in the toilet bowl

    Right! Pour one or two bottles of cola into the basin and leave them overnight. If there are any leftovers, repeat the process.

    Coca-Cola contains small amounts of cocaine

    Wrong! The drink got its name because it is said to have originally contained extracts from the leaves of the coca plant. Supposedly, one liter in the early years contained over 40 mg of cocaine. The company says that the drink never contained cocaine at any time.

    Cola-Light and Mentos is a highly explosive mixture

    Wrong! Moravia says that a person who drinks a glass of cola and then swallows a Mentos dies from it. Here the conspirators refer to a little boy from Brazil who died of it. A professor is also

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