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World - Being a medical Doctor - Humanity: Motivation, Ethics, Doing
World - Being a medical Doctor - Humanity: Motivation, Ethics, Doing
World - Being a medical Doctor - Humanity: Motivation, Ethics, Doing
eBook125 Seiten1 Stunde

World - Being a medical Doctor - Humanity: Motivation, Ethics, Doing

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Humans and humanity are in danger of becoming lonely and losing each other. So the longevity of life is at stake with the crash of no return. Life on the planet has a beginning and an end, so that the equilibrium on which the eternal harmony of life is based, which reaches deep into medicine, is maintained. Nothing and no one can fall out of the role of the great life cycle without being punished for it. This is also how ethics see it, which is more closely related to 'World Reason' than people believed and expected during their lifetime.
The problem is balancing in the reorientation, because without it the right way into the future cannot be found and epilepsy spreads along the wrong paths. Man needs the leading hand, just as the adult leads the amazed child into the world and explains things to him and, as he walks on, removes or tries to take away his fear of the world of the unknown. Knowledge alone does not solve the problems of fear. The leading hand is necessary as long as the known is short and the unknown is long.
Every organ in the organism serves the purpose of taking up and fulfilling its assigned function. The fulfillment of the function thus contributes to the maintenance of the organism. In biology, genesis meets individual growth (ontogenesis) and the emergence of species (phylogenesis). Ontogenesis is the germ-causal determination of the individual, and phylogeny is germ-causal species determination. In addition, there are random genetic changes in the plus and minus variants, the results of which determine the type and degree of natural selection.
The aim of moral endeavor is to bring one's own condition into line with the level of morality. Morality is immortal and demands its place in this world. On the other hand, the responsibility borne by humans is perishable with death. In ethics, it is otherness that takes possession of responsibility. The form and spirit of the situation shape the action and go beyond the set goal in the ethical decision.
Erscheinungsdatum4. Nov. 2020
World - Being a medical Doctor - Humanity: Motivation, Ethics, Doing

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    World - Being a medical Doctor - Humanity - Helmut Lauschke

    To the command of humanity, ethics and responsibility, intuition of morality

    Helmut Lauschke


    Being a medical Doctor


    Motivation, Ethics, Doing

    The birth of man and his amazement at the world is the beginning of philosophy (Plato). The new person rejuvenates being through being different in seeing, thinking and creating.

    Medical doctors have an extraordinarily great responsibility for the near future. (Professor Dr. F. Lickint, Dresden-Friedrichstadt: Negotiations of the German Society for Internal Medicine, 62nd Congress Wiesbaden April 1956)

    The big challenges near the Namibian-Angolan border


    To the command of humanity, ethics and responsibility, intuition of morality 5

    End time threat, emergency ethics and the responsibility in excessive demands 34

    Parkinsonism of humanity - trembling hands hold the community 34

    Conditions for the coming of the new person 44

    Progress in people as a personality 45

    Truth and accountability 46

    From the everyday life of an active doctor 48

    The straight lines of motivation 49

    The girl Kristofina, who was struck by the lightning 53

    Emergency delivery by caesarean section and border crossing on a donkey cart with severe abdominal injury 57

    The climatic conditions at work 96

    Violent detonation in the immediate vicinity 102

    Shortly after midnight 105

    The girl with bone sarcoma 113

    The shadowy faces of the night raids 139

    Emergency operation to save the life of a young mother-to-be 146

    Three handcuffed men are brought forward 151

    The importance of the foot for freedom of movement in the desert 154

    The man whose right leg flew away 157

    From the letter of a colleague and friend 165

    In the age of rapidly advancing science and technology, ethics must be understood more comprehensively and deeply in order to understand the ‘superpowers’ of the unleashed Prometheus, son of the titans Iapetus and Klymene, (on behalf of the gods, Prometheus and Epimetheus to bring earthly living beings) under control or to tame them before they drive humanity irreversibly into the abyss of the chaos of catastrophes.

    Prometheus is like Atlas, Epimetheus and Menoitius, son of the titans Iapetus and Clymene.

    He created man out of the clay of the earth, Athena breathed the mind into the creature. Prometheus taught people different kinds of work, counting, letters, the course of the stars, dealing with animals, the art of healing and other things.

    After the gods had become aware of the human race, which was mortal in contrast to them, an encounter between mortals and gods took place, at which Prometheus spoke for his mortals. In dividing a sacrificial animal between gods and humans, however, he went so far as to want to deceive the immortals. He hid the meat in the hide and coated the bones with tallow in the hope that the gods would choose the inferior bones. Zeus, however, saw through the deception and therefore denied the Prometheus people the fire necessary for their civilization. But Prometheus brought the fire to the people, hidden in a stalk of the giant fennel.

    Thereupon Zeus let Hephaestus create the Pandora, who brought evil upon humanity with her box. Zeus then ordered Hephaestus and his journeymen to drag Prometheus into the Scythian wasteland and to forge him to the Caucasus over an abyss. Zeus ’ relentlessness went so far that he sent out an eagle every day to eat from Prometheus' liver, but it kept renewing itself.

    However, Prometheus could hope to end his torments if he interpreted the prophecy that Zeus would be ruined by a new marriage. Zeus also allowed someone else - forged on the rock in place of Prometheus - to die for him.

    However, Prometheus remained unbowed and, according to legend, was forged thirty thousand years until Heracles passed on his way to the Hesperides. Out of compassion for the tormented man, he killed the eagle with one of his insurmountable arrows. He detached Prometheus from the rock and replaced him with the centaur Cheiron (Chiron), who voluntarily wanted to go to his death. However, Prometheus still had to wear an iron ring with a piece of rock to give Zeus the satisfaction that his adversary was still forged in the Caucasus.

    The presumptuous and therefore irresponsible submission of nature has now seized man himself with the consequences that are psychologically and physiologically frightening and demand unknown challenges in the treatment of diseases. The danger lies in the orphic-cosmological quantities of finality. Because what man is able to do at this time has never been done before.

    Since the traditional wisdom with all its knowledge is directed towards mankind, the problem of being increases in the elevation to the exponential function. The safety zone of being is not marked to avoid the apocalyptic effects. The norms of good and bad are not clearly drawn.

    The asymptotes are to be applied to the ethical principles in order to grasp them and to recognize the probability of impending dangers early on. The image of the human being meets both the soul and the physical in life with the time-oriented premise of survival.

    The thought asymptotes on the way of ethics affect the being of man in the question of why there are people on the planet. With the application of the asymptote to today's circle of existence, the second question arises about the existence of man for the future. The sub-question includes securing this existence. The future with its detailed ramifications is gaining in importance because life with survival corresponds to the increasing risk.

    View and knowledge of people holistically incorporate the planetary expanses into the awareness of personal causality. The ethics is centered on the degree of morality in the point of view and visual analysis in the inclusion of fellow human beings.

    In thinking, doing and in society, ethics deals with the actions of large ranges and scales, which go beyond prejudices, prior knowledge and assumptions. All of this calls responsibility to the center of ethics in the touched dimensions of space and time. It will be the responsibility that is put to the test again and again in thinking and human action, because it is the human being who gets lost in his mistakes and gets stuck.

    The progress in its global dynamics exceeds the limits of reality in the thoughtful reflection that mentally and physically, there are increasingly disturbances in well-being through loneliness with the feeling of being lost and severe mental-physical illnesses that socially marginalize the individual existence and tear into the depths of misery.

    The external progress goes hand in hand with the internal depression, where the hope of a life in human dignity often turns into hopelessness and lies on the ground of despair and disruption. When setting goals, there is also human immodesty that the path taken is the wrong one and does not lead to the goal.

    That is why responsibility includes the axioms fear and awe in order to protect yourself as a person in the often dubious freedom against the arbitrary encroachments of power and injustice. Utopia is one side and reality is the other side of existence, there is no solid line between them.

    The state of man is determined by his nature and the nature of things around him. This also makes the good in people recognizable. Human action in its breadth and the responsibility of what it does are included. Humans have learned that despite their inventive size they have remained small compared to the natural elements, which is reflected in the gaps in knowledge and research errors.

    The freedoms which man takes out may have wounded the essence of nature, but man has not diminished the essence of nature in its greatness and breadth, its diversity and grandeur. Rather, the human being stands speechless in amazement in front of her silent tolerance and forces himself in mental reflection to respect the fertile soil and the life on it with the measure of personal modesty.

    Even if man has made significant diagnostic advances for many diseases and found ways of healing, mortality does not bow to him. This teaches him to respect nature and not to exploit it greedily if he wants to avoid the apocalypse with the end of humanity.

    The interventions in nature for the continuation of life must therefore be considered more carefully and critically, thought out and handled more exact-narrowly if the planet is to recover from human interventions and life is to continue. Science and art can continue to achieve great things if people behave in a disciplined, educated and nature-friendly manner. He must recognize the limits of the conquests he has made and further planned. Any kind of exaggeration is harmful and annihilated, which in large part cannot be restored.

    Arbitrariness comes from self-determination, which is able to destroy the basis with its principles for human existence, so that it is practically suspended. That is the cause of the social inflammation and social friction. The forces necessary to create the balance for more justice work in the direction of entropy. In compensating for the deviations, the goal is that state as it was before the eruptions of human arbitrariness with the freedom taken for itself.

    That is, the control of man in his actions is incomplete and deficient, against which human nature rises. Man's nature is above his responsibility. Human will and prudence must be compatible with morality. The forces of reason must be strengthened and concordant in morality, defend and consolidate their principles and hand them over to the next generation in an understandable way. In this way, ethics is reformed and brought up to date in terms of content and language. The righteousness of the young generation is declared and handed over to them in trustworthy hands.

    The principles and commandments of ethics must be preserved in human life and must be observed by people. It means that ethics itself has to live, to survive and to live on in the following generations. Its death would be no less than the

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