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Sophon - The Power of Thought: From the risk of life
Sophon - The Power of Thought: From the risk of life
Sophon - The Power of Thought: From the risk of life
eBook39 Seiten30 Minuten

Sophon - The Power of Thought: From the risk of life

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The beginning of wisdom is the definition of the terms. The way to wisdom is to be recognized and followed, it is not taught and studied like a subject of knowledge. Wisdom is quietly and part of what a person thinks about, feels and does in a completely unnoticed way. Again and again it is the beginning that does not mark the wisdom because great spiritual things can neither be grasped. The beginning does not end, because wisdom does not have that.
Every thought that is sent out is a vibration; it vibrates in every part of the universe, and when the thought is noble and beneficial, it vibrates related thoughts. People unconsciously absorb the thoughts and send comparable thoughts depending on their strength.
Thoughts are timeless in the change of reality, they are the bridge from the zeitgeist to the spirit of man and vice versa, this communication ensures existence.
Thoughts bring knowledge and create science, thoughts have shapes of different sizes and weights, the world of thoughts is permanent and limitless.
The ordering of thoughts also gives rise to philosophy, which does not end in human consciousness, philosophy mentally dismantles the world and bundles it anew.
Space and time store the thoughts from which the forces are formed that order and change the world. The swing of thoughts is an expression of energy.
Man is drifting in a sea of thoughts or is exposed to it. With some thoughts man agrees spiritually, while he rejects others as unacceptable in the world of thought.
Everyone has their own world of thoughts. For everyone, the thought is an expression of the conflict in the field of tension between object and subject. The dissolution is thoughtfully possible.
With the solution of the problem, the conclusion of peace emerges from the dispute, through which the forces of peace couple the subject more closely to the object and vice versa.
The mind is everything. What we think we become as humans. Pay attention to the melody of life that vibrates within you.
Erscheinungsdatum25. Feb. 2021
Sophon - The Power of Thought: From the risk of life

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    Sophon - The Power of Thought - Helmut Lauschke


    From the risk of life

    Thanking is an expression of thinking. The wisdom of the question is shown in the focus on the crucial point.

    Thoughts are a vital and dynamic force that is indestructible. Through human cooperation, thoughts are getting a creative power.

    About physics and philosophy:

    Thoughts can have the speed of light

    Space and time save the thought

    Thoughts are alive and create forces, thoughts are wireless messages

    Thought transmission as silent communication

    Undulating and swaying thoughts

    Thoughts as an expression of energy

    Thoughts bring knowledge and create science

    Thoughts have shapes of different sizes and weights

    The world of thoughts is limitless

    In the order of thoughts it comes to knowledge and philosophy

    The world is anticipated, bundled, stretched and merged by thoughts

    Thoughts are timeless in the change of reality

    Thoughts are the bridge from zeitgeist to spirit and vice versa

    The thought sets its environment in all directions in vibrations

    The thought is inexhaustible, so thoughts are immortal

    For the movement of thoughts: ‘Manas’, the spirit substance; how ether fills the whole space and serves as a means of transport for thoughts, as ‘Prana’ is the vehicle for feelings. Ether is the medium for warmth, light and electricity, and air is the vehicle for sound.

    Thought forces move the world: The powerful thoughts of saints and clairvoyants are stored in the Akasha (Akashic Chronicle). Clairvoyant people pretend to be able to receive and read the thought images. The human being is surrounded by a sea of ​​thoughts. There are thoughts in which a person is absorbed while he rejects other thoughts into the world of thought. Everyone has his/her own world of thoughts.

    Thought transfer: Science speaks of waves of heat, light and electricity. In Yoga, people speak of thought waves. Thoughts have power. Everyone experiences the power of thoughts often unconsciously.

    Thought vibrations: Every thought that is sent out is a vibration; it vibrates in every part of the universe, and when the thought is noble and beneficial, it vibrates related thoughts. People unconsciously absorb the thoughts and send comparable thoughts depending on their strength. The result is that man sets forces in motion that work together to suppress base, detrimental thoughts emanating from selfish people.

    Diversity of thought vibrations: Every person has his/her own spiritual world, his/her own way of thinking, his/her own way of understanding things, and his/her own way of acting. Just as people's faces and voices are different, so there are differences in thinking

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