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Importance of Life in terms of Digniti and Morality: Of the Spirit of Creation
Importance of Life in terms of Digniti and Morality: Of the Spirit of Creation
Importance of Life in terms of Digniti and Morality: Of the Spirit of Creation
eBook39 Seiten27 Minuten

Importance of Life in terms of Digniti and Morality: Of the Spirit of Creation

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It is the spirit that creates and shapes people, whatever the weather, through nights when there is a storm. It comes from the wholeness and goes into the smallest detail, it goes deeper and comes back to wholeness from the bottom up.
And because it is the wholeness, the design remains inexhaustible, that in thoughts and deeds, which are much greater than the understanding recognizes and believes to be grasped when the father struggles in explaining the child who is asking.
The mind stands stiff when it is supposed to move to the answer; in many cases it is true that it has not understood anything of the content and, to the extent that the meaning is, grips itself in an alien way, because it did not even run out of time and thought ignition are.
The whole cannot be dismembered, not cut up, the great spirit, which fills and guides everything and is everything, allows not only the body but also the soul to graze when it completes what we call the proud human being.
The spirit fills the person who does not even perceive it with the intellect, because he believes that the goal that life sets for him is to be determined beforehand on the path of thought and to approach it persistently. The brain teaser does justice to the mindset.
But it remains the gift of the spirit to man that at the end of his time he will once again comprehend himself in the full meaning of his authenticity. It is the welcome gift at Heaven's Reception when the person still holds the handle of the 'planetary door', but is already looking at the other side of the bridge.
Whatever you think and what you look at, you cannot get close to the clarity of the absolute spirit, because your view is not flawless as long as the view touches the conglomerate of molecules, what the looking and thinking distracts, bends and clouds and thus denies clarity. It is the blockage in consciousness that delays and obstructs the step of liberation.
Erscheinungsdatum20. Aug. 2020
Importance of Life in terms of Digniti and Morality: Of the Spirit of Creation

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    Importance of Life in terms of Digniti and Morality - Helmut Lauschke


    Of the Spirit of Creation

    What is visible is temporary, but what is invisible is eternal. (2 Corinthians, 4, 18)

    Corona pandemic brought me to the essay: Importance of Life in terms of Dignity and Morality – Of the Spirit of Creation. Despite all the narrowness I thought there is freedom enough to look deeper into the universe with its spirit of creation in its great dimensions to understand more about the importance of life.

    Insight into the infinite void

    How high, how deep do the paths go into the clear blue sky from the window, from the door and so many ideas, whether in the evening or in the morning, that the vastness makes you smart through nights and through days, no question, the tangent is exactly.

    Not just one is created, many lead up to the imagined round of the world with all the big and the small things here and colorful with all the shapes and sounds down to the valley at this hour that the voice of the message of salvation and peace does become known.

    Through this infinity the light flashes in rays and bundled for insight, transparency and depth for the eye, which now finds its way with the deep breath and the racing heartbeat flows into the being of existence, which ignites with space and time for life.

    Almost lost, the mind rises to the platform of thought, lights and tones buzz in dissonant powers of swaying from a pillar of the bridge of greetings over the pillar of the tendril from home soil over strange streets and squares to the highest sound.

    The mind wants more than the body in the stiff smell of sweat of work, it wants and makes the triad from the depths of love to the heights of happiness. Those who want to be clever there are mostly blind to the great in the narrow vanity, and often in the lengths of years and entire lives in one piece.

    From the heights of feeling and the even higher levels of longing, the trains of hope travel day and night with the forces of stretching, because life has the vision with the idea of ​​the security of leaning out of the

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