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Of the Value of Honesty: The Wonder of true Humanity
Of the Value of Honesty: The Wonder of true Humanity
Of the Value of Honesty: The Wonder of true Humanity
eBook58 Seiten54 Minuten

Of the Value of Honesty: The Wonder of true Humanity

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Über dieses E-Book

Honesty is a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, including straightforwardness of conduct, along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc. Honesty also involves being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere.
"Also we doctors are over-challenged and over-burdened, but war does not care about human issues and needs, because war is the destroyer of civilization and mankind. War is the devil who swallows the people and its children with the ruthlessness of the laws of likelihood. War psychology is not more than a grimace of disgust and destruction that has nothing in common with a psychology of human reasonableness with the great and fundamental values of mankind. It is the schizophrenia in the sick brains of our time and particularly in the moral-diverted brains of the loudmouthed politicians who don't know what the psychology stands for."
"The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway." (Oscar Wilde)
The greatest truth is covered by humbleness and honesty. It saves eventually the human being. The minimum of honesty is to stand up for who you are. Don't be afraid, when people start shouting at you and will beat you. It is the lack of knowledge and understanding that you like to be humble and straightforward on the path of thinking and doing things on the way of your life.
I incised the skin on the right upper arm close under the shoulder breadth in the shape of a fish mouth. I ligated and cut the big arm vessels, shortened the arm nerves up to the armpit and cut the muscles after separation from the attachments to the most upper part of the bone shaft which was finally cut a few centimeters below the humeral head. I cut the right arm off and laid it on the paper spread out on the floor. I sutured the skin-muscle flaps over the short stump together and got tears in my eyes when I dressed the wound and put on the bandage on the short stump. The girl was on the trolley when she searched with the left hand for her right arm and could not find the arm. I was depressed when I left the theatre and went to the dressing room where I wiped off the sweat from the head, neck and chest and put on a dry green shirt.
I put the picture of the girl into my mind as she was trying to fly with the left wing only, but dropped as a falling angel and was about to break the flapping wing. It was the picture of the pity and sadness when she put up the left arm, but where the right arm had to be, there was not more than a short and ugly stub.
"Truth never damages a cause that is just." ― Mahatma Gandhi
Erscheinungsdatum28. Jan. 2019
Of the Value of Honesty: The Wonder of true Humanity

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    Of the Value of Honesty - Helmut Lauschke

    Humane psychology versus war psychology

    Dr Lizette said during the tea break, while the nurses cleaned the theatre room that her husband would not do long this work with the war psychology, because the demands were simply too high which exceeded the normal physical and mental capacity by far. What is normal in a war?, I asked and said: Also we doctors are over-challenged and overworked, but war does not care about human issues and needs, because war is the destroyer of civilization and mankind. War is the devil who swallows the people and its children with the ruthlessness of the laws of likelihood. Lizette said that war has its own psychology which differs by far from the psychology of her husband. I had the picture of a canyon in mind with the steep faces of the war psychology on one side and of the other psychology on the other side. I said: I’m not a psychologist, however as far as I understand of psychology, it is directed toward the human being to achieve the internal balance and freedom and the internal peace rejecting any destructive attempts that the war brings to a large extent.

    The war psychology is not more than a grimace of disgust and destruction that has nothing in common with a psychology of human reasonableness with the great and fundamental values of mankind. It is the schizophrenia in the sick brains of our time and particularly in the moral-diverted brains of the loudmouthed politicians who don’t know what the psychology stands for. They connect the one with the other, the psychology in the human-educated way of civilization with the grimace of disgust and destruction. The ugly face of war psychology belongs in the devil’s pot of the pathology of ‘human’ sciences.

    People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway. People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them. Help people anyway. Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway. (Oscar Wilde)

    I felt the agitation of Dr Lizette who stood in front of me. I stopped the elaboration about psychology and its pathology with the distorted face of the war psychology when both doctors went back to theatre 2 for the last operation. An old woman lay on the operating table she had a skin lesion on the right forearm with the clinical signs of malignancy. I washed hands and forearms and was with my thoughts far away to ask and discuss with colleagues the dubiousness and manipulative susceptibility of the psychology and its pathology.

    A nurse pulled the operating coat over me and tied the laces over my back. The instrument nurse held the scalpel in her right hand when I entered the theatre room and pulled over the gloves and approached the operating table. I cut out the lesion and marked with a stitch the proximal end of the excision for the topographic orientation of the histological findings and covered the large defect with a skin graft taken from the right thigh and fixed it with thin stitches. The operation had been finished after the dressings and bandages were put on. The patient were brought on the trolley and carried to the recovery room. I thanked Dr Lizette and the nurses for the good cooperation and left the theatre room for the dressing room where I pulled off the sweaty green shirt and green trousers and dried the skin on head, neck and chest and put on the civilian clothes. I left the theatre building and took the passage to the outpatient department to see the patients in consulting room 4 where the Philippine colleague had started working two hours ago.

    When I passed the waiting hall I had seen the ten-year-old girl with the swollen right upper arm in company with an old woman. Both say on the third bench in front of the consulting room.

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