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About Humbleness and Honesty: In a world of inequality and poverty
About Humbleness and Honesty: In a world of inequality and poverty
About Humbleness and Honesty: In a world of inequality and poverty
eBook48 Seiten27 Minuten

About Humbleness and Honesty: In a world of inequality and poverty

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Über dieses E-Book

It is too much to see the people in their poverty with the children extremely malnourished. What kind of life is given to them when they have no cent for bread and no clean drinking water? Of course I don't look down on humans lying in the trenches of dirt and misery. There is somewhat of a smile on the children's faces, whereas the elderly have furrows in their faces. It is morning, but the light is dim as evening that never gets brighter over the trenches of poverty. Each walk has to take deep humbleness, because the view for the day remains bleak and dark.
Take yourself more lightly, but think deeply of the world. In making us greater or even great in humbleness, we start walking on the right path to more understanding and tolerance with truth and trust, what is the way of peace and freedom with the high grade of responsibility for other people and the humanity in general. Bring the weights with respect back into balance, because some things have slipped away and went down like powerful avalanches. It took with huts from the heights of peaks and slopes which all rolled down with parts of life and hit the ground hard covering the village with heavy layers in its sleep.
Humbleness should be the basic element that on the next step honesty follows. Then good things will follow on the higher steps, because the fundament is laid out and solid that your life construction becomes coherent and safe what in turn gives ground and shape for the young generation. We must learn to listen more carefully and humbly when the great values of truth and virtue pass the eyes and mind. We as well have to learn to be quiet and reflective to get an idea of the magnificent genealogy and ancient greatness what modern intellectual manipulations often take mistakenly, because the basic of these values has to be elementarily respected.
Truth teaches since some thousand years that knowledge is too short if it comes to the values of wisdom, but there is a deficit in perception.
Erscheinungsdatum11. März 2021
About Humbleness and Honesty: In a world of inequality and poverty

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    About Humbleness and Honesty - Helmut Lauschke


    In a world of inequality and poverty

    Do not look down on emaciated people, unless you are helping them up.

    Too many people in poverty

    Do not look down on emaciated people, whether old or young, unless you are helping them up. The higher we are placed in terms of education and prosperity, the more humbly we should walk. The great man in particular should be willing to give a good example to make himself simple, understandable and small, because there is no need to show off when you know who you are. If he does this, then in terms of humanity he works on the mastery of the values inside his personality that begins with humility as the fundament for human improvement.

    It is too much to see the people in their poverty with the children extremely malnourished. What kind of life is given to them when they have no cent for bread and no clean drinking water? Of course I don’t look down on humans lying in the trenches of dirt and misery.

    There is somewhat of a smile on the children’s faces, whereas the elderly have furrows in their faces. It is morning, but the light is dim as evening that never gets brighter over the trenches of poverty. Each walk has to take deep humbleness, because the view for the day remains bleak and dark.

    A good example is needed to see the path to the good what rightness should mean against the attempts of falsehood, because the man’s work is hard and heavy so the earning is short to bring bread on the table and potatoes into the kitchen for preparing the food, especially the children are hungry at the stage of growing.

    There must be values of ethical standard that must be kept in sight, considered and fulfilled to a wide extent that things of life were brought back to order and each element should be located at the right place, because education has to continue for the young to learn for the long run what is evil and what is good.

    The sign of humanity shines, but gets absorbed in the clouds of poverty and gets dark over the trenches of misery, so it is the ear which likes to hear

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