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Dantons Tod
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Dantons Tod
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Dantons Tod
eBook96 Seiten1 Stunde

Dantons Tod

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

In nur wenigen Jahren hat Büchner ein Werk von Weltrang geschaffen. "Dantons Tod" sprengt alle Regeln der klassischen Bühnenkunst und gehört gerade deshalb zu den bedeutendsten Dramen des 19. Jahrhunderts. Ein Revolutionsstück von mitreißender Kraft, Klarheit und Modernität, das auch heute noch niemanden unberührt lässt.
HerausgeberAnaconda Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum1. Juli 2013

Georg Büchner

Karl Georg Büchner (17 October 1813 – 19 February 1837) was a German dramatist and writer of poetry and prose. He was also a revolutionary, a natural scientist, and the brother of physician and philosopher Ludwig Büchner. He was a major forerunner of the Expressionist school of playwriting of the early 20th century and his work voiced the disillusionment of many artists and intellectuals after World War I. He is now recognised as one of the outstanding figures in German dramatic literature and it is widely believed that, had it not been for his early death, he might have joined such central German literary figures as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Schiller at the summit of their profession. His works include Woyzeck, left incomplete at the time of this death; his first play, Danton's Death, and the comedy Leonce and Lena.

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Bewertung: 3.8220298305084746 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Büchner wrote Dantons Tod in 1835; he was 22 years old. He wrote the play in, at the most, five weeks, he wrote in secrecy and under pressure of time as he feared to be arrested any time for subversive republican activities. The result is a play that must be counted among the great plays ever written. It requires however good knowledge about the French Revolution, of the fights between the various political groups and the roles the protagonists played in them. This German edition (Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek 89, 2007, with a commentary by Joachim Hagner) provides all the background information needed: a summary of the history of the Revolution until the death of Danton, brief biographies of the characters that appear in the play and –vitally – explanations of allusions and innuendos which would most likely be missed.„Ein Gewirr von Gängen ...“ (II,2) --: wie Bilder des Piranesi.„Die Erde ist eine dünne Kruste ...als 22 jähriger in fünf Wochen unter schwierigen Bedingungen geschrieben, da er fürchtete, jeden Moment wegen umstürzlerischen Aktivitäten verhaftet zu werden. Es ist eine der großen Theaterstücke, erfordert aber, denke ich, eine gute Kenntnis der französichen Revolution, vor allem der Kämpfe der verschiedenen politischen Gruppen bis zur Verhaftung und Verurteilung Dantons, auch die Rollen, die die zahlreichen Personen des Stückes in diesen Kämpfen gespielt haben. Diese Ausgabe bringt all das: ... (V-16)