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The otherworldly dream journeys to my deceased dogs
The otherworldly dream journeys to my deceased dogs
The otherworldly dream journeys to my deceased dogs
eBook22 Seiten16 Minuten

The otherworldly dream journeys to my deceased dogs

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Über dieses E-Book

My unforeseen dream journeys lead into the spiritual world to my 4 deceased dogs, who teach me so that I can give mankind this important information, in the hope that they will think of something better, and that they will still have the opportunity to improve and make amends, so that one day, when the day has come for them, they will not face their Creator empty-handed.

Also my 2nd book: Deceased speak out - is a further enlightenment about the hereafter that everyone who is interested in the subject should know.
Erscheinungsdatum29. Juni 2020
The otherworldly dream journeys to my deceased dogs

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    The otherworldly dream journeys to my deceased dogs - Dieter Scharnhorst


    I have dedicated this book to my mother because she inspired me to write the following and helped me to write the content in such a way that nothing is lost of the truthful statements of the spiritual world.

    The otherworldly dream journeys to my deceased dogs

    This morning was very different from when I woke up. I could hardly come to, had to realize for the first time that I was still in my warm bed when I finally opened my eyes. It took a while before I realized that I came from a wonderful journey. But where had I been - one could not dream such a thing, because it was all so real.

    My other dreams were always so confusing, there was no connection, and I was always glad that after opening my eyes everything was over and forgotten. But this time it moved me all day long. I was restless and inwardly yet full of joy. Very gradually I retrieved everything I had seen.

    There was my Sasha, who welcomed me. No, Sascha was not my mother's lover, but he was the most loved thing we had about 30 years ago. It was my first dog. I had him as a little baby and I haven't forgotten how he licked me and cuddled me for the first time.

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