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The Deceased speak out
The Deceased speak out
The Deceased speak out
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The Deceased speak out

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Anyone can read it who wants to know if life goes on after death. It is about deceased people who have contacted us through a medium from the hereafter and report how they are doing there. Furthermore all those can rejoice who do much good to others on earth, because they will receive their reward for it in the hereafter. Also those who have to experience much injustice will experience in the hereafter that there is justice there, and the perpetrators will not escape an appropriate punishment. My ebook answers many questions, such as whereabouts, and the whereabouts of our previous loved ones and whether a reunion with them will take place. Also the questionable topic of reincarnation. And furthermore, whether one goes to work there and what kind of activities there are.
Erscheinungsdatum14. Juni 2020
The Deceased speak out

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    The Deceased speak out - Dieter Scharnhorst


    Everybody has asked himself once, why am I living or what is the meaning of my life, or they also asked themselves, why am I born in Germany and not in America, Africa or maybe India, or why is one person rich, another poor, sick or healthy.

    Well, you can ask whoever you want, the desired or correct answer, neither the pastor nor science could answer exactly. In order to get to the truth, one has to deal with it seriously and must not ignore the fact that there is a life after death and then a rebirth, because all this is answered by the above mentioned questions. And it would not be fair if one person wallowed in luxury while the other was lying in the street.

    Already Jesus Christ, the Son of God, promised his disciples shortly before his Ascension that he would send them the Spirit of truth, which is what happened.

    It had begun then, what is celebrated by us Christians today as the feast of Pentecost, that suddenly his disciples could speak in different languages, whether they were not educated. They suddenly talked about God and Christ and life in the hereafter.

    Thus, people experienced everything first hand even then. Later on, the disciples trained other people, the so-called media, through whom angels of God spoke.

    Since that time, there have been media again and again, where angels of God and deceased people report for instruction through them. There are also among the media the so-called black sheep, where demons or foolish spirits report through them. You just have to know the difference.

    The knowledge of all these things is so extensive that it is similar to a study.

    But whoever has a sincere desire and feels the inner urge to reach the truth, will find it, because Christ has already said

    "He who seeks finds, and knocks, and it is opened to you.

    Suddenly you meet a person or you get your hands on a book, which leads you in the right direction. In this book, I describe to you through my many years of research and study what life after death looks like in the world beyond and how the justice of God prevails.

    Every person who reads this and thinks that injustice is being done to him on earth can rejoice, because justice is being done to him in the spiritual world.

    1.Case study

    Most people say:

    "I believe in one God, I will see everything else after my death, and I will continue to have no thoughts and live no life as Christ lived it. Furthermore, they are not prepared to leave the earthly world as suddenly as is explained in the following article, which was transmitted through the media:

    Spirit of God: With this case study I tell of a soul that as a human being believed in God, but did not lead a truly pious life. This man, with the name Martin, was called out of this world together with four other friends by an accidental death.

    After the five people had been killed in a car accident, they saw a strange figure standing before them, who told them that they were dead. They did not want to believe the words of the stranger, since they were in their right mind and had a living body. But the strange being said:

    Look here, your earthly body is trapped in your car.

    Then they began to think, and one of them asked:

    Is it true? Are we really dead? I can't believe it, because we are alive!

    That's what everyone said. But when they saw their dead bodies, they thought about the words of the stranger more carefully and then they asked this being:

    Have we arrived at the realm of the dead?

    This one answered:

    You are not in the realm of the dead, but in the realm of God.

    But we died as you say, replied the one, "so we are in the realm of the dead. And again the strange being said:

    "You are in the realm of the living. They just could not understand the meaning of these words yet, but their attention was already drawn to other things. Now they saw people coming to the scene of the accident and heard it from their mouths that they were all dead.

    Now the five deceased began to slowly realize that they were really dead to those around them.

    Are we truly in another world? they asked themselves.

    "We see people, but to them we seem to be no longer there. What shall we do now? We are told that we are now in the realm of the living, but we are strangers there.

    Now the five deceased turned to this strange being and inquired what should happen to them now that they were now completely penniless and who would take care of them. The stranger replied:

    Wait a while, they will take care of you.

    It did not take long indeed, when five beautiful looking spirits approached them, and each one took care of one of these departed ones.

    One of the beings also turned to Martin of whom I spoke at the beginning and of whom I now want to speak especially.

    "'You will now meet your parents', the beautiful being said, 'they are also in the spiritual world. We informed them immediately that you have entered the spiritual world so unexpectedly, and then your sister will also come here to your reception'.

    Then the returnee answered:

    I don't remember having a sister. I didn't have a sister. But the angel who took care of him contradicted him:

    Yes, you did have a sister, but she died when she was a month old. Maybe now you remember that your mother told you about this beautiful child.

    He could truly remember again, and the angel continued: Your sister will take special care of you, and your parents will confirm that it is she.

    They stayed in the place where the five had died. So it seemed to this man who had returned home, but a feeling told him that they were no longer very close, but he could not calculate the distance, it seemed so strange to him. But already his parents came up to him, greeted him and expressed their surprise that he had entered the spiritual world so unexpectedly fast. Afterwards they also expressed their concern that the divine world would certainly not completely agree with his life. They would have educated him religiously, but he would not have lived as a pious man. While the parents were still talking with their former bodily son, his sister joined them. She had a wonderful, angelic appearance. The parents were delighted at the sight of their former child. The sister had also shaken hands with her brother and said:

    I am your sister who died young. I enjoyed my whole education under the angels of heaven, divine education was given to me

    The parents of this angelic being rejoiced when they heard these words. When they then had to give up their little daughter, their grief was very great.

    Therefore their joy was all the greater now, for this angelic being had now become an intercessory angel for her and her Son. Other acquaintances had come to greet her, and the newcomer also had to hear it from them:

    "Yes, you are now in eternity and life continues here after earthly death. You see, we all have life, but not in the same place. Our position here is different. This world is very large. Everyone finds his place in it, partly a specially chosen, wonderful place to live, partly also a very modest one, according to the life he has lived.

    This returned soul only had to be astonished that life really continues after death, because as a human being she hadn't thought much about it all her life. But now Martin became restless, for now he suddenly had to think of his wife and two children. What would his wife do now, so suddenly alone with the children? How would she make a living? So he was plagued by worries. But immediately the parents promised to help her as much as they could. But his bodily sister, who had now become an angelic being, said

    I will take care of her as much as I can.

    And she added that the younger child was sickly and needed not only earthly but also spiritual care and that she would take special care of him in the future because she had the possibility to supply the child with spiritual powers so that it would become healthy and strong. The one who had returned home could not really understand these words of consolation. But when the parents had to say goodbye again, his sister continued to teach him and spoke:

    I will be your intercessor and I will accompany you now to those high spirits of heaven who will judge all those who come home. We will go to such angels of judgment, and I will pray especially for you.

    At these words the brother became anxious; he had not yet considered that angels of God might judge him. Now, his sister told him many things about his life. Also about the injustices he had committed, as well as about his lukewarm faith and many other things that were not acceptable to the divine world and with which he had burdened himself. The brother had to find out that his sister had been informed about him in every detail, and he asked in astonishment:

    How is it possible that you know all these things?

    She replied:

    "I have always visited my family members and taken an interest in them. I have sometimes gone to this and that, strengthening them and bringing blessings, but I have also tried to prevent many a misfortune. She lamented that this was not always possible for her, but she always showed interest in her parents and in him and his whole family. Then she added:

    I will now pray for you with the high spirits of heaven.

    She took her brother by the hand and went on a long journey with him. It went over large fields, and it seemed to him that this path would never end, for it was a wasteland that they walked through together. She comforted him:

    "It will be different, you will be allowed to rejoice, but what we are now covering step by step are your missteps in life, steps that have been fruitless. You had a faith, but it was not so strong that it led you to any good works or that it would have brought you to a better life. It is a pity that your faith was not stronger. And you did not seriously believe in Christ either. You may have celebrated the Christian holidays with them, but without asking about Christ, and so you will now have to be taught all these things of faith in this world.

    So they walked the long, boring road together until they came to a tent that stood there lonely in the desolate field. Here the sister said to him:

    "We enter here together, for the high spirits of heaven have descended near you to judge you, for we cannot ascend with you to those heights where they dwell, but they have now pitched their tent there, they have come a long way towards you into the world where you must live in the future.

    The brother listened anxiously to his sister. He hesitated to enter and asked her that she would have this judgment delayed somewhat. He said that there must be the possibility that he might first make amends for this or that in this new world so that he might not have to appear before the high heavenly judges so guilty. She should pray with him to improve his condition. But his sister had to tell him:

    Now it is very late. You should have come to this realization in your life. We cannot wait here, for the angels of the judges have long been ready to receive you, and I must obey the law and the instructions. So now I have to present you to the judge-angels. But you mustn't be frightened, I'm with you.

    She said this to him with comfort. He need not be afraid and she added that it would certainly not be as bad as he thought. For his fear was so great that he had asked several times that the sister would wait a little longer, that he would pray first and that she would teach him what to say. But she could not meet him any further and spoke:

    "Dear brother, do not be afraid any longer. You see, I have become an angel of heaven, and I will now stand up for you as your intercessor. With this she took the brother by the hand and entered with him a very simple room in this pitched tent, which looked half like a house. There were a few seats, just enough for everyone. And here sat the three angels of God.

    It almost seemed as if they had not paid any attention to the people entering, because they were talking to each other. But then the angelic being, the sister, stepped in front of the three high siblings and said

    I am here, and have brought my one and only brother.

    She introduced herself and said:

    I am his intercessor.

    Now that his sister had stepped behind him and held his hands protectively on his shoulders, the brother got a somewhat secure feeling. An angel of God asked her:

    Won't you sit down?

    But the intercessory angel replied:

    Let us wait a little while longer and then sit down.

    For this angel felt her brother tremble, and that she could protect him better if they stood upright before the three judging angels. And one of them said:

    "And so will we rise, if you desire to stand before us. And one of them spoke and asked, the one who had returned home:

    What will you bring us to eternity?

    He was astonished at this question and had no answer for it, he knew nothing to say and looked for his sister seeking help. But already she said: '''Yes, my brother in particular brought nothing with him, but he is of good will, whereby he will make up for everything he neglected in his earthly life. I will stand up for him and lead the way that it will be done.

    A judge's angel replied to this:

    "It is praiseworthy what you are planning, high sister. But you know that one usually brings something valuable from the earthly world. We are always happy when we are surprised in this way, for the earthly world also produces spiritual wealth and we would like to see some of it. It is customary that after a long absence one brings a gift to one's relatives that pleases them. We know that it is so common among people, and it is also common among us in the spiritual world to bring something valuable to us after such a long absence.

    Hesitantly, the returnee asked:

    What is it that I should have brought you?

    And the angel replied:

    "The good works! Have you not heard of the good works that must be done in human life to win the kingdom of heaven?

    Do you know nothing of them?"

    And already the high sister replied:

    "Yes, he does know, but he expected that there would still be time for him to make up for what he had missed, he did not expect sudden death. Only with maturity does man come to the realization of what one must do for heaven. This was also the case with my brother, and therefore, dear brothers and sisters, I ask you to be lenient and to show consideration for him, for he has unexpectedly departed from his world early and unexpectedly.

    At these words the three angels of God nodded to each other with a benevolent smile. They knew that this sister had so many good words to offer in defense of her bodily brother, and they spoke in unison:

    "You speak well and good of your brother, but you know

    What has been neglected in life on earth must, as far as possible, be made up for in the world of God. How do you imagine this, how could we accept such a brother into our ranks who knows nothing of good works?"

    But the high sister immediately fell into their hands:

    I will teach him what good works are, I will lead him through them. I assure you that he will do them, that what he has failed to do in human life he will make up for here with his good will.

    So there was a lot of back and forth, and the brother gradually calmed down. He was no longer so afraid and stopped trembling. For now he felt the influential position of his sister and he also saw how these three strained angels became kind and smiled to each other as if they wanted to say

    Surely we can't argue with this sister's objections. Then one of them said:

    Isn't it better that we all sit down at once to discuss his future and his good will?

    The brother and the good sister were quick to join in. Now she no longer needed to lay her hands protectively on his shoulders, now one could talk about his future with relief. The high sister had then spoken about the future, that she was ready to teach her brother, to guide him through the process of purification and to make him do what was actually required of him. So she wanted to take over the leadership of her brother. But one of the three judging angels objected:

    Dear sister, your duties are already so many-sided, and we believe it would be advisable for you to continue with your present duties. You could look after your brother from time to time.

    But she said, as an intercessory angel, she stood up for her brother. She also considered it to be one of her tasks to guide her bodily brother through the first period, for he might otherwise not be able to find his way in the spiritual world, and his ascent would be hindered thereby. She added that she had more than enough time for the brother. There the three angels had no more objections. But before they said goodbye, they wished the high sister good success in her brother's leadership, and they said

    Later, we'll see how far you've come with him.

    That was how they had said goodbye to each other. Now the returnee was delighted and all fear was suddenly taken away from him. He did not know how to thank his sister. But now both of them were still standing in the middle of this wide field, there was no end to this desolation in sight.

    "Where am I to live here? he asked, or can I return to my earthly home to my relatives, for they are in great need of help.

    And he asked further:

    Why don't you come with me? We can live together in my family's house.

    No, that is not possible', she replied, 'we will be with yours very often without living with them. Until now I have been with them again and again, and now we want to go together. But for now we must look for your apartment.

    Finally the wasteland came to an end and it did not take long until they came to a spiritual village where they met many spirit brothers and sisters who were all so nice and were happy if someone came to live in their village as well. They both went from house to house and the sister asked where there was still a free place for her brother. But she did not have to look for a long time, for already they came to meet her and welcomed her. She was not a stranger in this village, for many a soul had already visited her in this sphere and had introduced her to it herself and given her comfort and encouragement. Now she came with her bodily brother. She had also long since announced it to the others, if one of her relatives had to leave the earth unexpectedly she would bring him here, for she was in charge of this spiritual village. She was the leading angel of this small sphere. But as an angel being she dealt with all the inhabitants of this small village. They were all souls who were in the process of ascension. Many things had to be done well, and all were taught. The heavenly sister was responsible for the necessary helpers, for she was the leading being in this small village, and here she was now allowed to teach and guide her former brother. It was a great joy for her that she was allowed to do this. She was well aware of her standing in the heavenly world and of the right that was given to her, for she herself had been brought up, taught and instructed by angels of heaven. She herself could therefore only give love and understanding, as she had received such from the angels of love with whom she had grown up. So she could only give again what had been given to her and what had captured the depths of her whole soul. She supported everyone in a very benevolent way, but she made sure that everyone did his work, that everyone tried to ascend. But they all who lived in this village agreed and said how lucky they were to be able to reach the heights under such loving guidance.

    Well, this heavenly sister also wanted to accompany her brother to his earthly home to his wife and children and to prepare him especially for this, because he should be allowed to stand by his own. She explained to him how to start this and said

    "The best time is when yours are asleep. For when man is asleep his spirit can detach itself from the body and here we have the opportunity to talk to them. We give them advice and guidance. But we cannot grant them all his wishes. We can help them in their daily life, but their and our wishes often go far apart. While the human spirit is bound to his earthly body and to his world, he wants to give all his interest to this earthly world. The spiritual interests usually come after. Only when it is about people who have a firm belief in God, in his laws and his justice in the depth of the soul, then it is more likely to talk with them about pure spiritual things. Otherwise their thinking is always directed towards the human, with which they are connected with all fibers. If one then does have this faith, this spiritual connection, then the possibilities are more likely to be there to teach him in the kingdom of the spirit and to supply him with all this wealth.

    This is how the heavenly sister had taught her brother. Then they were able for the first time to communicate with the spirit of his wife and to greet each other in love and joy. Here there was no mourning, as is usual with people who do not want to or cannot believe that this connection exists beyond earthly death. Now one could talk to each other from spirit to spirit about the future. The person who had gone home could tell his wife in spirit that they would want to be with her at all times when she and her children would be directed to the will of God. So they talked primarily about the future, but everything was focused on the spiritual life. The spiritual consolation, however, should also help to overcome the grief of this woman, and alone the certainty that one lives on; that one can count on the help of dearly departed ones and that one meets again. This certainty, if it can penetrate into the consciousness, gives the bereaved so much strength that they can overcome the grief, that they can come into a spiritual relationship with their departed ones, as far as this is permitted. In this way they had many conversations with each other, for the high sister at times repeatedly led her brother to his surviving relatives. He could witness how the spiritual wounds were healed and life went on, and how his children grew up. He was happy that he himself was sometimes allowed to intervene in their lives and to help them. But all this should not be his only task. Now his heavenly sister spoke:

    You must join the ranks of the great spirit family, for spirits of heaven are striving to further the plan of salvation, to fulfill it more and more.

    So he had to realize how necessary it was for his own ascent that he entered this great family of holy spirits. This means that he obeyed the instructions of the leading angels of heaven. He was to accomplish further tasks, in which he, together with other good spirits, would pursue the tasks that were waiting in the earthly world and that had to be accomplished. He also had to learn to recognize that there is not only a good spirit world, but also a world of the wretched, a kingdom of death, of which I will speak later. And again and again it was explained to him what the meaning of the term kingdom of the dead is, that this is the dark world, the world of those who are separated from God. He should also stand up to fight against this realm of the dead. He should fill a gap in the ranks of the good spirit world.

    So now he had to make his contribution to the great work in the great family of God's spirits. He was also allowed to rejoice, because he was allowed to go with playing, singing angels a few times, who stayed among the people to make them happy. Martin was allowed to be there with these flocks of musical beings and to rejoice with them. And he was allowed to witness how people became happy in the presence of these playing and musical spirits, without them knowing why. Their spirit could see and hear what was going on around them, what was being played and sung. The human spirit could see the wonderful, rejoicing beings who came down to delight the human spirits. So that is what he was allowed to experience, along with the work he did willingly.

    The heavenly sister finally brought parents and brother together, for they were to rejoice together and celebrate their further ascent.

    So this sister, who returned so early to the world of God, had many wonderful opportunities to lead her loved ones. She was a really good intercessor, a spirit of love, before whom even the strict angels of heaven step back and give way.

    For these intercessory angels belong to the saints of heaven, who often stay close to God and Christ, and each time they are inspired anew by that great love, and then go out again to help, to lead them home in the name of God and in the name of the Savior, Jesus Christ.

    2.Case study

    Most people, especially when they are young, are not prepared for being suddenly and unexpectedly torn out of life. This can be seen once again in the following medial transmission, only that this person was more connected with God, and was led to recovery by his quick passing into a spiritual sanatorium.

    Spirit of God: In the following case study, a returnee speaks:

    I'm Günter, I just want to talk about my life. I lived with my wife and children together with my parents, because I also had to care for my parents. I did it with pleasure, because I loved my parents more than anything else. We lived together in a beautiful, harmonious relationship. I always led the strangers to the mountains, and once I had climbed Mont Blanc all by myself, and had fallen to death from it.

    Now I would like to tell about my life in the kingdom of God. The first thing I heard after my fall were the words:

    He is dead, we must take care of him.

    Those were the words I recorded first:

    He's dead!

    I thought: Am I really dead? Why can I hear such things? It was not yet clear to me in what way life after death should continue. I also felt dazed. Suddenly someone stroked my forehead and eyes with one hand and said

    'Guenter, don't you remember me? I'm Detlef!

    It was as if I woke up from a deep sleep. Yes, now I saw him, this Detlef. But I was just too tired to think and talk. But then Detlef went on talking:

    'I'll stay with you now and will guide and accompany you, for you know that you have now taken leave of the earthly kingdom and life now continues in the kingdom of God. Look at me, Günter, don't you recognize me?

    While he spoke, he stroked my forehead with his hand, and then it was suddenly clear to me, indeed, Detlef stood beside me, and so I exclaimed:

    What! You're here too! Oh yes, I remembered. He had died before me. So he shook me and said, pleased:

    Of course. The others are here, and your grandfather too. You'll soon see him and many people you know. Just wait, you will meet them. Meanwhile, lean on my arm and I'll lead you."

    At first I looked at myself and thought:

    "Haven't I broken arms, legs, and backbone?

    I slipped and fell, I knew that, but can I still stand up straight?"

    I thought so, but Detlef saw my thoughts and said:

    Oh, your mental body is quite healthy. You haven't broken your legs, your hands or your back. Without your earthly body, you are perfectly healthy."

    Then I looked around, and it felt as if I was being carried away. I looked at my feet, and I felt as if the ground under my feet was moving. Then I made walking movements, but they were not as fast as the ground under my feet was moving. So the Detlef led me into the new world, saying

    Look to the right.

    Then I saw three beautifully dressed, distinguished-looking figures. I did not know them, so I asked him:

    Who are they? I do not know them.

    Yes, of course, there are many here you don't know, he replied, you know, they'll come and talk to you!

    I asked him:

    Should I be afraid of them?

    You need not fear them, he returned, "but they will still hold court over you, as all here have been judged by them, for they are angels of judgment.

    Come and greet them!"

    Yes, at his instigation, I dared to greet them. I also held out my hand to greet them, and they accepted it. But their faces remained motionless. They stood there like pillars and did not speak a word, those beautiful beings.

    I looked to all sides for I heard different voices and one of them called out:

    "'Why don't you take him to the hospital now? I know that, it is not good if souls who have died a violent death are not taken there immediately.

    So I asked Detlef:

    "Why should I go

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