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Untot in Dallas: True Blood 2
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Untot in Dallas: True Blood 2
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Untot in Dallas: True Blood 2
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Untot in Dallas: True Blood 2

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Die Kellnerin Sookie Stackhouse hat eine Pechsträhne. Zuerst wird einer ihrer Kollegen ermordet, und es gibt keinerlei Hinweise auf den Täter. Kurz darauf steht sie einer Bestie gegenüber, die ihr mit giftigen Krallen schmerzhafte Wunden zufügt. Dann: Auftritt der Vampire, die ihr nicht ganz uneigennützig das Gift aus den Adern saugen ... und das ist erst der Anfang.

Die Geschichten, in die Sookie und ihr Geliebter Bill im Fortgang der Reihe verwickelt werden, sind eine wundervolle Mischung aus Mystery und Phantastik, in der auch mit spannenden Krimianteilen und einem guten Schuss Erotik nicht gespart wird.

Seit 2004 sind die ersten drei Bände der Sookie-Stackhouse-Reihe "Vorübergehend tot", "Untot in Dallas" und "Club Dead" ein Dauerbrenner im Programm bei Feder & Schwert und erfreuen sich bei den Fans und Lesern allergrößter Beliebtheit! Anders als die Biss-Romane von Stephanie Meyer richten sich die Romane von Charlaine Harris eher an ein erwachsenes Publikum.
HerausgeberFeder & Schwert
Erscheinungsdatum30. März 2013
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Untot in Dallas: True Blood 2

Charlaine Harris

Charlaine Harris is a New York Times bestselling author who has been writing for over thirty years. She was born and raised in the Mississippi River Delta area. She has written four series, and two stand-alone novels, in addition to numerous short stories, novellas, and graphic novels (cowritten with Christopher Golden). Her Sookie Stackhouse books have appeared in twenty-five different languages and on many bestseller lists. They’re also the basis of the HBO series True Blood. Harris now lives in Texas, and when she is not writing her own books, she reads omnivorously. Her house is full of rescue dogs.

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  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    I listened to this on audiobook.

    As I said in my review of the first book, the TV show covers the subject matter in a much more sophisticated way. The Maenad is much more fleshed out as Maryann, and Tara and Eggs' relationship is much more established, and the orgies are better explained. And everyone doesn't die at the end -- instead, Sam and Bill work together to save the the townsfolk, and Andy and Jason bond (providing many laughs in the process). As well, the Jason's whole indoctrination and falling out with the Fellowship were excellent -- his little affair with the preacher's wife was hilarious. Also, the episode with Godric meeting the dawn was probably my favourite episode of the whole series (except maybe the pilot). He plays a much more Gandi type role on the TV show, and making him Eric's maker was a wise decision by the writers -- it made Eric about ten times more sympathetic a character. And perhaps most importantly, Lafayette doesn't die! He's too good a character, so I'm glad they preserved him.

    Also, I loved the Jessica/Hoyt story line so much. I was surprised that wasn't in the books. They are so damn cute!

    I am fast becoming a huge Eric fan. I can't decide whether I like him better in the books or on the show. Alexander Skarsgard certainly makes the character even more appealing. So I do love that Eric goes to the orgy with Sookie in neon pink lycra, and that they make out on the hood of his car, but it does seem kind of shallow and out of sync with Sookie's previous devotion to Bill. I think putting these types of episodes in Sookie's dreams was another smart decision by the writers.

    I did also like Portia Bellefleur, and I hope we get to see her on the show eventually. I liked the shifter Luna and the werewolves too.

    So. Books still inferior to the TV show, but they're good filler while I wait the nine more months till the show airs again.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Sookie has to do double investigation duty with the death of a co-worker and a missing vampire in Dallas. To top it all off, Sookie has a run in with a creature that even vampires fear (for those who've seen True Blood, it's pretty obvious what that is). Overall, it's a pretty good book, but the ending feels very rushed.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Not much to say about this book except that it is a great continuation to the Sookie Stackhouse story. I love the narrator on the audio book and some of this book made me laugh out loud. I always recommend this series.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The premise: Eric holds Sookie to her word from book one when she promises to use her talent to resolve problems in the vampire community provided the punishment is humane (that means letting poor human witnesses go with an erased memory instead of killing them anyway). Her assignment takes her to Dallas, TX, to help find a missing vampire, who just happens to be gay. She learns far more about the supernatural community than she ever wanted to know, as well as the people who'd just rather see them dead. Problem is, those same people want to see Sookie dead too.My RatingWorth the Cash: the mystery isn't quite as solid as it was for Dead Until Dark, in many ways it was split into two because there was the mystery murder and then the case in Dallas. Still, it's a solid story with good tension, good action, and lots of new characters. It's funny, as much as I complain about vampires, I'm not tired or irritated with these. Not yet anyway. We'll see how long it takes. ;) But in all seriousness, fans for the Dead Until Dark should go ahead and just get this one too. It's definitely worth the cash.The full review, which does contain spoilers, may be found in my LJ. As always, comments and discussion are most welcome.REVIEW: Charlaine Harris's LIVING DEAD IN DALLASHappy Reading! :)
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Something I've been noticing more and more in the vampire fiction I read is that it seems that vampires always seem to have a hierarchical society with a plethora of mores they need to follow. I'm thinking back to Dracula and wondering where this conceit has come from; my best guess is because the original vampire was a member of the noble class, that's continued into the subsequent imaginings of what a vampire is, but it seems like modern vampires put a lot more emphasis on having companions than Stoker put into his novel.At any rate, this time Sookie is off to Dallas to find out where a missing vampire has disappeared off to. She has to do this because she's considered the property of her vampire boyfriend by the other vampires. As silly as that all sounds, the book was a fun read.The only real criticism I have is that I felt like this book introduced a lot of new characters into the Sookie Stackhouse universe which was completely unnecessary considering I couldn't keep all the characters in the first book straight. I am hoping that some of them come back in subsequent novels because if they don't, Harris wasted space bringing them in and leaving a lot of unanswered questions (example: Barry the Other Telepath).
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Awesome series!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    WoW! Must read for sure. I was genuinely surprised at how different this book was from the show. There was still the basic same storyline, but at the same time there was a lot different. Like a completely different turn of events for the tribute party. Now because of that event (i'm not really sure how else to word that), I'm super curious to see how the rest is going to play out.

    I like Sookie. She is a strong woman, but still needs rescuing every now and then. She tries to handle things on her own, but knows when to ask for help. She is a very likable person. Someone who you can have a good time handing out with in her kitchen gossiping while she makes y'all some suh-weet tea. :P

    Honestly I don't care for Bill at all. I just don't like him, and how he handles Sookie. It doesn't seem at all like he loves her. Like Bill feels like he must protect her, and keep her satisfied, but not love. For example, when the Fellowship of the Sun attacks the vampire house after sookie is out, the first thing Bill does is give chase. Whereas the whole time Eric was protecting Sookie, and thinking up a way to get her to drink his blood :P I just don't like how Bill was like "it's part of my nature", while Eric was obviously able to resist chasing ppl. Eric on the other hand cracks me up. The whole "Sookie, my little bullet sucker" or w/e that said. LOL. I think he's a very interesting character. When it comes to the Sookie/Eric thing, I really want to see where that goes. He just seems like more fun. And even if Sookie is too much of a proper southern woman to admit, I think she actually does like Eric a lot more than she's willing to admit.

    Right, LOTS different. Some the book is better, others the show was better. To me atleast. I still don't like Bill, and I'm liking Eric more. Totally a must read. I actually listened to the audiobook version, it was good. Vocally, it was ok, but I didn't care for the speakers southern accent all that much. IDK.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I liked this more than the first one.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Living Dead in Dallas
    4 Stars

    Sookie Stackhouse is settling into life as the girlfriend of a vampire when she has a streak of bad luck. First, the body of the short order cook at Merlotte's is found in the local detective's car. Then she is attacked by a deadly creature in the woods, and finally, she must travel to Dallas and use her telepathy to hope the locals find their missing nest mate - that is if she can survive the experience.

    Note: It is my understanding that 2nd season of True Blood is loosely based on this installment in the Southern Vampire series. However, this review is of the book only as I stopped watching the sex-fest after season 1.

    While Living Dead in Dallas is a fun follow up, the book focuses on the thread that takes place in Texas, and the other two storylines are woefully underdeveloped.

    The investigation into the disappearance of the Texan vampire is compelling as Sookie becomes acquainted with a different set of "living dead" as well as a host of other supernatural beings. The action is front and center with several "edge of your seat" moments, and the underlying message regarding prejudice and fanaticism is particularly apropos in the current political climate around the world.

    Unfortunately, the other two threads involving the question of who killed Lafayette and the threat posed by the poisonous Maenad feel like an afterthought. Sookie more or less stumbles across the culprits by accident, and the final confrontation is decidedly sick and creepy with a confusing resolution - Did Callisto kill the murderous trio or did they kill each other after she drove them insane?

    The real highlight of the book is the character development as Sookie comes to terms with Bill's true nature (for me, his questionable behavior precludes him from being a suitable love interest), and learns that there is more to Erik than meets the eye (whoever would have thought that a Viking warrior would look good in Spandex?).

    In sum, Harris is very skilled at mixing dark and gritty themes with delightful humor and engaging characters, and her Sookie books are not exception. Looking forward to the next one.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    excellent characters
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Love this series of books so far. Started as a fan of the HBO True Blood series, and so had to check out the books. So glad I listened to myself. I haven't been disappointed in a single book yet. Looking forward to reading more
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Living Dead in Dallas int he second novel int he series the Southern Vampire Mysteries, or better known as the Sookie Stackhouse novels. HBO's popular TV show True Blood is loosely based of this series. In this book we once again join Sookie on her journey dealing with her telepathy, vampires and now a beastly creature who gives her a painful and poisonous lashing. What are the odds that the vampires are the only ones who can suck the poison out of her blood? For them saving her life she now has to pay the price by aiding in the search for a missing vampire in Dallas. She must use her telepathic skills on humans to see who knows what about this particular vampire. But with her being such a delicious blonde, all it takes is one small mistake for things to turn deadly...
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I still love Sookie. She's still one of my all time favorite heroines. And I still love Eric. Not even like, as a "love interest" but just as a character. One thing I love about these books is that there will always be a new plot twist - in a good way. You think the mystery's been solved, but then suddenly it comes back in a way that makes sense. The Fellowship is a very effective group of villains, and their creep factor definitely works. Godfrey is amazing. I feel like I should be making more sense here, but really I just enjoy just about everything about these books. I always end up reading them in one sitting whether I intended to or not.It's urban fantasy, but it's also pretty real. It's not just about fun and games with supernatural hunks of manliness. I appreciate that.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Delightful. Fun to read.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    A good read, not my favourite. I'd say this is the book that most definitely declares this series "not a cozy". Not that I think Ms. Harris ever intended it to be, but booksellers, I think, assumed it would be when the first book came out.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Sookie Stackhouse ends up working for the vampires by using her talents as a mind reader. She agrees to do so if the vampires agree not to hurt the people whose minds she reads. Sookie's involvement with the vampires continuously gets her in trouble, and she suffers injuries quite often, but she also receives some benefits in return. In this book, you learn a little more about the people of her little Texas town of Bon Temps, as well as more about vampire society. Sookie also meets a maenad, and finds out that there are plenty of strange things going on in her town, such as the orgy that she ends up attending. Sookie is still seeing Bill, but the vampire Eric also seems to have strong feelings for her.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The series started off raw and quite obvious Mrs. Harris was getting her feet wet. It was good and had some surprises. It think she may have even surprised herself. In the second volume we see her wielding a knife in process of being sharpened. Considering the fluff and baloney that has been pumped out by generic Vampire writers. The Stackhouse books are anything but. As a writer she grows with her characters and allows us a little empathy towards them. Sookie is slowly being drawn into a world that she will never fully understand but find no way out of. A bevy of interesting characters make this book and the ones following it worth it.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I was leant this book from a friend and found it good for light reading, but I wasn't too impressed with it. Kind of too much romance novel and fluff for me, but it wasn't bad for a fluff book.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is the 2nd book in the series. It's a great book that expands more into the Sookie world and shows more about the vampires.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    OK. Bubba cracks me up.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Better than the first, but still nothing exceptional. At best, Harris seems to be a developing author in this book. At worst, she's just bad.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This book was just as good as the first book. I love that we get to know Eric a little more in this book. Great story and mystery in this book. If you liked the first book you will like this book.
    *Do not compare to the tv show.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The second installment in the Sookie Stackhouse series was an improvement over the first novel. I’m not entirely sure where this novel fit in with the television show, but my remembrance is that the two primary plot lines encompassed more than one season on the show. The two main storylines are the one involving Sookie going to Dallas to help find a vampire that has gone missing, and Lafayette (who was a much bigger character on the television show) showing up dead in the sheriff’s car.This novel was an easy read. Charlaine Harris writes in a pleasing style. The plot is not terribly complicated, although there was still room for a plot twist or two. Eric starts to become more of a major character in this novel, which is a good thing since he was my favorite character on the show. He has a certain confidence and swagger about him. Harris did a fine job breathing life into the character. Although not overly complex, the plot had enough meat on it to make it compelling. In a day and age where novels seemed to be growing in word count, this novel was short, sweet, and to the point. This was a fun novel that I would recommend.Carl Alves - author of Blood Street
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    This review is full of spoilers.
    This review is posted on my blog

    I think I should start out by saying that I was introduced to the True Blood show before I even knew about any of the Sookie Stackhouse books, and so I already had a picture of these characters, as well as opinions of and attachments to some of them. So I found it very upsetting when one of my very favorite characters was found dead right at the beginning. Although we had not seen much of Lafayette in the first book, I had hoped (due to how important he was in the show) his role would pick up, but I guess not.
    I thought that this book was a little slower than the first one, and found the maenad confusing and a little juvenile. She just sort of skipped into Bon Temps, throws a few orgies, kills a few people, then shrugs her shoulders and tosses her hair with a painful 'oh well, I have to go somewhere else now' type goodbye worthy of a flirty 13 year old talking to a crush on AIM, and flounces right back out of the series leaving Sookie, or rather Bill and Eric, to clean up the mess. It felt like a cop out ending if there ever was one. So you found the villain, and they killed someone, and they attacked you, leaving you for dead just to send a message, what are you going to do next? Answer: watch her dance off into the woods like a crazy person and do nothing. In the sarcastic words of my 18 year old younger sister 'Cool story, bro, tell it again.'
    But there is another story line here, you say? It's got a much better resolution to it, you say? Well, yes, you would be at least partially correct. Sookie is hired(bullied) into helping Bill's boss, Eric's friend find his kidnapped 'brother' from a crazed religious group called the Fellowship of the Sun, because an ancient, remorseful, child molesting vampire want's a buddy when he commits suicide to escape the guilt (and gain redemption?). I wasn't sure if I felt bad for this guy because he was thoroughly brainwashed to the point of stupidity by the Fellowship of the Sun, into thinking that this was God's will, or something like that, or not because he was a self proclaimed child rapist.

    But wait, you say, that's not the whole book! There is the wonderful, and romantic love story between Sookie and Bill! Now that you mention it, I do remember a deeply disturbing, and borderline terrifying relationship between the two of them. The entire book, while trying to show the deep love and devotion these two had for each other, was littered with alarming passages about Bill's controlling nature, and outbursts of rage. My favorite is when he demands that she take off Eric's shirt (given to her because her own was ruined in a vicious attack) because he could not stand to see her wear Eric's clothes. Other's included hastily brushed away bursts of fear from Sookie, and borderline rape, when Sookie, badly injured, does not feel up to sex, but Bill insists until she finally agrees. It almost played out as a what not to do for relationships, although their eventual split up at the end of the book makes me wonder if the author wrote it as a bad relationship (I hope so!).

    Overall I didn't really like this book all that much, but I would recommend it to someone who liked the Vampire Diaries books, or Beautiful Creatures. I will probably finish the series, but it will most likely take me a while.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Overall, this sequel expanded on the universe that we were introduced to in the first book really well. We got to meet some knew characters (that will hopefully be brought back up) and get a better feel for Bill Compton. After completing this book, I really hope that Sookie comes to her senses and leaves Bill. He spends most of this book being jealous and controlling and ignores Sookie's desires. I understand why she has put up with him so far- he is her first real relationship after all, but at some point enough is enough. The only times that we see Bill actually be nice to Sookie are when they have sex, but even then he can still be an ass. He coerced her into having sex when she was injured (after she said that she didn't want to) and then ignored her request to be gentle when she was recovering because he "couldn't help himself". Ridiculous. The main reason why I am giving this book 3 1/2 stars is because of the maenad subplot. It was confusing and pointless. She served no purpose other than to kill off some minor characters and to create tension between Bill and Sookie because of Eric (which wasn't necessary because Bill was doing a fine job of that on his own). I feel that the time spent on this subplot would have been better spent exploring the Fellowship of the Sun or the vampire politics that Sookie got a glimpse at while in Dallas. Knowing that the maenad wasn't important makes the events in Dallas seemed a little rushed and thrown together.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    not really into mysteries. this book is a mystery and about vampires. this would be a good book for anyone that is into mysteries and vampires
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Moving faster than the first
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I wish that Bill weren't so flat of a character. It's like he's an afterthought. Fun story though!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I absolutely love Charlaine Harris and the Southern Vampire Series. Ms. Harris is funny but intense. She is creative but real. The book was easy to read, it was short but exciting at the same time. The characters are absolutely lovable. I find myself rooting for Sookie and Bill. The only problem I have with the book was the orgy thing. It was gross. ;p I will definitely pick up the next book in the series!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Easy, light, fun. No Anne Rice though. On the bright side there's more sex than Harry Potter. :)