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Star Trek - The Original Series 2: Feuertaufe: Spock - Das Feuer und die Rose
Star Trek - The Original Series 2: Feuertaufe: Spock - Das Feuer und die Rose
Star Trek - The Original Series 2: Feuertaufe: Spock - Das Feuer und die Rose
eBook502 Seiten6 Stunden

Star Trek - The Original Series 2: Feuertaufe: Spock - Das Feuer und die Rose

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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In einem einzigen Augenblick
... werden sich die Leben dreier Männer für immer verändern. In diesem Sekundenbruchteil, der paradoxerweise sowohl durch Errettung als auch durch Verlust bestimmt wird, werden sie die Welt zerstören und sie dann wiederherstellen. Vieles war zuvor geschehen und vieles sollte noch danach kommen, aber nichts davon würde ihre Leben stärker beeinflussen als dieser eine, abgeschiedene Augenblick am Rande der Ewigkeit.

In einem einzigen Augenblick
... sieht der in der Zeit zurückversetzte Spock dabei zu, wie sein engster Freund seinen Rat befolgt und die Liebe seines Lebens bei einem Verkehrsunfall sterben lässt, um die Geschichte der Erde zu bewahren. Als er in die Gegenwart zurückkehrt, sieht sich Spock jedoch mit ähnlichen Krisen konfrontiert und beschließt daraufhin, die Vergangenheit bewusst zu verändern. Durch die heiklen Anforderungen seiner Logik herausgefordert, wird er einen Weg finden müssen, sich seinen widersprüchlichen Entscheidungen zu stellen.

In einem einzigen Augenblick
... den Spock niemals vergessen wird, bewahrte er die Zeitlinie auf Kosten von Jim Kirks Glück. Nun wird der Tod dieses Freundes Spock dazu bewegen, die fundamentalen Entscheidungen, die er für sein eigenes Leben getroffen hat, neu zu bewerten. Nicht bereit, seine Gefühle des Verlusts und des Bedauerns zu akzeptieren, wird er nach dem streben, was sich ihm bisher entzog: die vollkommene Kontrolle über seine Emotionen. Doch während seine Suche nach der perfekten Geometrie der totalen Logik ihn seine Reue beherrschen lässt, wird ihn ein weiterer Verlust dazu zwingen, sich erneut dem Feuer zu stellen, das er nie angenommen hat.
HerausgeberCross Cult
Erscheinungsdatum15. Feb. 2012
Star Trek - The Original Series 2: Feuertaufe: Spock - Das Feuer und die Rose

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Rezensionen für Star Trek - The Original Series 2

Bewertung: 3.7037036740740743 von 5 Sternen

27 Bewertungen3 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This first book of the trilogy was heartwrenching. I think I cried at least twice during the reading.
    Overall I loved it.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I wasn't going to bother with Spock's story in David R. George's Crucible series, because the Kirk and McCoy instalments hardly set the world alight and I didn't know if I could stand a whole novel about Vulcan philosophies and rituals. Turns out I was right on the first count - I wouldn't have missed much - but find myself strangely cheated on the second: this story is more a rehash of the Kirk and McCoy narratives, with a second stab at Spock's Kohlinar thrown in for good measure. Mr George could have saved himself a lot of time by just writing one book. In order of grievances, Spock's story is lacking three key details: action, originality and t'hy'la. Spock's life seems stuck in a loop: he leaves Starfleet because working closely with humans is throwing his Vulcan reserve out of whack, journeys to Vulcan to cleanse himself of all emotion, realises that he can no more deny his human half than his Vulcan heritage, returns to Starfleet. Lather, rinse, repeat. The only trouble is, for those who have seen Star Trek: the Motion Picture, George's rehash of all this is rather redundant. In fact, the whole novel adds little to the original series or the films. We also get a summary of season one episode 'The City on the Edge of Forever' - strangely, for a novel about Spock, from Kirk's perspective - which goes nowhere, and is also used in McCoy's narrative. Basically, Spock feels guilty - both about interfering in time and not interfering enough - and tries again to achieve Kohlinar. He is successful this time, but decides - completely randomly - that he made a mistake, and undoes the rigorous training in a paragraph of dialogue with McCoy. That's the story in a nutshell.Then we have Spock and Kirk. Now, your mileage may vary, but there is no denying how close these two were during the series and the films - even Roddenberry admitted that the Captain and his Vulcan First Officer love each other, whether physically or purely emotionally. The Vulcan word for this is t'hy'la, meaning friend, brother and/or lover. Jim Kirk was Spock's t'hy'la - only not in David R. George's view, oh no sir. Spock might have lead a lonely life, and Kirk might have had a 'solitary nature', but these two were just friends looking for the right heterosexual life partners. Nothing to see here, move on. Even though George can't explain what prompted Spock to try for Kohlinar in the first place, immediately after the end of the five year mission with Kirk, he is certain that Spock's feelings for the Captain have nothing to do with anything. Denial doesn't begin to cover George's canon blindness. He even throws in a beautiful, intelligent female ambassador - who looks a lot like Droxine from The Cloud Minders, an awkward Spock flirtation from the series - and has the usually solitary and reserved Vulcan fall instantly head over heels in love with her to emphasise his point. The only trouble is, denying the depth and nature of Spock's love for Kirk, then having him forge an instant relationship with Ambassador Mary Sue, doesn't work with the Spock we know from the original series and the films. Neither does Spock's overwhelming 'guilt' about various past events during his time aboard the Enterprise - Spock would have made the correct logical decision at the time, and would hardly have cause to doubt his actions years down the line. The word I think the author was looking for is 'grief' not 'guilt', only he painted himself into a corner by denying Spock his t'hy'la and had to embroider an introspective, platonic alternative. Needless to say, the ending is ridiculously implausible - neat, but unlikely, and hardly satisfying.I think I shall have to look elsewhere for a more honest appraisal of Mr Spock's true character!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This is the second volume of the Crucible trilogy, a tale celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Star Trek. I picked up the first volume, Provenance of Shadows, for the flight home from Hong Kong and enjoyed that enough to check out the rest. This book isn't quite as enjoyable. The main storyline follows Spock as he tries again to achieve Kolinahr and remove all of his emotions. Interwoven throughout the story are flashbacks from Spock's career, most notably events experienced in the episode "City on the Edge of Forever". I think the main premise is flawed. The events of Star Trek: The Motion Picture had pretty much put Spock's desire to achieve Kolinahr at rest and to have him want to try again after so many years, even under the circumstances laid out in the story, is--dare I say it?--illogical. But so it goes. Mr. George does love Star Trek and has written a number of fine moments into the book. So I can't complain too much.--J.


Star Trek - The Original Series 2 - David R. George III

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