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Ein Besuch Von Gott
Ein Besuch Von Gott
Ein Besuch Von Gott
eBook25 Seiten19 Minuten

Ein Besuch Von Gott

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Über dieses E-Book

Es war ein ruhiger Samstagnachmittag für Sven gewesen, er lag nur auf dem Sofa rum, sah Fußball und chillte.
Seine Frau war über das Wochenende weg, er war allein und er fand es gut! Er hatte ein kühles Bier in der einen Hand, die Fernbedienung in der anderen, und eine Schüssel voll mit Knabbereien vor sich. Er war im Himmel.

Dann plötzlich wurde das Fernsehbild schwarz und eine bärtige Gestalt sprach zu Sven - es war Gott.
Verfolge Svens unfassbar lustiges Abenteuer mit Gott in dieser temporeichen Kurzgeschichte, die dich bis zum Schluß lachen lässt.

HerausgeberEero Tarik
Erscheinungsdatum26. Juli 2013
Ein Besuch Von Gott

Eero Tarik

A few years ago I started to write and publish short stories using a variety of pen names. In 2011, I wrote and published over a million words. I write using over a dozen pen names and have published over 700 titles that represent over 1,500 short stories, novellas and plays. My works cover 8 of the 10 categories of the Dewey Decimal system. If you had a list of the most prolific short story writers in all of human history I would easily fit in the top ten - and that is only from the last five years of my output as a writer. Recently I turned my hand to writing science fiction. I love imagining what might be in the future, but it may not always be rosy so you tend not to see the hero saving the world on the last page on my stories. For those looking for sci fi short movie ideas, why don't you try some of my ebooks? There are plenty of new and innovative concepts to discover. Speaking of discoverying... I recently discovered that I am genetically a Saami. I suspect part of that identity, and the thousands of years of isolation from humankind in my genes, also comes out in some of my stories. I write quickly, to tell a simple and entertaining story. I imagine we are sitting around the camp-fire in an era long gone. The story should be sharp and to the point so that it is memorable. I don't believe in filling 300 pages with mindless waffle. I don't plan my stories - I put my fingers on the keyboard and let them tell the story - the ending often unfolds from my fingertips without even thinking what it might be. My favourite sci-fi short stories of the ones I have published so far? I really enjoyed writing 2094, it had been forming in my mind for many years. In 2012, the cover of 2094 was sent to the edge of space on a hot air balloon and then returned - that was a great thrill. The Multiverse Traveler is another favourite and I am tempted to continue on with it into other stories. May I recommend, Androgyne, a recent addition to my bookshelf and a story I thoroughly enjoyed telling, and Avatar Gods which just felt amazing to write. I love the emotion it generates. It really adds to the atmosphere if you listen to the songs mentioned in the story. I also have experimented with putting music to my works, my series Fembot Wars has an album of music set to the theme of the ebook series. I have published the songs under the name of an avatar I created, a musical pen name. I recently began to write short plays for the ten minute play market, I hope you enjoy them. They are usually funny and to the point! Finally, I enjoy listening to music as I write, it provides the stimulation for moods. Here is my writing playlist on Youtube, for those interested... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3ir9HC9vYg&list=PLJhp5_YdP2W5elxXaHTxZVoUxDNmW_W89 For more information and to contact me, go to my website which is listed below.

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    Ein Besuch Von Gott - Eero Tarik


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    Ein Besuch Von Gott

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