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Das magische Baumhaus 1 - Im Tal der Dinosaurier
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Das magische Baumhaus 1 - Im Tal der Dinosaurier
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Das magische Baumhaus 1 - Im Tal der Dinosaurier
eBook65 Seiten36 Minuten

Das magische Baumhaus 1 - Im Tal der Dinosaurier

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Philipp und Anne trauen ihren Augen nicht, als sie im Wald ein verborgenes Baumhaus entdecken. Gespannt klettern sie die lange Strickleiter nach oben. Was für ein toller Ausblick! Doch plötzlich beginnt sich das Baumhaus zu drehen. Schneller und schneller! Dann ist alles still. Aber Philipp und Anne sind nicht mehr da, wo sie vorher waren. Sie sind im Tal der Dinosaurier ...

Komm mit auf die Reise im magischen Baumhaus! Rätselhafte Abenteuer in fremden Welten und längst vergangenen Zeiten erwarten dich auch in den nächsten Bänden.

Die beliebte Kinderbuch-Reihe von Bestsellerautorin Mary Pope Osborne! Die Geschwister Anne und Philipp reisen mit dem magischen Baumhaus durch die Zeit. Sie erleben spannende Abenteuer, entdecken ferne Länder und lernen viele berühmte Persönlichkeiten kennen.
HerausgeberLoewe Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum1. Juni 2015

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Annie and her brother, Jack, were playing out in the woods one day, when they came across a treehouse in an oak tree. They decided to climb it, and when they got up there, it was full of books - like a mini-library in a treehouse. Jack picked up a book about dinosaurs. He saw a page with a pteranodon on it, and said: "I wish we could see that pteranodon for real."

    The treehouse started spinning and then randomly stopped. Jack looked out the window. He realised he wasn't in the forest he started in, but in an oak tree i the middle of the dinosaur world. The pteranodon was at the bottom of the tree!

    Annie and Jack have lots of adventures in the dinosaur world, including finding a gold medallion (making them think someone else must have been there before them), and a narrow escape from a bloodthirsty T-Rex. Luckily, they arrive home safe and sound, ready for a new adventure :)
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    While the Magic Tree House books may not be the pinnacle of children's literature, they've been absolutely critical in turning all three of my children into fluent readers. They are the perfect length for building endurance, and they are a blend of fiction and nonfiction that helps them each all children.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Super lite small kid's book. Impulsive, intuitive girl, careful self-conscious older brother.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    i love it!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    In the first book in the popular Magic Tree House series, the reader is introduced to main characters Jack and Annie, intelligent and curious children who stumble upon a most amazing adventure. One day, walking home from school, they discover a mysterious tree house in the woods near their home. Annie, the younger and more impulsive sibling, races up to explore. Jack decides it is too dangerous, and demands that she come back, but Annie tempts him up by describing the mounds of books
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Jack and his sister Annie discover and investigate a mysterious tree house filled with intriguing books. Within minutes they find themselves transported to prehistoric times where they observe and mingle with a variety of dinosaurs. They find themselves fleeing from the man-eating Tyrannosaurus Rex. This book is the first in the Magic Tree House series.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Fun, fast action, nothing violent even with some thrilling parts.Read this for my grandson. He loved it.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This was my first chapter book series that I ever read and I love them. They are a great series of books about different events from history. This book is about two kids who travel back to the time of dinosaurs and have to take an adventure to help King Arthur and the magical wizard Marlin. This book is a great read for 3rd-5th graders. Even though these books are fiction a science teacher could use these books to introduce a topic about dinosaurs in the classroom. They would read characteristics of dinosaurs and have fun reading it.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I enjoyed reading this book for many reasons but it wasn't my favorite. I think that the book has an intriguing plot and the characters were very well developed. The children have a magic tree house that takes them on adventures to different places, this was focused on the time of the dinosaurs/ prehistoric times. For many children, dinosaurs are a really interesting concept so they would find this book engaging. I like how the book informs the reader about the different types of dinosaurs and gives facts about them like a t rex could eat a human in one bite. The characters are also very well developed. They are brother and sister, who get along well and protect each other from the dinosaurs by risking their lives for each other. The message of this story is cooperation and teamwork because the siblings had to work together to escape the dinosaurs and find away to get back home.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    My children ravenously work their way through the Magic Tree House series. This is actually the first book in the series. And what a great start! Any story that involves riding on the back of the pteranadon is my kind of adventure. I like that these stories work both in settings of human history as well as in natural settings.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Mary Pope Osborne's books take children into distant worlds in a meaningful way. Not only do my students love reading about dinosaurs, they love reading about the tricky situations that always arise when Jack and Annie run into Morgan leFey.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    The first in a series by Mary Pope Osborne, this book tells about a brother and a sister, Jack and Annie, who stumble upon a magic tree house that takes them back to the Dinosaur Ages. They make friends with dinosaurs, and one rescues them from a T Rex. They have a grand adventure, and cannot wait for their next adventure. The story includes real facts about dinosaurs at a child's level, which can get the reader interested in dinosaurs if they are so inclined.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I have been challenged by a couple of students to read all of the Magic Tree House books. I do like the ease in which the books are written. Osborne provides data to the reader while entertaining them. Very light but informative. One down, 40 to go!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Two young children are out in the woods. They stumble upon a large treehouse with many books. The boy opens to a book that has a picture of the dinosaurs. He loves to read. When he opens the book, the treehouse is transported and time travels into the past. The children learn about the animals and take notes. When they almost get eaten, they time travel back to the present. 3-4th Wonderful book with facts about the past! some pictures
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This book is a great example of historic realism. Mary Pope Osborne has done many great books but the magic tree house books have to be her best in my opinion. This book is great because it gets the kids engaged throughout the story. Every time the two siblings open a book in the magic tree house they are thrust into a new world. This one happens to take them back in time when the dinosaurs roamed. This book has great details that keep the reader wanting to know what is going to happen next.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is the very first book in the Magic Tree House series. Jack and Annie find a tree house with lots of books inside. They open book with a lot of facts about dinosaurs. They look out the window and see a flying dinosaur which takes them back into a world when dinosaurs roamed the planet. At first they are very hesitant towards him, but soon they realize how nice he is. Jack is taking notes on the dinosaurs. Their new friend saves them from a T-Rex who almost ate them! This book is a fantasy.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Love this series. Great books for kids to help build confidence in reading skills.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I was (like a lot of children in my generation) absolutely obsessed with dinosaurs as a kid. I'm not sure if it was some sort of spontaneous revelation in all elementary school students or if it had something to do with Jurassic Park (though I suspect the latter), but if a book had a dinosaur involved in any way, shape, or form I was bound to pick it up eventually.The Magic Tree House series was a highly publicized series and though I did not care much for the premise of a time-traveling tree house, I did very much like books and dinosaurs, and Dinosaurs Before Dark promised plenty of both, so I was happy to start reading it.I don't think I enjoyed it this time around as much as I did as a child -- I remember it being much more in depth than it was -- but I still enjoyed thinking about Jack and Annie's adventure as they discovered a tree house in the forest next to their Pennsylvania home filled to the brim with books on every sort of thing. After picking up a book on dinosaurs, they find themselves accidentally wished back to their time. There are some obligatory scenes with iconic carnivorous dinosaurs, but also a lot of interaction with gentle herbivorous dinosaurs that I find more enjoyable than their mad dash from a Tyrannosaurus rex. I think what is most pleasing about this book is the sense of potential - it is easy to see how it spawned such an extensive, popular series. I'll definitely be reading them all.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This book is a great introduction to a series that has held itself in the hearts of many children since the year it was published. There are so many out now, and I don't know how the newer ones are, but the older, classic Magic Treehouse books were always so great to read. They are challenging, yet fun to read, and each book has a different topic. None of the topics ever go that into depth, but they are still somewhat informational and kids can pick up facts here and there. I think these books should definitely continue to be endorsed throughout schools.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is a wonderful fantasy chapter book about two siblings who discover a magic tree house filled with all different kinds of books. Jack and Annie are curious and open a book that happened to be about dinosaurs and the tree house takes them back to the time of the dinosaurs. The children go on an exciting adventure with dinosaurs.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    When I was a child, the Magic Treehouse books were my favorite books to read. The quick and easy to read chapters made me feel a sense of accomplishment as I zipped through the pages. In this specific Magic Treehouse book, the two kids travel back in time by their treehouse into the dinosaur era. They are able to meet and see many of the dinosaurs that lived in that time. The two embark on a wild and crazy adventure that keeps the reader engaged throughout the whole book. The simple vocabulary and fact filled story makes for an extremely informational book packed with details about each dinosaur. The author did a great job at creating an informational book with a sense of adventure. This helps children to enjoy their learning process.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This was a nice read-aloud chapter book. My 4 yo. enjoyed the cliff-hanger chapter endings. The book was wholesome and full of adventure. The story was easy to follow with just two characters. There were illustrations every few pages to help with attention and scene setting.

    We will definitely read more from this series.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Siblings Jack and Annie discover a mysterious tree house in their neighborhood that is filled with books. They are soon whisked away to the Cretaceus Period, where they befriend and are chased by different species of dinosaurs, and realize that the books are magical wish granters. This book is great for transitional readers because the text is large with a limited vocabulary, and the black and white illustrations aid in conceptualizing the different dinosaurs and highlight the adventuresome nature of the text. The siblings have slightly gender specific characteristics, with Jack being scientific and Annie emotional, but their personalities and contributions are equally valued in the story. The wide variety of subjects that are covered in the series will also introduce new readers to many different interests they can pursue through books, and don't need to be read in order.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I think that this series would be great for read alouds. It is very suspenseful and leaves cliff hangers at the end of every chapter. I could certainly see students begging for more! I like the amount of adventure that Jack and Annie have, and the fact that they are the only two main characters make the book very easy to follow. I also really enjoy the illustrations that Mary Pope Osbourne has inside the chapters. These would help children with their ability to imagine what Jack and Annie are doing throughout the story. I also think that this series could be incredibly educational for children when it comes to getting interested in history. A very good read that I would recommend to anyone with young children or students!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This story is one of my favorite childhood chapter books about two siblings named Jack and Annie, who discover a mysterious and magical tree house filled with all different kids of books. The tree house takes them back in time and they go through a exciting adventure with dinosaurs. I like this book for two reasons, first being the magical plot. The entire story is an adventure that any child would love to go on, including the fact that they have a mysterious tree house all to themselves. The adventure is engaging and readers can relate to the two main characters. The second reason I liked the book was for its illustrations. I was lucky enough to read the 20th- Anniversary Full Color Edition which included beautiful colored illustrations on many of the pages. This helps children to visualize what is going on in the story and take their imagination even further. My favorite illustration is the one of Jack and Annie finding the tree house. As a child I always visualized what it would look like exactly, and this picture brings it to life. Overall, the big idea of this story is to give children a sense of adventure through two characters, as well as get them interested in history.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I finally got around to reading the first five books of the Magic Tree House series, and I have to say that these are perfect for my early chapter book readers. We’ve got a boy and a girl main character...check. We’ve got adventure and action...check. We’ve got readable text...check. What more could I ask for?
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This story is one of my favorite childhood chapter books about two siblings named Jack and Annie, who discover a mysterious and magical tree house filled with all different kids of books. As a child I really connected to this book because I have a little brother that I loved playing games with in our tree fort. Young children have a wild and active imagination and will enjoy reading about the adventures this sibling duo goes on together. The adventure is engaging and a little mysterious which holds the readers attention, This is also a great read because of the story’s relatability, as I stated before I have a sibling, and I am sure many other students have a brother or sister they play games with too. Another reason I liked the book was for its illustrations. This helps children to visualize what is going on in the story and take their imagination even further. The pictures provide the reader with another resources to help advance their understanding of the text. Although the author does not use too advanced vocabulary, but the students can infer or break down difficult words.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Eight and a half year old Jack and his seven year old sister Annie find a wonderful tree house in the woods near their home. This tree house is filled to the brim with books, and as Jack is reading about dinosaurs he utters a wish that he could see one alive. Suddenly the world begins spinning and Jack and Annie are magically transported to the age of dinosaurs. They encounter a docile Pterandon that eventually becomes a brave hero, a colony of Anatosauruses with nests of young, and a Tyrannosaurus Rex that hunts Jack and nearly catches him! In this first of the Magic Tree House series, Jack and Annie learn that the tree house can transport them to a different time and place. Jack takes meticulous scientific notes of their adventure and Annie's curiosity helps them see more than Jack would by himself. This is a first in a series. Written for young readers as perhaps their first adventure in a chapter book this book includes a few rich pencil drawn illustrations. This series is a great jump off into the world of chapter books.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Jack and Annie's very first fantasy adventure. Before Jack and Annie can find out, the mysterious tree house whisks them to the prehistoric past. Now they have to figure out how to get home. Can they do it before dark . . . or will they become a dinosaur's dinner?
  • Bewertung: 1 von 5 Sternen
    My boy comes home with a new Magic Tree House every time he goes to the library. They are kinda cool but after you've read ten or so the become a bit wearisome for the parent!