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Lenz / Dantons Tod / Woyzeck / Leonce und Lena
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Lenz / Dantons Tod / Woyzeck / Leonce und Lena
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Lenz / Dantons Tod / Woyzeck / Leonce und Lena
eBook199 Seiten2 Stunden

Lenz / Dantons Tod / Woyzeck / Leonce und Lena

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

Dieses Buch enthält die beiden Dramen Dantons Tod und Woyzeck sowie das Lustspiel Leonce und Lena und die Erzählung Lenz des leider bereits mit 24 Jahren verstorbenen genialen Schriftstellers.
Erscheinungsdatum25. Apr. 2019
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Lenz / Dantons Tod / Woyzeck / Leonce und Lena

Georg Büchner

Karl Georg Büchner (17 October 1813 – 19 February 1837) was a German dramatist and writer of poetry and prose. He was also a revolutionary, a natural scientist, and the brother of physician and philosopher Ludwig Büchner. He was a major forerunner of the Expressionist school of playwriting of the early 20th century and his work voiced the disillusionment of many artists and intellectuals after World War I. He is now recognised as one of the outstanding figures in German dramatic literature and it is widely believed that, had it not been for his early death, he might have joined such central German literary figures as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Schiller at the summit of their profession. His works include Woyzeck, left incomplete at the time of this death; his first play, Danton's Death, and the comedy Leonce and Lena.

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