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Vladimir Tod beißt sich durch (Band 2)
Vladimir Tod beißt sich durch (Band 2)
Vladimir Tod beißt sich durch (Band 2)
eBook288 Seiten2 Stunden

Vladimir Tod beißt sich durch (Band 2)

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Der Reporter der Schülerzeitung klebt wie ein Blutegel an ihm. Nachhilfeunterricht bekommt er vom Meister in den Vampirischen Künsten. Und sein bester Freund verfolgt ihn mit einem Pflock! Klingt schräg?

Willkommen im Leben von Vladimir Tod, Halbvampir! Bissfeste Unterhaltung der etwas anderen Art! In dieser Fantasy-Reihe hat Vladimir Tod mit ganz normalen Teenager-Problemen wie Schule und erster Liebe zu kämpfen – und ganz nebenbei muss er vor seinen Mitschülern verbergen, dass er in Wirklichkeit ein Halbvampir ist.

"Vladimir Tod beisst sich durch" ist der zweite Band der Vladimir Tod-Pentalogie.
HerausgeberLoewe Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum19. Juni 2017
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Bewertung: 4.2 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Although I can't rave about the book, it was a light and enjoyable read and I KNOW that it will be popular with my preteen readers. It's much easier and lighter than Twilight, but still has a combination of danger and romance and adventure. It would be much better if the reader read book one before reading this one, but it is possible to piece together the references and infer what happened in book one. I don't want to give away too much of the plot, but I can tell you that Vladimir Tod, is in ninth grade now, and he is half human (his mom) and half vampire (his dad). His parents perished in a fire, and Vlad carries a lot of guilt for that event since he had turned off their alarm clocks, causing them to sleep in, and therefore be in the house when their bedroom caught on fire. At the beginning of the book, Joss is hired by a man, who resurfaces near the end of the book, to kill Vladimir, which should be pretty easy since Joss is Henry's cousin. I've ordered books one and three, so I can at least have the first three on the shelves. Kids who like Darren Shan's Cirque du Freak books will love this.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is a fantastic installment to the series. It picks up right there the first one leaves off. Vald has just survived a fight with a mega vampire and he just want to get on with his life as abnormal as it is. He wasn't to continue his life with withis best friend, Henry his aunt and his newly found uncle. He may want it, but he's not going to get it. His uncle take Vald to me a teacher who can enhance Vald's vampire powers. This was an interesting part of the book, when Vald learns more what it's like to be a vampire. That's something you want in a character, for them to grow and develop, adding to what they are. That's exactly what happens with Vald, he grows. We also learn more about Vald's parents, and what really happened to them, and how Vald blames himself for what happened to them, and how he have to live with it. With all of this going on, Vald has other problems. It seems that an old enemy comes back to haunt him. To make matters worse, it seems that Vald is being stalked by a vampire slayer. This is just a quick over view of the book. I can't say enough good things about it. I'm really enjoying the series. If you start it, I can promise, you won't be sorry.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I doubt I have anything constructive to say as far as stories go. Not only do I see the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod as a fun series for teens, especially in middle/high school, but I have a strong emotional attachment too. The entire series can be seen as a statement on being able to love the outcasts and the weird, of which I am. This series brought me out of a very dark place, allowing me to relate to a vampire that shall always have a special place in my heart.That being said, I make a point to own a copy of both the novels and graphic adaptations, this book being the second release for the series. I've actually noted a few more problems in this release than in the previous word. A misspelling or cluttering a couple words together likethis is ok now and then, but 9th Grade Slays really seemed to need that extra proofreader. The placement of the word bubbles had me question who was saying what in what order more than once and there were a couple times when I think the lines the character were saying were timed wrong or copied from each other by accident, like here:Vlad: "I trust you too, Vlad. But for a while - I lost that."Joss: "I trust you too, Vlad. In fact, I've got a secret. A BIG one. One that I'd like to share with you. Is that ok?"Nothing too major, just something that got a little irksome as I was reading it, the perfectionist that I am, and a note for what I anticipate to be the future release of the 10th Grade Bleeds graphic novel. :DI'm rating this a 5/5 for my pure love of the book/series as a whole, as I know it is a favorite that will carry with me for years to come (things spice up later in the series, if you've read this book and the previous already and are unimpressed), but realistically it's more of a 4/5 or 4.5/5 because of the word bubble issues.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I finally finished this today. Vlad is back but he comes off as a little moodier this time which made it take me a little longer to finish. Other then that the story was pretty good. There are vampires after Vlad, Henry and Vlad's friendship is a little shaken but Vlad thinks he finds a new friend in Joss, Henry's cousin. There is also a side trip to Siberia to get Vlad some more vampire training and Vlad's relationship with Meredith is finally moving along.

    You can definitely tell this is a part of a series but this volume at least has it's own story.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This book is the following book of Eighth Grade Sucks. After Otis (Vald uncle) has to leave because of safty ressions. His best friend Henry tells Vald that his cousin Joss is coming to town because his parnets are leaving to Greece for work. When Vald first finds this out he is worried because what if Joss doesn't like him. When Vald meets Joss, he is relived that he is cool and not what he was afferad he was. Soon Vald and Joss became as good as friends as Vald and Henry. Even that Vald and Henry have this bond because Vald bit him when they were eight. Now Henry is Valds drudge (a type of slave, but to vald and Henry is better friendship then ever). Then Vald starts seeing this man watchin ghim at night which frecks him out. A couple days later is the Halloween party. Vald ends up going out side to get air and sees a boy named Eddie. Eddie is a nord and Vlad ends up feeling bad so he gives Eddie his costume so he can go inside and party. But that Vald put his hand on his tatoo which turns his eyes purple. Eddie saw and went crazy and was deturmend to find out what Vlad's secert is. Vlad was worried. Soon after Vlad got a letter from Otis which said to him that he should watch out for a slayer someone sent to kill Vlad. Vlad puts this at the back of his mind because he found out that his new best friend was going to the dance with his dream girl Meredith. Vlad liked Meredith ever sence third grade. Vlad was mad at this and claimed that it was all his falt because he didn't ask Meredith sooner. Then everything goes into the heavens when Meredith tellls him she like Vlad to, and she kissed him. This was so great that nothing could rune it. And to put a cherry on stop Otis comes and wants him to learn his powers by going to see the wisest vampire ever. Vlad learns lots of his powers, and finds out how skilled he is. When Vlad comes home he finds out the shocking truth of Joss. Joss is the slayer that was sant to kill Vlad. Vlad finds out Joss is still finding out who is the vampire he must kill, and Vlad is tarifid. Joss takes Vlad with him on his way two find the vampire when Vlad sees that his old enamy that he thought he killed that year was still alive. D'Ablo. D'ablo sent the slayer two find out if Vlad is the Pravus(a Pravus is a half human and half vampire that can never die, and will inslave human kind). Joss is upset he must kill Vlad but ever sence a vampire killed his little sister in front of him he would not stop killing until every vampire is dead. Joss ends up stabbing Vlad with a stick in the heart. Surpriseingly Vlad didn't die. He was still alive and was healing fast. When Vlad goes back to school Meredith ends up asking Vlad to the spring Harvest. A prefict ending to a heartbreaking and untursting friendship bettween a vampire and one of his best friends, slayer. I liked this book for one because I love vampire books. This book was good because it was mixed bettween a normal highschooler and a vampire. I also like the twits it brought in almost every chapter. Also how the story was put onto the same topic, like how Joss ended up being the Slayer. Also it made me feel for the charters. I really get into the books, kinda like i don't want to put them down. I am exited to read the next book "Tenth Grade Bleeds."
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Lots of vampire humor in this one! Vlad is now a freshman in Bathory High School, which means back to being the bully magnet and wishing his voice didn't disappear every time Meredith looked his way. He's also being tracked by a vampire slayer, and tailed by an annoying kid from the school paper (named Edgar Poe). Uncle Otis decides that it's time for some higher-quality vampire training, so Vlad gets a short trip to Siberia to meet with the vampire Vikas, who taught his father. There he learns that he is rumored to be "the Pravus" or the vampire who will have the power to enslave the human race and control the world. Vlad would be just as happy to keep the bullies away at the moment, but he has bigger problems since there are several vampires who would much rather see him dead (thus the slayer who's being paid to kill him). Vlad has a lot to survive freshman year, and not just his gym class. Creepy, suspenseful and funny! Best to read Eighth Grade Bites first if you haven't already. For 7th grade and up.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Vlad's story begins to further develop in this book. Although parts of the book were quite predictable, the story is well written. I will continue to read this series.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Vlad is back for his freshman year of high school in Bathory, but it won't be easy. He has a new friend, Henry's cousin Joss, and a new problem, Eddie - who thinks Vlad is some sort of monster, but not sure what kind. Oh yea, and he has a vampire slayer hunting for him. Uncle Otis takes hism abroad to Russia to learn from a friend of Vlad's father about mind control and reading, and of course his angst with Bill and Tom, his favortie tormentors, and the tugs of his heart for Meridith. A great continuation of book one, and easy read, and highly recommended.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Vlad is dealing with being a teenager. He has relationship problems with Meredith too. I loved this book and could not wait to read the rest of the series.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Freaking amazing. A ton of secreats spiil out :D
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Book 2 in the Vladimir Tod series. Vladimir is being hunted by a slayer, and tormented by a local boy who is sure he is a monster. But he has Henry, and Henry's cousing Joss is a new friend.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is another vladimir tod book, that has to do with his bests friend henrys (vlads slave) couson who is a VAMPIRE slayer! Who has been sent by the slayer society. I liked this book very much and if u liked the first one the you will like the second one.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Vlad starts high school and finds out aside from the bullies and working up the nerve to talk to his crush, he has some new problems. First, Eddie Poe suspects that he is not totally human. Second, a vampire slayor has been sent to "take care" of him. Vlad gets to do some training and discover more about the mysterious prophecy of the Praxus. A very entertaining read! I'm anxious to see what happens to Vlad and Henry when they are sophomores!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This second book picks right up where Eighth Grade Bites left off. Vlad is keeping a low profile since vampires are after him, he's starting ninth grade, he's hanging with Henry and Henry's cousin Joss. He is however studying under Otis and beginning to understand his vampire heritage more.My only complaint about Brewer's book is that it ends too fast but we do get more information about issues that came up in book one which I don't want to include because of plot spoilers. Still, a solid effort and one I think you will like!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Didn't realize this was the second book.Vlad, a vampire, has a minion - Henry, who's one of the popular kids at school. This doesn't seem to save Vlad, who is a social outcast and the victim of bullying. His uncle brings him to Russia to be tutored on his vampire powers by an old friend, and back home Vlad must not only survive high school and dealing with his crush, but also a fellow schoolmate determined to reveal him as a monster, a vampire "thief" who has stolen his blood, and a slayer come to the town to hunt him.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Love this book as much as the fisrt one. I am seriosly dieng to read tenth grade bleeds. as you can tell i'm so obsessed with this series.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Great reading for 4th grade an up. This is intended for the middle school market. The plot is more sophisticated than Twilight; it's an amusing vampire story. This would be good for older teens who struggle with reading.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This book is totally great. you get to know Vladimir (Vlad) and Henry more, but then things get really complicated when Henry's cousin Joss comes to stay with him and his family. Joss is a vampire slayer and when he finds out that Vlad is a vampire, he trys to kill him. This book is great and everyone should read this book. It's a story of friendship, family, and adventures.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Hats of to Heather Brewer for her comedic skill and convincing description of high school life. Vlad Tod is just like any other skinny, vaguely gothic 14 year old, just wanting to make it to class without getting stuffed into his locker. Just like any other kid, except that he is a vampire, whose lunch bag is likely to contain cupcakes filled with capsules of blood from donor bags appropriated from the hospital by his human guardian.Perfect for younger teens who like vampires.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Vladimir Tod is back in Heather Brewer?s follow-up to Eighth Grade Bites. Vlad may be starting high school, but he is still harassed by bullies and getting nowhere fast with his dream girl, Meredith. He and Henry are still tight, but a threat to their friendship is on the horizon ? Henry?s cousin Joss is moving to town and Vlad is afraid they may not get along. Fortunately Joss turns out to be cool and (when he rescues Vlad from the bullies) a handy friend to have. But then Vlad learns from Uncle Otis that a vampire slayer has been hired to track him and, even worse, Joss and Meredith are beginning to like each other! When an old enemy reappears and Joss shares a dangerous secret with his new friend, Vlad discovers Ninth Grade Slays.

    Heather Brewer continues to delight with the characters of Vlad, Henry and Aunt Nelly while adding in the unpredictable Joss. I really liked Joss and how his friendship with Vlad developed. It seemed natural for them to bond, since they were essentially outsiders with common interests in video games and pretty girls. It was unfortunate that they both had a liking for Meredith as well, and found out how easily a girl could come between them. I was totally surprised by the secret Joss was hiding and saddened that it endangered their friendship even more.

    Vlad also begins to learn more about his powers as a vampire in Ninth Grade Slays, and a visit with an old friend of his father?s helps him strengthen his abilities. It was interesting to see how other vampires lived, and how their beliefs differed from the way Vlad was raised by Nelly. Vlad truly feels his human side, and is just as excited playing his ?Race to Armageddon 2? video game as learning how to control minds (mostly Henry?s). Unfortunately, his blood-sucking urges are beginning to strengthen as well, and there are hints that bagged blood may not be enough to satisfy them. However, Vlad is determined that a biter of humans is not the type of vampire he wants to be.

    As he continues to research his father and to learn more about vampires, Vlad discovers the legend of a vampire who would be born not made and would eventually rule all vampire kind ? The Pravus. And many believe Vlad just may be it. Brewer begins to add another level to the series with the introduction of this legend and Vlad?s possible part in it. It looks like this is going to be the thread tying the rest of the books together, and I look forward to seeing how it plays out. Between the slayer out to kill him and the legend of the Pravus, Vlad?s story is starting to take a darker, more serious turn.

    I still enjoy the way Vlad, Nelly and Henry work to disguise Vlad?s vampiric nature but (as Vlad and Henry find out) something as simple as bringing lunch to school is not without peril. It is also fun to see what a teenage boy Vlad is, with raids on the kitchen for snacks and blood and sneaking off to movies such as ?Psycho Slasher Chainsaw-Guy from Hell? (I love that title!) with Henry. These moments add humor to the story and emphasize Vlad?s human side.

    Ninth Grade Slays is the entertaining second installment of Heather Brewer?s ?Chronicles of Vladimir Tod? series. Our favorite characters return and are joined by a new favorite in the form of Joss. The author continues with her natural, breezy style in a book that is appropriate for younger teens to adults, but the story takes on a darker tone in the final chapters indicating Vlad?s life is about to become even more complicated. I can hardly wait to see how Tenth Grade Bleeds.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I thought this one was much better than the first. I think because there?s more to the story and plenty of background information provided. Although a little predictable, (especially when it came to who was the vampire slayer in the neighborhood) it was a fun read and interesting to go through. What I found especially interesting is the slight cracks you see that will eventually come to the surface and quite possibly create problems for Vlad. For example; his friendship with Henry. It?s good, but you notice Henry?s changed a bit. He?s hanging out with the popular kids more and Vlad is just on the sidelines being the observer. I?m not entirely sure if I like this change in Henry. He?s such a great guy and provided the comic relief in the series. If he turns out to be a jerk I?d be sorely disappointed. Let?s not forget the other vampires that are hounding Vlad down, and the vampire slayer that?s out for him. It looks like Vlad is about to have a lot on his plate soon enough. This is what I liked about the story so far. There?s underlying problems which are bound to explode sooner or later and this is what makes me want to continue reading the series until its? conclusion. I had to admit I went all mushy with Vlad and Meredith. They do make a cute couple despite Meredith being a ?Barbie? (ie; always described with the color pink) which I think is the total exact opposite of what Vlad would like. Then again, I suppose it?s interesting that they both like each other despite their high school ?labels?. I?m definitely looking forward to the next one in this series. The ending got me curious as to what?s in store for Vlad.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Vladimir Tod vampire-human hybrid is entering high school. Everyone told him that ninth grade would be tough, but with vampires and slayers trying to kill him and new vampire talents emerging, he?ll be lucky to survive. Brewer pens another fun novel. Vlad?s character is a teenage outcast who truly is alienated from the people around him. There is no other person like him on the planet and Vlad handles this feeling of isolation in a realistic and often humorous manner. At the same time, Vlad is dealing with the everyday aspects of being a teenage boy from crushes to hanging out with this best friend. Brewer handles the balance between vampire and normal human teen well. And while the idea of an isolated teen as a main character is not unique, Brewer re-vamps the familiar to create an enjoyable, engaging read. Recommended for readers who enjoy vampire fiction.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Vlad is about to start his first year of high school. Things are pretty much the same as they?ve always been though. He still has to keep the fact that he is a vampire a secret, he is still too afraid to talk to the girl he likes, and the same bullies that have been bothering him since junior high are picking up right where they left off.Starting high school is stressful enough, but more troubles are on the way. Someone from the school newspaper is following him around trying to get a story and, word has it, there is a vampire slayer in town looking for him. Vlad struggles with some of his vampire abilities. He has to learn how to use his mind reading skills, which requires a trip to Siberia and the chance to meet others from the vampire community. Getting to know the people who were friends with his father is a wonderful experience. He enjoys his time in Siberia and hates it when it is time to go home.Once back, Vlad must face the vampire slayer and another old enemy in order to make sure his loved ones are safe. At the rate things are going, Vlad doesn?t know if he?s going to make it to tenth grade.Heather Brewer has written a wonderful sequel to EIGHTH GRADE BITES. You?ll want to be sure to check out TENTH GRADE BLEEDS as soon as it comes out.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    A good follow up to the first book, but it took a little (lot) too long to actually get into the action. There was lots of build up, but only very little at the climax and no real "mini climaxes" before that. 


Vladimir Tod beißt sich durch (Band 2) - Heather Brewer

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