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GUAYAkills. A bloody novella
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GUAYAkills. A bloody novella
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GUAYAkills. A bloody novella
eBook160 Seiten1 Stunde

GUAYAkills. A bloody novella

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

It’s always hot and humid in the Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil, and it’s in this metropolis full of crime that some murders take place, one after the other. They are all linked to a mysterious femme fatale, our heroine. What’s the purpose behind these murders? And why can’t our heroine let go of the past?

Composed like a Jazz Age novel, a mixture of pulp and detective fiction, GUAYAkills is a classical revenge novel with a twist, an opus out of the ordinary, highly emotional and suspenseful, a great mystery novella that will take the reader on a journey in one of the most dangerous cities of Ecuador, trying to understand the deep motive of our nameless and charming heroine. The questions will only increase, and the plot will thicken until all will be explained in the end, full of twists and dramatic turns.

While the book does not shy away from being highly political, the reader is in for an entertaining and unusual session. A bloody novella to read all in one breath.

Sönke C. Weiss is an internationally awarded photographer, writer, journalist, theatre director and filmmaker. He was born in Itzehoe, Germany, in 1967. His first novel, The Girl and the War, was published in 2006. Two years later he received his first Pulitzer Prize nomination for his stage play Butterflies of Uganda. His artistic roots go back to his college years. He studied under and worked with Edward Albee (Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf?), Robert Wilson (Einstein on the Beach) and José Quintero (Co-founder of the Circle in the Square Theatre) at the University of Houston and the Alley Theatre. He is holding a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in directing and playwrighting next to a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Mass Communications and a second BA in German Literature from Indiana University. His ongoing photo project, ALL THAT I CAN’T LEAVE BEHIND, a visual essay of documentary and artistic narratives, reflects the tradition of engaged reportage in Africa. Weiss’ work has been widely shown and published since the 1990s (www.soenkecweiss.com).
HerausgeberEuropa Edizioni
Erscheinungsdatum31. Juli 2022
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GUAYAkills. A bloody novella

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