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Answers to 100 questions on the healthy effect of natural zeolite
Answers to 100 questions on the healthy effect of natural zeolite
Answers to 100 questions on the healthy effect of natural zeolite
eBook197 Seiten1 Stunde

Answers to 100 questions on the healthy effect of natural zeolite

Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

The publication of the books "Naturmineralien, Regulation und Gesundheit" and "Klinoptilolith-Zeolith – Siliziummineralien und Gesundheit" has led to a growing interest in the silicates natural zeolite, bentonite/montmorillonite and silicon dioxide (synonym: silicic acid) on the part of therapists and especially on the part of the consumers owing to the healthy and quality-of-life improving effect of the silicates. According to various studies, the trend to orientate towards natural remedies leads to a growing demand of more and more people. However, the reorientation towards other remedies involves several questions. This also applies to natural zeolite, bentonite, montmorillonite and silicon dioxide (silicic acid), partly because of wrong ideas about the silicates that are often spread without any criticism and that cause insecurity among the people. Silicates belong to the oldest remedies of mankind e.g. in form of clay and medical clay. In fact, 2,400 years of experience have been gained already.

As the mechanisms of action and effects of such natural remedies are fundamentally different from those of traditional medical drugs, which are usually applied by conventional medicine, the need for knowledge is exceptionally great here. The number of requests that we have received almost daily over ten years proves that. This enormous interest has inspired us to answer the questions in written form and publish them as a book in order to satisfy the "thirst for knowledge" with regard to
natural zeolite, bentonite/montmorillonite and silicon dioxide (silicic acid).

All the answers to questions from everyday life are, for the most part, put in easy terms for reasons of a better understanding. At the same time, however, they reflect the current
scientific state of knowledge.
Erscheinungsdatum20. Okt. 2021
Answers to 100 questions on the healthy effect of natural zeolite

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Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I already knew about the benefits of Zeolite but here I could have a more enlightening view going through the 100 questions. Magnify the work of Dr. Karl Hecht.


Answers to 100 questions on the healthy effect of natural zeolite - Karl Hecht

1_What inspired you to work on zeolites?

During my career as a doctor and scientist I have been inspired by some fundamental scientific findings and practical experiences:

•When I worked on research projects about the effects of psycho-pharmaceutical agents as a young doctor I realised that sooner or later I would come into conflict with the Hippocratic claim Primum non nocere (in English: do not harm as a doctor) by applying chemicals on sick people and accepting their side effects. This has motivated me to look for gentle natural remedies.

•Various research projects in the field of space medicine have made me aware of the significance of minerals for the fitness of human beings. I realised: minerals should be part of any therapy model. There is no life process without minerals. Minerals are the battery of human beings.

•Getting familiar with the outstanding research results of the American silicon expert Edith Muriel Carlisle and the Russian silicon expert H. G. Voronkov and his research team on the significance of silicon dioxide for the health of human

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