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Dive With Me: Into The Depths Of My Soul
Dive With Me: Into The Depths Of My Soul
Dive With Me: Into The Depths Of My Soul
eBook29 Seiten6 Minuten

Dive With Me: Into The Depths Of My Soul

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

Poems about life, illusion and desillusion. Written by an introvert, almost autistic soul.

And for those who make it to the very end of the book there will be a short story about what can happen when you hold on too long, when you cannot find the strength to finish a condemned condition.

Erscheinungsdatum14. Okt. 2019
Dive With Me: Into The Depths Of My Soul

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    Dive With Me - Hope Vania Greene


    Time ...

    ... is like an architect.

    With instruments - some soft, some harsh - it molds our childish gods into playgrounds of mud.

    And then it will be up to us if (and how) we use them or not.

    Let the sun make us brighter and let's allow the rain to drain the tearful ocean of our soul.

    Whatever we decide to do: Our way of life will be absolutely unique and individual.

    And perhaps we will discover too late what a wonderful journey we had made.

    Body Journey

    I could definitely need a brand-new mental order; my brain is tearing itself apart; thousands of tingling thoughts rave

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