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How to Explore Your Life Purpose: With the 7-7-7 Principle: 7 Days - 7 Questions - 7 Minutes
How to Explore Your Life Purpose: With the 7-7-7 Principle: 7 Days - 7 Questions - 7 Minutes
How to Explore Your Life Purpose: With the 7-7-7 Principle: 7 Days - 7 Questions - 7 Minutes
eBook48 Seiten35 Minuten

How to Explore Your Life Purpose: With the 7-7-7 Principle: 7 Days - 7 Questions - 7 Minutes

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Über dieses E-Book

What am I really living for? What is my duty? What shall I do? What is the true meaning of my life? Do you ask yourself questions like that? Then you are in the right place!

Most people know exactly what they don't want. What their "own thing" is remains a question mark. Only you can find out for yourself what makes your life meaningful and joyful. Often, your buried dreams and hearts's desires show up in transitional phases. Then, they want to be heard.

The book "How to Explore Your Life Purpose" invites you to find the meaning of life in a playful way. Through learning methods of self-discovery, you will take a close look at your talents, passions and values. Let yourself be inspired by questions and be guided by your inner voice. The methods are easy and quickly applicable. Your will receive powerful instruments to realign your life.

Dr. Dorothea Kress is sociologist and expert in qualitative methods in empirical research. She works at the intersection of soft skills, consulting and business creation.
Erscheinungsdatum8. März 2015
How to Explore Your Life Purpose: With the 7-7-7 Principle: 7 Days - 7 Questions - 7 Minutes

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    How to Explore Your Life Purpose - Dr. Dorothea Kress


    The book How To Explore Your Life Purpose is the first of a series of New Life Tools. New Life Tools are designed to support people in periods of change and personal development in finding new orientation.

    New Life Tools invite you to look at situations and your patterns of thinking and behavior. By exploring your experiences you will learn about your passion, heart's desires, abilities and talents in a playful way.

    I often observed that people read many self-help books, but they are not able to implement those advices in their daily life. Reading clever books did not make much difference in the end. Therefore, I decided to choose another way.

    What makes New Life Tools so special? It is a different approach and a different point of view: the starting point is you. You and your experiences are from the very beginning in the centre of attention.

    What do you really know about yourself? This simple question cannot be answered easily, because 95 % of our thinking and perception are unconscious or subconscious. Thus, we have to find smart ways to discover our innermost desires and thoughts.

    With questions you start a process of reflective observations. You take a close look at yourself through 7 days with 7 questions. This self-knowledge is the groundwork for everything else. What sounds so natural is quite new for a lot of people.

    A provocative thesis:

    Most people are not aware of themselves and are not living in the present moment most of the time. They are bowed down with sorrow, worried about job issues, family problems and their minds tend to drift off into the past or dwell in the future. Often they are stuck in routines and run their daily life on autopilot.

    It sounds crazy, but being able to be fully yourself and attentive to each moment is a rare talent.


    3 Questions To Get Started

    Take 5 minutes and write down everything that comes to your mind, no matter what it is!

    1. Imagine your life goes on as it is for the next 10 years. What does this vision trigger in you?

    2. What would your life look like, if you would live your true heart's desires?

    3. How would you realize that you have found meaning and fulfillment in your life?

    How Do You Find Out What You Really, Really Want?

    Option # 1

    You think about that question very seriously and read a lot of relevant literature about it.

    Option # 2

    You ask a clairvoyant what your purpose in life might be.

    Option # 3

    You join a church in the hope that a priest will tell you what God wants from you.

    Option # 4

    You travel to India and stay in an ashram for a long time, daily meditating on your

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