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Sluts of America 3
Sluts of America 3
Sluts of America 3
eBook56 Seiten56 Minuten

Sluts of America 3

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

Sluts of America is my latest book series. It's a collection of erotic short stories. It is always about a fictional woman who experiences sexual adventures.

The third part deals with the history of Nina Heart near Denver, Colorado. A 42 year old wife whose husband was killed in a car accident.

While searching through her husband's estate, she comes across a secret loan her husband took out. The creditor is well known to her. It is a successful, young entrepreneur and friend of the family.

Nina's trying to make a deal with him. But she has underestimated him by far.
Erscheinungsdatum10. Sept. 2020
Sluts of America 3

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    Sluts of America 3 - Tricia Williams

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