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Common Diversities: Junge Filipin@s im deutschsprachigen Raum
Common Diversities: Junge Filipin@s im deutschsprachigen Raum
Common Diversities: Junge Filipin@s im deutschsprachigen Raum
eBook229 Seiten5 Stunden

Common Diversities: Junge Filipin@s im deutschsprachigen Raum

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Über dieses E-Book

Geschichten und Deutungen der Herkunft und der
Identität von migrantisch gefärbtem Leben.
“We not only inherit the life that our parents built for us in their new
chosen home, but also a responsibility to bear the torch and put
our stamp on their legacy. Not entirely Filipino, not exactly Austrian,
we are the sons and daughters of a third culture—the global citizen
whose home is not one place, not one culture, not one language
but a beautiful and colorful quilt of all our combined identities.”
(Gerard Rababa, designer, marketing professional, communications executive)
“I started suppressing my Filipino roots in school. The less foreign I seemed,
the better—or so I thought. At home, I felt that I was being constantly
reminded that I wasn’t the kind of Filipina that I should be. The older I
got, the more I became aware of the world and myself. I was silencing
me and my version. I realized that I was silencing my authenticity.”
(Chelsea Amada)
„Ich habe mit den beiden Kulturen in mir zu kämpfen gehabt.
Es gibt Eigenschaften, die auf den Philippinen gutgeheißen
werden, in Österreich nicht. Aber ich bin eben so.“
(Cynthia „Cindy“ Kurleto, Model, Schauspielerin)
“This book is doing a great service to both the Filipino community and (as a
part of) Austrian and German society: that of raising awareness for the values
of the diversity of culture, mentality, and social origin for the communalization of
individual life’s destinies and life endeavors, as they are demanded of all of us.”
(Thomas A. Bauer, Professor emeritus, University of Vienna)
Erscheinungsdatum25. Jan. 2022
Common Diversities: Junge Filipin@s im deutschsprachigen Raum

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