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Film als Midrasch: Der Golem, Dybbuks und andere kabbalistische Elemente im populären Kino
Film als Midrasch: Der Golem, Dybbuks und andere kabbalistische Elemente im populären Kino
Film als Midrasch: Der Golem, Dybbuks und andere kabbalistische Elemente im populären Kino
eBook127 Seiten3 Stunden

Film als Midrasch: Der Golem, Dybbuks und andere kabbalistische Elemente im populären Kino

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

The book explores the conscious usage of Jewish mystical themes and motifs in popular (as well as arthouse) cinema from the silent film era to the present. This historical, as well as geographic, arc spanning from Paul Wegener's Golem (1920) to films such as David Goyer's The Unborn (2009), Ang Lee's Life of Pi (2012) or David Aronofsky's Noah (2014), is held together by a tightly argued and detailed discussion of both the kabbalist elements themselves and their presence in film and television.Organized in four interrelated parts, the study focuses on mystical secrets of the Hebrew alphabet (where each letter is attributed a numerical value and each number has a hidden meaning), the idea of the Dybbuk as an exiled soul looking for a bodily home, the Lurianic concepts of Tzimtzum (contraction) and Tikkun olam (repair of the world) and, finally, the legend of the Golem, whose Prague origins have been reworked not only in numerous movies but also in popular US television shows including the X-Files and The Simpsons.
HerausgeberV&R Unipress
Erscheinungsdatum5. Dez. 2016
Film als Midrasch: Der Golem, Dybbuks und andere kabbalistische Elemente im populären Kino

Klaus S. Davidowicz

Prof. Dr. Klaus S. Davidowicz lehrt Judaistik an der Universität Wien.

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    Film als Midrasch - Klaus S. Davidowicz

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