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Genossen in der Krise?: Europas Sozialdemokratie auf dem Prüfstand
Genossen in der Krise?: Europas Sozialdemokratie auf dem Prüfstand
Genossen in der Krise?: Europas Sozialdemokratie auf dem Prüfstand
eBook286 Seiten5 Stunden

Genossen in der Krise?: Europas Sozialdemokratie auf dem Prüfstand

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The Social-Democratic parties of Europe are in decline, a diagnosis missed by no one today. Support for this opinion comes from many directions – from their loss of votes in recent elections to a growing lack of party members to the apparent failure of party heads to react adequately to these very developments. When reading reports both in the standard press and in scientific circles, however, the impression arises that this downturn is irreversible and must be accepted as such.But that is just the question. The Social-Democratic parties have experienced similar things in the past and have survived to the present day. And perhaps, slowly, new perspectives are on the horizon that will form the basis for a resurrection of old strengths: new models for coalitions with other parties, the revitalisation of membership rolls, better internal choice of candidates and policies, a welcoming of newcomers from other parties and a general openness toward new ideas. Experiments are now being launched with these means – and are showing first positive results.
Erscheinungsdatum20. Juli 2011
Genossen in der Krise?: Europas Sozialdemokratie auf dem Prüfstand

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    Genossen in der Krise? - Franz Walter

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