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Eternal Life 2250: The Future Is A Step Away (englische Fassung!)
Eternal Life 2250: The Future Is A Step Away (englische Fassung!)
Eternal Life 2250: The Future Is A Step Away (englische Fassung!)
eBook33 Seiten25 Minuten

Eternal Life 2250: The Future Is A Step Away (englische Fassung!)

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Über dieses E-Book

Essentially, this book deals with my thoughts about a possible future.
However, future, past and present are to be seen as "relative", because in my opinion none of them can exist alone or be "solo", so to speak. In this story many thoughts and also things from my past or experienced are treated. Partly of course also fantasies and wishful thinking. I hope that I can speak from the heart of one or the other, or I would like to meet the navel of time. And hopefully it will also inspire some to think. Many have certainly already thought about a possible future on our earth and this book could be one of the countless possibilities. In any case I wish all readers a lot of fun on my journey into the future.
The fantastic, intellectual journey begins in the year 2250.
Erscheinungsdatum23. Sept. 2020
Eternal Life 2250: The Future Is A Step Away (englische Fassung!)

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    Eternal Life 2250 - Hannes Mühlböck


    I think many writers are similar in this respect.

    It is often difficult to keep the preface interesting and at the same time not to give away too much of the content in order to keep the tension.

    Essentially, this little book deals with my thoughts about a possible future.

    However, future, past and present are to be seen as relative, because in my opinion none of them can exist alone or be solo so to speak.

    In this story many thoughts and also things from my past or experienced are treated.

    Partly, of course also fantasies and wishful thinking. I hope that I can speak from the heart of one or the other, or much more I want to meet the navel of time. And hopefully it will also inspire some to think.

    Many have certainly already thought about a possible future on our earth and this book could be one of the countless possibilities.

    In any case I wish all readers a lot of fun on my journey into the future. The fantastic, intellectual journey begins in the year 2250. Enjoy reading!

    It is just July, one of the hottest months in this era.

    In terms of climate, a lot has happened in the last centuries. Fossil fuels are still available on the black market at most, although few people know that there is one.

    Sunny days and rainy days are pretty much in balance worldwide, so it is not surprising that almost 80% of the earth's land mass is fertile and mostly covered by plants. Only at the North and South Pole it is freezing cold as usual and a small part along the equator is covered with desert sand.

    However, temperatures have changed somewhat in some places, but this is due to the change in the angle of rotation.

    This changes, as is well known, by a few centimetres every fifteen years.

    Electricity is generated exclusively by water, wind power or photovoltaics.

    As a result, both nature

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