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100 Bullets, Band 10 - Dekadent
100 Bullets, Band 10 - Dekadent
100 Bullets, Band 10 - Dekadent
eBook192 Seiten40 Minuten

100 Bullets, Band 10 - Dekadent

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

D A S C R I M E - M E I S T E R W E R K NÄHERT SICH SEINEM FINALE! Der Krieg zwischen dem Trust und Agent Graves wird heftiger. Die Anführer der Gangster-Organisation stellen sich hinter ihren neuen Kriegsherrn und gleichzeitig wird der letzte der alten Minutemen reaktiviert. Die Messer sind gewetzt und die Fleischerhaken warten auf Gäste.
Erscheinungsdatum28. Jan. 2020
100 Bullets, Band 10 - Dekadent

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Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    The tenth collected volume of 100 Bullets is somewhat ho-hum, given a focus on the less interesting players among the major ongoing characters in the series. We get more of Lono and his endless supply of cartoon violence, this time paired up with Jack, who is apparently the most beautiful boy junkie in the world, having maintained an excellent physique all throughout a long period of drug addiction. And then there is a storyline involving a couple of minor New York gangster types who manage to challenge Lono in the unnecessary violence sweepstakes. It's all a bit silly and not quite up to snuff, although Eduardo Risso's artwork is as compelling as ever.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    All the Minutemen are finally active; we're starting to get some insight into the history of Graves and the Trust. How strange that after nine volumes, it seems like we've only now set all the pieces out on the board. That might be the greatest achievement of this series. Azzarello tap-dances so gracefully along the line between stalling for time and giving out too much information.


100 Bullets, Band 10 - Dekadent - Brian Azzarello

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