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100 Bullets (Band 12) - Das dreckige Dutzend
100 Bullets (Band 12) - Das dreckige Dutzend
100 Bullets (Band 12) - Das dreckige Dutzend
eBook128 Seiten27 Minuten

100 Bullets (Band 12) - Das dreckige Dutzend

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Agent Graves und seine Minutemen bereiten die finale Schlacht vor, um den Trust unter Kontrolle zu bekommen. Ein Mitglied der uralten Organisation, die Amerika praktisch unter sich aufgeteilt hat, unternimmt einen letzten Versuch, das Massaker zu verhindern. Doch daf r k nnte es l ngst zu sp t sein.
Erscheinungsdatum10. Juni 2021
100 Bullets (Band 12) - Das dreckige Dutzend

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Bewertung: 3.983606613114754 von 5 Sternen

61 Bewertungen4 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    These stories felt like recycled material, with very little new information. “Dirty” is an apt description of a weak entry in a once-strong series.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    With all the pieces finally starting to come together, I found myself wishing that Azzarello had taken a little more time to establish some context for the various members of the Trust. With the exception of a few main families, the only character development they seem to get is a brief snapshot before they get killed.

    I suppose that's the downside to writing about a secret group of puppetmasters -- describing them kind of defeats the purpose. Still, watching the Minutemen pick them off one-by-one without a greater sense of who they are and what roles they play in the trust seems to rob their deaths of a certain amount of impact.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Oh, 100 Bullets. How far will you go? Not for the faint of heart, this series of graphic novels is a must for anyone into gangland violence, mysterious cabals, double or triple dealing. You can almost smell the cigar smoke and blood coming out of the pages. One more volume to go, and so many more people to kill off. Don't worry though- the body count mounts plenty on this one. Repeated: not for the faint of heart.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The penultimate volume of the collected 100 Bullets is a definite improvement over the couple of previous installments in the series. While only five issues of the original comic are collected herein, Brian Azzarello's script manages to gain some much-needed life, and the ever exemplary Eduardo Risso manages to outdo even himself with some dramatic design and pen work. And it's worth noting the great coloring work by Patricia Mulvihill as well; there are some pages in this volume where the combination of Risso and Mulivihill's talents makes for a visually stunning result. If only Mr. Branch (my favorite 100 Bullets character) hadn't ended up so badly...


100 Bullets (Band 12) - Das dreckige Dutzend - Brian Azzarello

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