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100 Bullets, Band 1 - Der erste Schuss
100 Bullets, Band 1 - Der erste Schuss
100 Bullets, Band 1 - Der erste Schuss
eBook128 Seiten34 Minuten

100 Bullets, Band 1 - Der erste Schuss

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

100 Bullets Band 1 Die lang erwartete Neuauflage! Hier beginnt der Rachefeldzug von Agent Graves. Sein Angebot: Straffreier Mord – einen Koffer voller Beweise, eine Kanoni und 100 Schuss Munition. Zitate: "Ein geradezu kriminelles Meisterwerk." – Steranko "Tod, Macht, Sex, Geld, Geheimnisse und Kugeln: Das sind die einzigen Dinge, über die zu reden sich lohnt. Deshalb kaufe ich 100 BULLETS." – Warren Ellis "100 BULLETS ist wohl die beste Comic-Serie, die das Medium seit Jahrzehnten hervorgebracht hat." – Jim Lee
Erscheinungsdatum28. Jan. 2020
100 Bullets, Band 1 - Der erste Schuss

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Bewertung: 3.588235294117647 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The first volume of the collected 100 Bullets is great stuff - what starts off as a seemingly cliched bit of noir fiction takes on some really original and fascinating dimensions over the course of these pages. Eduardo Risso's world-class artwork is the main reason to visit this locale, but Brian Azzarello's story quickly begins to demand attention as well - at the end of this volume, I am generally eager to move on to the second volume and figure out where all of this is going to go. There's some silliness herein, so the series could go south into formulaic genre muck, or it could play to a set of obvious strengths and take readers somewhere they have never been before. Here's hoping the latter case proves to win out in future volumes...
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I've been intrigued by this for a little while and picked it up in the bookshop to read over coffee. The thing that got me to fork out the cash was the fact that the main character of the first story was female. I did like this volume. Trouble is, I honestly don't know if I want to read the next one. The stories were good, and there is some hint of a backplot and something bigger going on, but is it enough to keep this interesting over several volumes? I honestly don't know.Bechdel: pass.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A very fine crime novel with an intriguing premise. A man appears in your life with the promise of revenge. Someone ruined your life, and he has absolute proof of who did it. He also gives you a gun and 100 bullets that are completely untraceable. When the police find these bullets, they have to leave the case alone.This volume collects three stories of people who were given this opportunity. What happened to them doesn't really matter much; the point is what are they going to do and why.The concepts puts interesting characters into a place where their true values will be proved. A fun read, and I'm anxious to follow up with the other volumes.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A very unique comic. If someone offered you an untraceable gun and a chance for revenge, would you take it? I thought it was very unique in that it doesn't follow just one story line. That could get old very quickly, but instead is fascinating.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Well this is interesting. Can't say I love the art style, as it's kind o inconsistent and I hate how some of the faces end up, but the storyline is sufficiently intriguing enough for me to pick up the next volume at the library.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Art's not spectacular, but passable. Story is interesting, but not QUITE progressed enough to be fulfilling in this first collection -- a good start, and I'll read more, but I may go to the library for them rather than buying.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    What if you are offered the chance of revenge without having to worry about repercussions? Would you take it?In 100 Bullets, people who have sufferred in one way or othered are given this chance by Agent Graves - an gun and 100 bullets, untraceable. Plus the surefire proof that the people he says are responsible for ruining their lives are actually responsible.It's an interesting idea, and one that is carried out very well, I have to say. It's not a particularly uplifting read, of course, and I found the gang-slang especially in the first three parts very hard to read and thus it wasn't that easy a book to get into, but I like what the characters in question do with this opportunity. And there is of course the question why Graves is doing this. I think I'll definitely reading more of this series.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    100 Bullets is an ambitious crime drama comic series, of which this graphic novel reprints the first five issues.These first two story lines, "100 Bullets" and "Shot, Water Back", set up the premise the series is built upon. Individuals from all walks of live are approached by a mysterious man bearing an unusual gift; a suitcase containing a gun, one hundred untraceable bullets, and evidence pointing them to someone who has wronged them in the past.But the offer of unpunished retribution is far from simple than it sounds, as the people suddenly faced with this blank check for revenge suddenly find themselves dealing with the concepts of Justice, Innocence, Morality, Loyalty, and Retribution.Azzarello not only brings these philosophical dilemmas into the light, but also enhances them with mystery surrounding 'Agent Graves' and his offer. A chance at vengeance is a tempting offer, but what are the ulterior motives of the man with the briefcase? Does the chance to settle a score outweigh the risk of being used as a weapon for someone else's battle? What is truly at stake here, and who is really pulling the strings?The first two story lines in 100 Bullets take us from crooked cops and greedy gang bangers in the urban jungles, to internet crimes and corporate power brokers. The stories and situations are modern, yet there is an undeniable Noir tone throughout, an unrelenting mood that never lets you forget that, despite the occasional moments of brightness and levity, there are no happy endings when violence and vengeance become a part of the background.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Incoherent; crud slang usage, especially on the Mexicans; and although the "mystery" intrigued me enough to check Wikipedia, I was dismayed to find out it was to turn out to be total crap. Fucking agents and conspiracies. But the one story about the bartender loser was good, although I may just be easily swayed by that blonde girl's lips and thighs.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    The first of a great series (at least from the first half or so that I've previously read), but I think what makes this first volume so good is how well it stands on its own.

    It starts with a simple premise, that a man is handing out briefcases filled with an opportunity for justice. Two stories (and a brief epilogue) in which someone who's life has been torn apart is given a gun and a target. One pulls the trigger; the other doesn't. For neither one, however, does the gun itself bring any resolution. Both are able to change their lives, but the gun is little more than a catalyst.

    And that's all this series could have aspired to, but soon, those cases and the people to whom they're given will be little more than a catalyst to the rest of the story. There are tiny hints of this in the first volume, but so effortlessly presented that it can be appreciated as a beginning or solely on its own merits.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Overall I enjoyed this as it was well written and the framing narrative is intriguing enough to make me want to see where the writer takes it. However the first story was the weaker of the two, not to say it wasn't well done but the closed community and family themes didn't gel with the dog eat dog aspects for me. The second story was much tigher and more morally ambiguous and worked for me better as a piece of noir. I'm looking forward to which lies Agent Graves exposes next and looking forward to the next one is always a good sign.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Well-conceived and well written, but there was just something that didn't really come together for me with this story. I found myself more trudging through in the end rather than enjoying it.Take that with a grain of salt since the whole hard-boiled genre is among my least favorite.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Distinctive artwork and interesting premise, but this book just never really engaged me. Maybe it gets better in later volumes?

    I've liked Azzarello's more recent work on Wonder Woman, so maybe this story's just not for me.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen

    Damn! I am quite looking forward to seeing where this series goes.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This volume has three tales. I liked the second one the most by far! But mostly I liked the theme: If a stranger offered you the chance to get away with murder would you take it? Big time revenge going on here in all three tales! "Agent Graves" shows up, gives you a gun with one hundred untraceable bullets and get out of jail free passes, and you must decide if you will use them! Hmm...
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This perfect marriage between writer and artist. I'm a little beside myself for not having read this terrific series sooner. Azzarello nails character dialog in a way rarely seen in any written form. His bad guys have tude to the nth degree and always seem on the edge of gross violence. His two mystery men (agent Graves and Mr. Shepard) are not delved into at this point, but it's clear these are dark men with a long reach and intricate connections. Risso's art is crude, which is about the highest compliment I can think of for this particular project. Crude fits! The language, the actions, the moral dilemmas all face are base at heart. Of particular please is the numerous unexpected angles Risso uses to form the perspectives to his drawings. In one issue, viewers are looking up and out of a toilet to see two characters framed within the oval seat.

    If you like hard boiled mysteries, this is for you.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Sucks you in right away and leaves you wanting more!


100 Bullets, Band 1 - Der erste Schuss - Brian Azzarello

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