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All-Star Batman Collection
All-Star Batman Collection
All-Star Batman Collection
eBook250 Seiten58 Minuten

All-Star Batman Collection

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Über dieses E-Book

ALL-STAR BATMAN COLLECTION - DIE KOMPLETTE SERIE IN EINEM BAND! Die legendären Ausnahmekünstler Frank Miller (Sin City, 300) und Jim Lee (BATMAN: HUSH, JUSTICE LEAGUE) präsentieren eine intensive Neu-Interpretation der aus Rachgier geborenen Partnerschaft zwischen Batman und Robin. Ein atemberaubender Trip durch die Anfangszeit des dynamischen Duos, von dem man noch lange sprechen wird! Dieser Band enthält alle zehn Ausgaben der US-Reihe All-Star Batman and Robin, The Boy Wonder.
Erscheinungsdatum30. Nov. 2021
All-Star Batman Collection

Frank Miller

Frank Miller is an award-winning comic book writer, novelist, inker, screenwriter, film director, and producer best known for Daredevil, The Dark Knight Returns, Sin City, and 300, among others. He also created Cursed with Tom Wheeler, which is being adapted as a series for Netflix starring Katherine Langford. Visit him online at FrankMillerInk.com or on Twitter @FrankMillerInk. Known for his intense, hard-boiled storytelling and gritty noir aesthetic, Frank Miller is one of the most influential and awarded creators in comics, graphic novels, and film. The codirector of Sin City (based on his graphic novel) and an executive producer of 300 (based on his graphic novel series), his projects have been nominated for the Palme d’Or and have won the Harvey and Eisner Awards, including those for Best Writer/Artist, Best Graphic Novel Reprint, Best Cartoonist, Best Cover Artist, Best Limited Series, and Best Short Story. In 2015, Miller was inducted into the Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame for his lifetime contribution to the industry. He is also the creator of Daredevil’s assassin-for-hire, Elektra. Miller’s notable projects include: The Dark Knight Returns; Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again; Batman: The Dark Knight: Master Race; Batman: Year One; the award-winning Martha Washington miniseries Give Me Liberty; and Hard Boiled. Most recently, Miller completed writing and illustrating Xerxes: The Fall of the House of Darius and the Rise of Alexander, the highly anticipated five-issue companion epic to his award-winning series 300.

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