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Y: The last Man - Bd. 7: Extrablatt
Y: The last Man - Bd. 7: Extrablatt
Y: The last Man - Bd. 7: Extrablatt
eBook144 Seiten37 Minuten

Y: The last Man - Bd. 7: Extrablatt

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Mann über Bord Yorick Brown, der letzte Mann auf Erden, erreicht endlich das Land, in dem seine Verlobte Beth verschollen ist, seit die männermordende Seuche vor mehr als drei Jahren zuschlug. Unglücklicherweise ist der Besuch nur ein Kurzaufenthalt, denn die Reise, die Yorick und seine Gefährtinnen (die Regierungs-Agentin 355 und die Biochemikerin Dr. Allison Mann) nach Australien führte, geht weiter nach Japan, wohin Yoricks Äffchen Ampersand – das einzige weitere Männchen, das die Seuche überlebt hat, und möglicherweise der Schlüssel zur Heilung – verschleppt wurde. Bevor sie Ampersand weiter nach Norden folgen, bleibt Yorick ein wenig Zeit, Beth in den Relikten von Sydney zu finden. Doch seine Suche bietet einer Boulevard-Journalistin Gelegenheit für die Story ihres Lebens – eine Story, deren Konsequenzen weitreichender sein könnten, als alle annehmen.
Erscheinungsdatum29. Dez. 2020
Y: The last Man - Bd. 7: Extrablatt

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Bewertung: 4.054673540035273 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This one was fun but it was all over the place. I almost felt like Vaughan wasn't sure where he wanted to go next so he did a bunch of flashbacks to stall until he came up with something. There was a transition in the current timeline that left me feeling like a chapter was missing and then all the flashbacks got a little confusing. Hoping for more clarity in the last 3 books.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This installation of the Y story jumps around a bit in time and space from east to west coast USA, Australia and Japan. It is an example of when simply collecting comic book editions into a larger graphic novel doesn't work so well. It is still very entertaining however, filling in some backstory about 355, Yorick and Beth (and the *other* Beth) and even some of Ampersand's history.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Yorick, 355 and Dr. Mann are in Australia for a day, so Yorick insists on getting off the ship to search for his fiance. We also learn some background on 355's life, and a little bit about Yorick and Ampersand. I really liked this one. I found 355's backstory interesting and there were a few other interesting progressions in the storyline. They did go back and forth in time a few times (not only for 355's story), but the time and place are marked at the start of each section.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Yorick finally makes it to Australia! While Dr. Mann and 355 agree to let Yorick take a look for his long lost girlfriend Beth, they encounter more trouble than expected.

    This volume seemed more like a something Vaughn used to tie up loose ends. It felt as if almost nothing progressed here. We're met with two back stories that while interesting, failed to really alter the story in any way. That being said, it's not really all that bad, just not as great as the series has been.

    Books 6 and 7 didn't really leave as large of an impression on me as the earlier installments. I'm hoping that Vaughn has a plan here; that the series doesn't become a jumbled mess. I have 3 more entries to go and I have pretty high expectations! C'mon Vaughn, don't let me down!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen

    The story of Yorick and everyone had been going at a decent pace until this book. It stalled and felt more like filler. Granted I'm happy that Yorick finally had proof that Beth was alive but of course she left to find him. I also liked seeing Hero and other Beth meet up and the relevation of her condition.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I agree with other reviewers, it is starting to get a bit like Lost. Where the idea behind it is great and it was set up well, but the follow through takes a bit to long to get to the result. However, I liked it enough to move on to the next one.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Summary: On a brief shore excursion in Sydney (en route to Japan), Yorrick tries to hunt for word of his girlfriend, but runs up running afoul of a canny local reporter who's on the hunt for news of the last man on Earth. We also catch up with some old characters, and see the repercussions of Yorrick's actions over the past few volumes, plus we get some of 355's and Amersand's backstories.Review: Paper Dolls was not one of my favorite installments of this series. Plenty of stuff happened, but it felt like it came in too many small chunks without one overarching story, and while some of the chunks actually contained plot development, some of them didn't really feel like they were going anywhere. Maybe I'll be proven wrong and everything will tie together tidily in the end, but the drama feels like it's lost some of its urgency as the series goes on. 3.5 out of 5 stars.Recommendation: Not the best of the series, but still worth your while.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen

    A collection of shorter stories about Yorick and friends in Australia.

  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Volume 7 is a slightly dull installment in the Y: The Last Man saga. The goofy plot twists and improbable scenarios continue to flow without end, but compared to preceding volumes, this one has an abundance of so-so character explication and not so much advancement in the overall storyline itself. Still a fun read, but nothing like the fireworks that Vaughan and his collaborators have shown themselves capable of delivering.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Volume 7 of Y: The Last Man continues to follow Yorick and his friends in their efforts to find his fiance, but mainly to find his pet monkey and figure out why Yorick is the last male left on Earth. There is some decent progression in this volume, but a lot of time changes as well. We learn more of the history of Agent 355 and Yorick. The time changes might be a bit too crowded, as it was confusing at times to keep track of when and where the story was occurring. The volume is also to short, only 5 comic issues in this one, but I guess that is also a testament to how good the story is and keeps the reader waiting for more.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    What are the dreams of a capuchin monkey like? You get one answer in a great sequence featured in this volume. After the lull in volume six, the story kicks back into gear.


Y - Brian K. Vaughan

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